Hierarchical bubble size distributions in coarsening wet liquid foams

Edited by David Weitz, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; received April 21, 2023; accepted August 7, 2023
September 14, 2023
120 (38) e2306551120


Coarsening is a ubiquitous phenomenon in phase separations. It is widely observed in alloys, polymers, emulsions, foams, and even in biological systems. However, coarsening of materials where the two phases have comparable volume fractions is still poorly understood. To fill this gap, we performed coarsening experiments on aqueous foams in microgravity—free from gravity-driven destabilization. We discovered that coarsening naturally produces, besides large jammed bubbles, a significant proportion of small roaming bubbles. This hierarchical size distribution is surprising but could be general and exist in other coarsening systems. Foaming being a generic method to produce solid cellular materials with many applications, making use of these roaming bubbles opens up a new way of designing hierarchical materials.


Coarsening of two-phase systems is crucial for the stability of dense particle packings such as alloys, foams, emulsions, or supersaturated solutions. Mean field theories predict an asymptotic scaling state with a broad particle size distribution. Aqueous foams are good model systems for investigations of coarsening-induced structures, because the continuous liquid as well as the dispersed gas phases are uniform and isotropic. We present coarsening experiments on wet foams, with liquid fractions up to their unjamming point and beyond, that are performed under microgravity to avoid gravitational drainage. As time elapses, a self-similar regime is reached where the normalized bubble size distribution is invariant. Unexpectedly, the distribution features an excess of small roaming bubbles, mobile within the network of jammed larger bubbles. These roaming bubbles are reminiscent of rattlers in granular materials (grains not subjected to contact forces). We identify a critical liquid fraction ϕ, above which the bubble assembly unjams and the two bubble populations merge into a single narrow distribution of bubbly liquids. Unexpectedly, ϕ is larger than the random close packing fraction of the foam ϕrcp. This is because, between ϕrcp and ϕ, the large bubbles remain connected due to a weak adhesion between bubbles. We present models that identify the physical mechanisms explaining our observations. We propose a new comprehensive view of the coarsening phenomenon in wet foams. Our results should be applicable to other phase-separating systems and they may also help to control the elaboration of solid foams with hierarchical structures.
Liquid-phase separation is a common phenomenon in material processing or aging. In the late stages of separation, the dispersed domains grow, in order to decrease interfacial energy. This often occurs as the dispersed phase diffuses through the continuous phase. This process, known as coarsening or Ostwald ripening, is sometimes referred to as “thermodynamic capitalism” (1), where big entities get bigger at the expense of small entities which disappear.
Coarsening kinetics determines the microstructure of the materials, i.e., the average domain size and size distribution, which is why it has been studied in widely varying contexts. The coarsening of alloys has been extensively studied (2), but coarsening also affects crystallization of proteins (3), separation by chirality (4), synthesis of small particles of controlled microstructure including quantum dots (57), stability of foams and emulsions (810) as well as other complex liquid–liquid phase separations (11). Coarsening has recently emerged as an important route to protein compartmentalization within living cells (12).
The theoretical description of coarsening goes back to Lifshitz and Slyozov (13), and to Wagner (14), and is usually referred to as “LSW theory”. This theory is only valid in the limit of high volume fraction ϕ of the continuous phase. Nonetheless, the LSW theory correctly predicts the coarsening behavior in numerous systems, namely, that the time-dependent average domain radius increases with time as t1/3 and that the normalized size distribution of the domains (PDF) is invariant with time. Many efforts were subsequently made to account for the behavior at smaller ϕ by means of theoretical methods and by computer simulations (15, 16). However, the evolution of the growth regime in t1/3 toward the so-called “grain growth regime” in t1/2 established for vanishing ϕ remains mostly unexplored, both experimentally and theoretically. In view of the large variety of phase-separating systems and their existing and potential applications, improving the knowledge on this transition is highly desirable. We have chosen liquid foams as model systems because the domains are fluid and isotropic.
Liquid foams are metastable dispersions of gas bubbles in a liquid matrix (810). They are not only interesting model systems for coarsening studies, but also they have numerous practical applications. Solidifying the continuous phase of liquid foams yields solid materials which inherit the structure of their precursors. Solid foams are widely used for packaging, insulation, or as lightweight construction materials such as foamed cement or metallic foams. Their solid volume fraction is frequently chosen between 20% and 50%, to confer sufficient mechanical strength (17). The solid foam microstructure has an impact on its mechanical properties, for a given density. Hierarchical foam structures were predicted to have an order of magnitude improvement of mechanical strength-to-density ratio with just two levels of hierarchy (18). Therefore, such hierarchical structures self-assembled by foam coarsening, as we report here, could be of great interest for applications.
When the liquid volume fraction ϕ is large, the bubbles are spherical and isolated, and the dispersions are called “bubbly liquids” rather than foams. Coarsening is expected to lead to a bubble growth proportional to t1/3, as in Ostwald ripening. When the liquid fraction ϕ is decreased below a critical value, ϕrcp, contacts between neighboring bubbles are formed and their shapes progressively evolve from spheres to polyhedra in the limit ϕ0 (810). Equilibrium films separating neighboring bubbles have generally thicknesses of a few tens of nanometers. They are connected three by three to channels called Plateau borders, themselves connected at vertices. For disordered monodisperse foams, ϕrcp36%, and ϕrcp is expected to decrease slightly as polydispersity increases (19). Experiments with 3D foams of small liquid fractions have shown that the average bubble radius grows at long times as t1/2 (2023), in contrast with the t1/3 scaling observed in the case of Ostwald ripening. The value of the exponent is related to the mechanism of gas transfer between bubbles. In dry foams, it occurs mostly through the thin films between bubbles, whereas in bubbly liquids, gas is transferred through bulk liquid (24). Another important feature of coarsening is the shape of the bubble size distribution that is also expected to change with liquid fraction. Several experimental and numerical works (21, 2529) show that the normalized distribution is asymmetric, of the Weibull or lognormal type, in the regime associated with the t1/2 growth law, whereas for the t1/3 regime, it is more symmetric and narrower (13).
Foams evolve with time not only because of coarsening but also due to gravity drainage (810) and possibly due to rupture of liquid films separating neighboring bubbles, called coalescence. Since gravity drainage and coarsening are coupled, studying and modeling coarsening requires gravity drainage to be suppressed. Pioneering foam coarsening experiments were performed with dry horizontal 2D foams (single layers of bubbles) where drainage was not an issue (31). Studies of 3D foams on Earth are generally restricted to small liquid fractions ϕ0.1, where drainage is slow enough (20, 32).
To rule out artifacts related to gravity in 3D foams whatever the liquid fraction, we have performed foam coarsening experiments in microgravity, on board the International Space Station (ISS), where drainage is suppressed. Samples with arbitrary liquid volume fractions ϕ can thus be studied over long times, up to several days, as required to investigate the Scaling State of foam containing a significant fraction of liquid.

1. Results and Discussion

A. Excess of Small Bubbles.

We have investigated foam coarsening for liquid fractions between 15% and 50% using the instrument described in ref. 33. Details can be found in the Materials and Methods. The evolution of the bubble size has been studied elsewhere (34, 35). From the sample surface observations (a typical image is shown in Fig. 1A), we measure the bubble sizes using image analysis and determine the bubble size distributions of the radius normalized by its average ρ=R/R. The initial size distributions produced by our experimental setup are asymmetric (positive skew) with a maximum at ρ0.6 (see Fig. 1B for foam with 15% liquid fraction as an example). The normalized size distributions broaden with time, and a sharp peak builds up progressively for small bubble sizes, i.e., ρ0.3, until a stationary form is reached, indicating a Scaling State. This is shown in Fig. 1B for times t> 2,000 s. This evolution is typical of the measurements we have made for foams with liquid fractions within the range 15%ϕ<ϕ, with ϕ39%. The small bubbles corresponding to the peak in the distribution are highlighted in Fig. 1A. After an increase in the transient regime, they finally represent about 35% of the total bubble population in the scaling state (inset of Fig. 1B). We also measured the number of those small bubbles per foam vertex to reach a maximum average value of 1.5, due to space limitation in the vertices. As a consequence, the size distribution becomes invariant in time (statistically self-similar) as observed.
Fig. 1.
Excess of small bubbles. (A) Image of foam surface (ϕ=15%) in the Scaling State regime. Yellow stars have been superimposed on the image to highlight the small bubbles corresponding to the sharp peak in the distribution shown in (B). (B) Probability density function of normalized bubble radius ρ=R/R at different foam ages as indicated, for a foam with liquid fraction ϕ=15%. The curve corresponding to age > 2,000 s represents the Scaling State regime, for which the normalized distribution no longer evolves. Inset: evolution of the proportion of small bubbles as a function of time. The number fraction fsmall is obtained by dividing the number of bubbles with radius R<Rt by the total number of bubbles in the sample (see Section B for details). A change in Rt by ±5% induces a variation of fsmall smaller than the point size. (C) Probability density function of normalized bubble radius at different ages as indicated, for a sample with liquid fraction ϕ=8% studied on ground.
Up to now, such an excess of small bubbles has not been reported in the literature (21, 25, 27, 29). In order to check whether distributions with an excess of small bubbles are also found in drier foams, we have performed coarsening experiments using the same surfactant and a liquid fraction of 8%, low enough for gravity effects to be compensated in a ground-based experiment by rotating the cell around a horizontal axis (clinostat). As shown in Fig. 1C, we observed a similar excess of small bubbles. The small bubbles were thus seemingly present but not detected in previous studies. This is probably because high spatial resolution together with a careful image analysis is needed (36). The only experimental work we have found that indirectly relates to this is that of Feitosa and Durian (25), which reports the development of transient bidispersity for initially monodisperse bubbles in a steady state column, where drainage and coarsening occur simultaneously. In their simulations of 2D foam coarsening, Khakalo et al. (37) have observed an excess of small bubbles but the gas transfer through interstitial bulk liquid was not taken into account. Other peculiar size distributions such as “Apollonian” distributions were observed during the decay of beer foam (38) and with emulsions (39). In contrast to what happens in our systems, they arose from coalescence events.
For ϕ>ϕ, we have observed a different scenario: the initial bubble size distribution shrinks until a steady state is reached where the size distribution is notably narrow (SI Appendix, Fig. S1). The latter distribution is reminiscent of the theoretical distribution predicted for the Ostwald regime (13). Around ϕ, a change in the growth laws for the average bubble size is also shown for the same foam samples (34, 35):
The Sauter mean radius R32=R3/R2 is defined as the ratio of third to second moments of the bubble radius distribution.

B. Transition from Jammed Bubbles to Roaming Bubbles.

To clarify the origin of the hierarchical bubble population, we have identified bubbles that eventually disappear and tracked the evolution of their area. Fig. 2A shows examples of such measurements in a foam with ϕ=15%. Similar data are shown for other liquid fractions between ϕ=20% and ϕ=33% in SI Appendix (cf. SI Appendix, Fig. S2). Over time, the individual bubble area can either increase or decrease, depending on the bubble’s gas exchanges with its neighbors, but most of the observed bubbles eventually shrink (Fig. 2A). The magnitude of the shrinking rate appears to be initially similar to that characterizing the initial growing rate. Then, a transition occurs and the area decreases much more slowly. Actually, the shrinking after this transition can be extremely slow, and we think this is the underlying mechanism explaining why a peak at smaller than average bubbles builds up in the size distribution. Remarkably, the bubble radius at the transition, Rt, is such that its area At=πRt2 increases linearly with time, which is similar to the evolution of the squared mean radius in the Scaling State (Eq. 1). Moreover, the transition to the very small shrinking rate appears to occur when the bubble has become so small that it fits inside the interstice between three larger bubbles at the surface and possibly loses contacts with them as sketched in Fig. 2B. (Movies S1–S3). They are free to move throughout the interstice without being pressed against multiple neighbors. Such small bubbles can have different configurations in the interstice, i.e., near the center of the interstice or in contact with one bubble or two bubbles, but these configurations do not last for the entire life of the bubbles because their positions are jostled as the jammed bubbles intermittently rearrange due to the coarsening-induced dynamics (9, 40). We call the small bubbles roaming bubbles. Note that they are reminiscent of rattlers (grains carrying no force) in granular media (41). We conjecture that the bubble size at the transition, Rt, should scale as the maximum radius of a sphere that can be trapped in such an interstice at the wall surface.
Fig. 2.
Roaming transition: (A) Evolution of the area of individual bubbles as a function of foam age measured as the time elapsed since the end of the foam sample production, for ϕ=15%. The area At=πRt2 denotes the bubble area at the wall when its shrinking abruptly slows down (Text). Each label corresponds to a different bubble. (B) The transition to the very small shrinking rate was observed to occur when the foam bubble has become so small that it fits inside the interstice between neighboring larger bubbles. The corresponding geometrical transition can therefore be described as follows: When its radius is larger than Rt, the small bubble is a foam bubble, in the fact that it shares thin liquid films with its neighbors. In contrast, as its radius reaches values smaller than Rt, the bubble loses its contacts with its neighbors: it becomes a roaming bubble and its shrinking rate is strongly decreased. (C) Coefficient xn=Rt/R32 as a function of ϕ. Filled orange disks: values deduced from the tracking of individual bubbles. Error bars show ±3SD, to highlight the observed variability. Black stars/drawings: calculation of xn from the size of a hard sphere (in red) that can be inserted into the interstice formed by three spheres at the wall, assuming either a compact bubble cage (Bottom) or slight loosening (Top) of the latter. The dotted line corresponds to Eq. 4 with ξ=2.2.
Movie S1.
15.mov: overview movie of a foam coarsening in microgravity with ϕ = 15%. After t ≈ 2000s the foam reaches the scaling state, and we can appreciate the presence of small bubbles filling the foam interstices. These bubbles can be followed while roaming in the nodes and in the liquid channels, due to the rearrangements in the foam structure.
Movie S2.
38.mov: overview movie of a foam coarsening in microgravity with ϕ = 38%. After t ≈ 100’000s the foam reaches the scaling state. In this sample we can appreciate the role of adhesion: the spherical bubbles tend to stick together forming chains, in a gel-like behaviour. In the liquid space between the chains individual bubbles can be found, slowly dissolving similarly to roaming bubbles or bubbly liquids.
Movie S3.
50.mov: overview movie of a bubbly liquid coarsening in microgravity with ϕ = 50%. After t ≈ 20’000s the foam reaches the scaling state. The overall appearance is more homogeneous than in the previous cases.
In a coarsening foam that has reached the Scaling State, there is only one independent length scale of the bubble packing structure. Since the bubbles that form the interstices are bigger than the encaged roaming bubbles, we chose to characterize their average size by the Sauter mean radius. With respect to R, R32 indeed represents mainly the average radius of the larger bubbles of the distribution and minimizes the contribution of the small bubbles. At a time t, the maximum radius of a sphere trapped in such a vertex can be written, on average:
where xn(ϕ) is a dimensionless geometrical coefficient. We show in SI Appendix, Fig. S3 the plots of Rt versus R32 for each liquid fraction. The plots are reasonably described by Eq. 3, allowing the determination of the average coefficient xn for each liquid fraction (Fig. 2C). xn(ϕ) varies from 0.25 to 0.55 as ϕ varies from 15% to 38%, respectively. Using those xn values, the transition radii Rt collapse on a linear master curve when plotted versus xn(ϕ)R32 (cf. SI Appendix, Fig. S3).
We have performed a geometrical calculation of the size of the interstice between a plane and three perfect spheres of equal radius R32 in contact together and with the plane (Fig. 2C). This leads to xn=1/3. This value is smaller than what is measured for liquid fractions corresponding to the bubble random close packing fraction, i.e., ϕrcp31% (see Section D for more details), beyond which the bubbles are spherical. As the liquid fraction gets close to ϕrcp, the foam osmotic pressure, which pushes neighboring bubbles against each other at contacts, becomes very low, and it can be inferred that the cage formed by the triplets of bubbles of radius R32 loosens. Note that such a geometrical loosening effect is general and independent of friction (42). Therefore, as a correction to the previous calculation, a distance ϵR32 is added around each sphere (Fig. 2C). The coefficient now reads: xn=ϵ(2+ϵ)+43(1+ϵ)22(2+ϵ)13+ϵ, and it increases significantly due to the loosening effect: assuming a moderate loosening ϵ0.2 gives xn0.5 which is in better agreement with our measurements (Fig. 2C and Movie S2). It is reasonable to assume that polydispersity may also impact the size of the interstice. This effect can be estimated by considering two bubbles of size R32 and a third one with size βR32. It can be shown that in such a case, the coefficient reads xn13+0.11(β1). Therefore, the magnitude of the polydispersity effect is much weaker than the previous one, in addition to the fact that it can work in both directions, depending on the value of β, which we observed to vary in the range 0.3<β<1.5 (SI Appendix, Fig. S4). However, it is worth noting that a significant fraction of bubbles have a radius larger than R32, i.e., 1β1.5, and that almost half of the nodes are bounded by one such large bubble (see SI Appendix, Fig. S4 as an example for foam with 15% liquid). These findings suggest that the effect of polydispersity is only slightly positive and should only slightly increase xn, i.e., the size of the wall interstice. We conclude that the loosening of the bubble packing is the main effect accounting for the measured xn values.
To extend our prediction to any liquid fraction ϕϕrcp, we turn to ref. 43, where the radius of passage of a hard sphere through the liquid channels so-called Plateau borders was determined as a function of ϕ and bubble radius R in a monodisperse foam. Due to the uniformity of the capillary pressure through the foam, which sets the radius of curvature of the channels, and thus their cross-section, the bubble radius at the transition Rt should be proportional to this radius of passage. Following the approach proposed in ref. 43 we refer to the effective pore radius introduced by Johnson et al. (44): Λ(8k~/σ~)1/2R, where k~ is the dimensionless liquid Darcy’s permeability through the foam structure, i.e., k/R2, and σ~ is the ratio of the electrical conductivity of the foam to that of the foaming liquid. Therefore, the expression sought for xn is
where ξ is a geometrical coefficient to be determined. Note that the latter is expected to account for the loosening and polydispersity effects discussed previously. To continue, we now need expressions for k~ and σ~. Since Λ was initially proposed for solid porous media, the permeability should correspond to foam having rigid interfaces to mimic solid-like boundary conditions. As studied by Rouyer et al. (45), its expression is given by k~=ϕ2/(312(12.15ϕ+1.37ϕ2)2) within the range of liquid fractions 1%ϕ40%. For foams and bubbly liquids, Feitosa et al. (46) proposed an approximate analytical expression for σ~, i.e., σ~=2ϕ(1+12ϕ)/(6+29ϕ9ϕ2). Using these expressions, we set ξ=2.2 in Eq. 4 in order to get a predicted value of xn close to the measured value 0.53 for ϕϕrcp (Fig. 2C). Remarkably, the agreement with our experimental data is very good over the whole range of liquid fractions, which reinforces the physical picture that Rt actually corresponds to the size of the interstices formed by the jammed bubbles around the roaming bubbles. Note that in all of the above, nothing is really specific to the fact that we are looking at the wall. In bulk, typical interstices are formed by four bubbles in a tetrahedral assembly. The geometrical calculation for four bubbles in contact gives 3210.225, compared to 1/3 at the wall. Therefore, we can estimate xn for bulk by using Eq. 4 with coefficient ξ=2.2×(0.225/0.333)1.5. Provided this value is used, the behavior observed at the wall should be similar to the behavior observed in the bulk of the foam.

C. Dissolution Rate of the Roaming Bubbles.

In this section, we focus on the dissolution rate of the roaming bubbles in the range ϕ<ϕ. We first consider the data for times longer than those that mark the intersection of the dissolution curve with A(t)=πRt2 (Fig. 2A and SI Appendix, S2). We follow the evolution of the radius of roaming bubbles R(t) for R(0)Rt. For comparison, we similarly analyze individual bubbles roaming in the bubbly liquids (ϕ>ϕ), from the instant they start to continuously shrink. Several examples of the curves are presented in Fig. 3A. We observe that the following function fits well all the curves (48, 49):
Fig. 3.
Roaming bubble dissolution: (A) Radius evolution of dissolving roaming bubbles where each curve represents a single bubble. The solid lines correspond to fits of Eq. 5. (B) Average shrinking rate of roaming bubbles Ωr as a function of liquid fraction compared to the growth rate of average bubble size in the foam Ωp (Eq. 1, data from ref. 34). The lines are guides to the eye. Ωr values fall within the range (highlighted in green) predicted by the shell model (SI Appendix, Eq. 1), schematically illustrated by the inside drawing. Error bars correspond to ±1SD. The growth rate Ωp is strongly dependent on the liquid fraction, at the difference of the dissolution rate Ωr. (C) Measured shape parameter σ2 of the jammed bubbles size distribution (SI Appendix, Eq. 6) as a function of liquid fraction (blue circles). The (orange) continuous line represents the maximum packing volume fraction predicted for a lognormal distribution of spheres with shape parameter σ (19, 47). The gray vertical area highlights the range where σ and σ2 coincide, from which we deduce ϕrcp 30 to 32%. This also corresponds to the range of liquid fractions where Ωr is comparable to Ωp in B.
where the only fitted parameter Ωr represents the dissolution rate of the roaming bubble. Such fits were performed for all the liquid fractions and the average values of Ωr are presented in Fig. 3B. Ωr is found to depend only weakly on liquid fraction: Ωr 1 to 2 μm2/s. We also plot on Fig. 3B the growth rate Ωp that characterizes the coarsening of the foam in the Scaling State (Eq. 1). It appears that ΩpΩr for ϕϕrcp31%, and ΩpΩr for ϕrcp<ϕ<ϕ. This comparison reinforces our discussion in Section A: The size of the roaming bubbles, represented on the Left side of the distribution, varies more slowly than the average bubble size. As a result, the roaming bubbles accumulate in the interstices formed by the larger bubbles.
As the dissolution rate Ωr plays a crucial role in the accumulation mechanism of the roaming bubbles, we seek here to understand this value. The starting point is the comparison of our data with theory for the dissolution of isolated bubbles (48, 49), which gives the steady dissolution rate far enough from the final instant of bubble disappearance as Ωr=dR2/dt=2DmVmc(R)c=2DmVmHeP0(1ζ), where the saturation parameter ζ=c/HeP0 characterizes the gas saturation of the liquid environment, c(R) and c are, respectively, the gas concentrations in the liquid at the bubble surface and at infinity, P0 is the gas pressure at infinity, and He and Dm are, respectively, the Henry solubility and the diffusion coefficient of the air molecules in the foaming solution. Vm is the molar volume of the gas at the pressure P0. From the measured Ωr, we deduce an effective value for the saturation parameter: ζ=0.9730.987, which suggests that the bubbles dissolve faster than if they were isolated, and despite the presence of the large neighboring bubbles which impose at their interface a gas concentration larger than HeP0. To explain this apparent contradiction, it is important to understand that the gas transfer is controlled by the concentration gradient and not only by the concentration difference. Due to the short distances involved between the roaming bubble interface and the interfaces of the large neighboring bubbles, the concentration gradient around the roaming bubble reaches relatively high values compared to the case of the isolated bubble. Therefore, to mimic this situation, we consider the configuration illustrated in the inset of Fig. 3B, where a roaming bubble of radius R is centered in a cavity of radius Rt and is surrounded by a liquid shell of thickness RtR. The local concentration at the outside boundary of the shell is estimated as that at the surface of a bubble of average size R32. From Fick’s first law, we then predict the bubble dissolution rate Ωr in that shell environment (see more details in SI Appendix). For the range of values of R32 in the scaling state in our experiments and typical ratio R/Rt, we expect Ωr 0.75 to 4 μm2/s which provides boundaries consistent with the measured values of Ωr (cf. Fig. 3B).
A drawback of this shell-like model is that the roaming bubble is assumed to remain at the center of the interstice, which is not always the case. Indeed, we often noticed transient apparent contacts between the roaming bubble and either one of the bubbles delimiting the interstice or two larger bubbles forming a corner. These transient contacts can result from adhesive forces. We have indeed observed that under microgravity conditions, persistent aggregates form spontaneously in dilute bubble dispersions. In complementary ground-based experiments, we have observed a contact angle close to 34o (34). The underlying configuration may be an adhesive contact with the formation of a liquid film that slightly flattens the bubbles or it can be a near-contact with a small separation distance so that the roaming bubble is spherical. Since it was not possible to distinguish between these two types of contact, we estimated the dissolution rate for both cases (see details of the calculation in SI Appendix). In the range of average bubble sizes R32 of our experiments, assuming a film thickness effective for the transport of gas of the order of 40 to 60 nm (34), we found that the expected rates fall within the range of values measured for Ωr. This remains broadly true if the bubble is in a corner, where the corresponding dissolution rate is twice larger. Therefore, whatever the configuration considered for the roaming bubble in the interstice, we find values for its dissolution rate that are compatible with our measurements, which gives robustness to the proposed mechanism based on the accumulation of long-lasting roaming bubbles in the foam interstices.

D. Bubble Size Distributions and Random Close Packing Fraction in the Scaling State.

Let us analyze now the role of liquid fraction on the distribution shape. Details on the analysis are given in SI Appendix. Fig. 4 shows the normalized bubble size distributions observed in the Scaling State for each sample liquid fraction.
Fig. 4.
Bubble size distributions of normalized radius ρ=R/R for each liquid fraction as labeled. The data are represented by black continuous lines. The green dashed lines represent the bilognormal PDFs (SI Appendix, Eq. 6) fitted to the data. The red (resp. blue) shaded area corresponds to the roaming bubble PDF wL(r;m1,σ1) (resp. to the foam bubble PDF (1w)L(ρ;m2,σ2)) with the parameters given in SI Appendix, Fig. S5. In the plots for ϕ up to 38%, the width of the roaming bubble distributions is characterized by ρt, defined in SI Appendix, Eq. 8. For ϕ=15%, the dotted line is the PDF predicted for wet foams by Markworth (50) based on Lemlich’s model (51) for that ϕ. As a comparison, for ϕ=50%, the dotted line is the LSW prediction (15) (ϕ=1).
The PDF for ϕ=15% is the same as that of Fig. 1 in the Scaling State. It exhibits a prominent narrow peak, that we identified to the roaming bubble population in Section A, followed by a broad peak for the foam jammed bubble population. These features qualitatively persist up to ϕ<38% but the narrow peak progressively shifts toward larger ρ while its height decreases. For ϕ40%, PDFs exhibit a single peak, which is consistent with the fact that all bubbles should be roaming bubbles. PDFs become narrower as ϕ increases and their peak height increases. This qualitative change is also captured by the abrupt variation of statistical quantities like polydispersity (cf. SI Appendix, Fig. S5). None of the existing theories predict such distributions (15). These findings indicate a cross-over between qualitatively different PDFs occurring for a liquid fraction ϕ39%. This transition coincides with the observed change of growth laws Eqs. 1 and 2 and it is attributed to the onset of the formation of a foam gel due to weak attraction between bubbles as evidenced by finite contact angle at films junctions (34).
The expected jamming liquid fraction for randomly close-packed monodisperse hard spheres is ϕrcp=36%. However, polydispersity will reduce this value since smaller bubbles can fit into the interstices between larger ones. This effect has been predicted by numerical simulations of polydisperse close packings of spherical particles with lognormal PDF, as a function of the shape parameter σ (19, 47). In our foams, the close packing concerns the population of jammed bubbles, which are connected to each other via films. Therefore, we compare the measured shape parameter of the foam bubble distribution σ2 to the predicted ones (cf. Fig. 3C). We find them to coincide within the range ϕ=30% and ϕ=32%: We expect the close packing fraction ϕrcp of our foams to lay inside the range between these 2 values.
To provide an independent result of the close packing fraction of frictionless spheres with the polydispersity observed in our samples in the Scaling State, we have performed molecular dynamics simulations. Since here we are only interested in the geometrical sphere packing problem at the jamming point where the confinement pressure and interaction forces drop to zero with increasing ϕ, we expect the nature of the interaction law used in the simulations to have only a minor impact. Using Hertzian interactions, in the framework of the molecular dynamics code LAMMPS (Materials and Methods), we obtained ϕrcp=31.0 ±0.5%, in remarkable agreement with our analysis based on the work of Farr and Groot (19). Note that strictly speaking, our simulations only provide an upper bound for the optimal random close packing fraction of such polydisperse spheres, which may be obtained by more sophisticated simulation procedures described in the literature (52). However, in the context of our experiments, the truly relevant packing fraction is the one of a coarsening foam. In this case, we expect a local packing which is not exactly the most compact possible one. A jammed foam regularly undergoes rearrangements, helping it to settle into new minimal energy configurations. This implies that in between rearrangements, the packing is not always optimally close-packed. Simulations of this where we also replace the Hertzian interaction by the more realistic Morse Witten law (53, 54) are the subject of ongoing work.

E. Potential Consequences on Foam Properties.

The roaming bubbles represent a significant proportion of the total number of bubbles. As a result, exclusion of the roaming bubbles from the determination of the average radius leads to an up to 3-fold overestimation of coarsening rates, depending on the liquid fraction (34).
In terms of volume fraction with respect to the liquid volume, the roaming bubbles represent up to ten percent depending on ϕ. It can therefore be expected that their impact is important for certain properties. Roaming bubbles can also modify foam drainage, where they slow down the flow of the liquid. A study with solid spheres, located in the nodes of the liquid network of the foam, showed that such an amount of particles in the liquid could reduce the permeability of the foam by 40% (55). This shows the bias of systematically ignoring their presence. Let us mention that to date, this effect has never been taken into account in permeability modeling.
The presence of the roaming bubbles can be highly detrimental for applications of foams where the microstructure is an important parameter, all the more so if they migrate and accumulate in large proportions in certain places. Moreover, for a number of these applications, the interstitial liquid is a complex fluid, possibly with yield stress properties that will prevent gravity from evacuating the roaming bubbles: One expects to find relatively high volume fractions of roaming bubbles in such systems.
By examining some recent papers on foamed construction materials, we recognized traces of the presence of such roaming bubbles. For example in ref. 56, very small pores can be seen in the bulk nodes of cement foam solidified after coarsening, as revealed by the microtomography image. There is every reason to believe that literature is full of such examples.
On the other hand, one can make use of these roaming bubbles. Note that the stakes are high in terms of producing solid foam structures with hierarchical porosity, including both macro- and microscaled pores. Such structures have recently been produced by 3D printing (57) and they were found to present enhanced energy absorption properties and enhanced mechanical resistance to cyclic loading.

2. Conclusions

Studies of foam samples where the liquid fraction remains constant over periods of several days, without any confounding effects of gravitational drainage, reveal that, as demonstrated earlier for dry foams, wet foams evolve toward a Scaling State. In this state, the bubble size distributions show a well-defined peak toward smaller than average sizes, i.e., an excess of bubbles for sizes close to 0.3R. This feature is not predicted by existing theories. During coarsening, as shrinking bubbles become smaller than the size of interstices between the larger bubbles, they can move independently from the jammed bubble network to become roaming bubbles. Surprisingly, although we have been able to reproduce this effect on Earth, no previous experimental study mentions the presence of these small bubbles, except for a study of draining foams (25) but where roaming bubbles have not been identified as such. This suggests that, although their study has been underestimated, hierarchical bubble size distributions can build up on Earth if drainage is not too fast compared to dissolution and coarsening.
The dissolution rate of these roaming bubbles is approximately constant, whatever the liquid fraction of the samples. The dissolution rate is consistent with calculations based on the gas transfer through the liquid shell that surrounds the roaming bubble, or through the “contact” between one roaming bubble and larger jammed bubbles surrounding them. The key point in the accumulation of the small bubbles in the interstices formed by the larger bubbles, is the fact that the rate of disappearance of these bubbles is much smaller than the average growth rate of the jammed bubbles. This behavior is observed for foams with liquid fractions smaller than the random close packing fraction ϕrcp. For ϕ between ϕrcp and ϕ, where the bubble assembly approaches the regime of bubbly liquids, the rate of dissolution of the roaming bubbles reaches progressively the growth rate of the jammed bubbles, which suppresses the accumulation mechanism. As a consequence, the peak initially observed for liquid fractions ϕ<ϕrcp shifts toward R and a distribution almost centered on R, characteristic of bubbly liquids, is eventually observed. For ϕ above ϕ, none of the bubbles are confined.
In closing, we have shown the existence of naturally developed hierarchical bubble size distributions in coarsening foams. We present a comprehensive view of coarsening of wet foams, completely different from expectations, with a persistent coexistence of jammed bubbles with small roaming bubbles, and the existence of a range between ϕrcp and ϕ where foam bubbles are still jammed although not close-packed. These findings challenge our current understanding of foam coarsening and have potential implications in the design and performance of foamy materials. This view should not be restricted to foams but also be applicable to other two-phase systems driven by interfacial effects, such as emulsions, alloys, and binary fluid/polymer mixtures. It should be mentioned that recent studies of alloys with small volume fraction of the continuous phase suggest that the Ostwald ripening regime persists when ϕ is smaller than ϕrcp (16). The difference between coarsening of foams and alloys remains to be clarified.

3. Materials and Methods

The foams were made with aqueous solutions of an ionic surfactant, tetradecyl-trimethyl-ammonium bromide (TTAB), with purity 99% and used as received from Sigma–Aldrich. It was dissolved at 5 g/L in ultrapure water (resistivity 18.2 MΩcm). This concentration is 4 times larger than the critical micellar concentration and large enough to prevent coalescence. The surface tension of the TTAB solution measured at room temperature is γ=37.1 mN/m. The Henry solubility coefficient of the air molecules in the foaming solution is He=7.4106 mol m3 Pa1 and their diffusion coefficient in the foaming solution is Dm=2.0109 m2s1 (34).
The majority of the experiments were performed on board the International Space Station using the experiment container described in ref. 33. In this environment, the residual gravity acceleration fluctuations are reported to be on the order of or less than a μg, for frequencies below 0.01 Hz (58). Each foam cell was filled on Earth with a given volume of foaming solution (measured by weight at controlled temperature) and air, then hermetically sealed. The liquid volume fraction ϕ contained in each cell was deduced from the liquid volume and the total cell volume. After the completion of the experiments, the cells were sent back to Earth and we checked that their weight had varied by less than 1%. All the experiments were repeated three times and found reproducible, even a few months apart.
In addition, we made on Earth a clinostat experiment with a foaming liquid of composition identical to that of the ISS experiments. The foams were produced with the double-syringe method (36) filled with air and a volume of the foaming solution in order to set the liquid fraction to 7.8% ±0.2%. Note that the initial bubble size distribution with this foam production is close to that of the Scaling State. The sample was placed in a cylindrical cell (diameter 30 mm, thickness 12.8 mm) with transparent flat faces. The cell was kept with its symmetry axis aligned in the horizontal direction and rotated about this axis with a speed of rotation equal to 15 rpm.
Foam age is counted from the instant when the foaming process stops. Bubbles at the surface of the sample are recorded using a video camera. Every image (such as the one shown in Fig. 1A) was analyzed as described in ref. 36. We checked that the radial profile of liquid fraction remained constant throughout the measurement duration, indicating that the effect of gravity drainage was indeed counteracted and that the rotation did not induce radial drainage either in the clinostat. The bubble area A was deduced from the area inside the contour of the bubbles measured using the ellipses method (36). Finally, the bubble radius is calculated as R=A/π. In the ISS experiments, simultaneously to the video recording, the intensity of light transmitted through the sample was recorded, which provided the average bubble size in the bulk of the sample as explained in ref. 36. Our results showed that the evolution of the average bubble radius measured either at the surface or in the bulk is similar.
We also performed numerical simulations to evaluate the random close packing liquid fraction of the bubbles. In the framework of the molecular dynamics code LAMMPS (59), a cubic simulation box was filled by spheres with repulsive, Hertzian interactions with radii randomly chosen from a distribution corresponding to the one we observe experimentally for ϕ=33% in the Scaling State (Fig. 4). The number of spheres was of the order of 2,000, similar to our foam coarsening experiments at the largest investigated foam ages. To fill the simulation cell, we started with an initial cell volume so large that the sphere dispersion was highly diluted. Using the pressostat provided by LAMMPS, we then shrunk the cubic cell and compacted these structures until a very small osmotic pressure appeared. We then turned off the pressostat and equilibrated the sample for imposed simulation box volumes, varied by small steps around the previous value. The close packing fraction was estimated by plotting confinement pressure versus packing fraction and by detecting the ϕ value where zero pressure is reached within numerical accuracy. We did this for 5 different initial random seeds and found ϕrcp=31.0 ±0.5%. The way you compact a packing has a large impact on the final close packing fraction in frictional granular materials and to a lesser extent also in frictionless systems. To investigate this effect, we applied simulated gravity to dilute sphere dispersions as an alternative to the initial pressostat procedure. Kinetic energy was dissipated by introducing viscous friction in the contact law. This procedure mimics foams that form when a bubbly liquid is subjected to buoyancy, as it is common on earth. Once equilibrium was reached, we switched off gravity and simulated pressure versus packing fraction as previously. The final values of ϕrcp are within experimental error the same as those obtained with the pressostat.

Data, Materials, and Software Availability

All study data are included in the article and/or SI Appendix.


We acknowledge funding by European Space Agency and Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (via the projects “Hydrodynamics of Wet Foams”) focused on the Soft Matter Dynamics instrument and the space mission Foam-C, as well as NASA via grant number 80NSSC21K0898. Marina Pasquet, Nicolò Galvani, and Alice Requier benefited from CNES and ESA PhD grants. We are grateful to the Belgian User Support and Operations Centre team for their invaluable help during the International Space Station experiments. We also want to warmly thank Marco Braibanti and Sébastien Vincent-Bonnieu from ESA, Christophe Delaroche from CNES and Olaf Schoele-Schulz from Airbus for their continuing support.

Author contributions

S.C.-A., O.P., R.H., E.R., A.S., and D.L. designed research; N.G., M.P., A.M., A.R., S.C.-A., O.P., R.H., E.R., A.S., and D.L. performed research; R.H. contributed analytic tools; N.G., M.P., A.M., S.C.-A., O.P., and R.H. analyzed data; and N.G., M.P., S.C.-A., O.P., R.H., E.R., A.S., D.J.D., and D.L. wrote the paper.

Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interest.

Supporting Information

Appendix 01 (PDF)
Movie S1.
15.mov: overview movie of a foam coarsening in microgravity with ϕ = 15%. After t ≈ 2000s the foam reaches the scaling state, and we can appreciate the presence of small bubbles filling the foam interstices. These bubbles can be followed while roaming in the nodes and in the liquid channels, due to the rearrangements in the foam structure.
Movie S2.
38.mov: overview movie of a foam coarsening in microgravity with ϕ = 38%. After t ≈ 100’000s the foam reaches the scaling state. In this sample we can appreciate the role of adhesion: the spherical bubbles tend to stick together forming chains, in a gel-like behaviour. In the liquid space between the chains individual bubbles can be found, slowly dissolving similarly to roaming bubbles or bubbly liquids.
Movie S3.
50.mov: overview movie of a bubbly liquid coarsening in microgravity with ϕ = 50%. After t ≈ 20’000s the foam reaches the scaling state. The overall appearance is more homogeneous than in the previous cases.


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Information & Authors


Published in

The cover image for PNAS Vol.120; No.38
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Vol. 120 | No. 38
September 19, 2023
PubMed: 37708201


Data, Materials, and Software Availability

All study data are included in the article and/or SI Appendix.

Submission history

Received: April 21, 2023
Accepted: August 7, 2023
Published online: September 14, 2023
Published in issue: September 19, 2023


  1. foams
  2. coarsening
  3. Ostwald ripening


We acknowledge funding by European Space Agency and Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (via the projects “Hydrodynamics of Wet Foams”) focused on the Soft Matter Dynamics instrument and the space mission Foam-C, as well as NASA via grant number 80NSSC21K0898. Marina Pasquet, Nicolò Galvani, and Alice Requier benefited from CNES and ESA PhD grants. We are grateful to the Belgian User Support and Operations Centre team for their invaluable help during the International Space Station experiments. We also want to warmly thank Marco Braibanti and Sébastien Vincent-Bonnieu from ESA, Christophe Delaroche from CNES and Olaf Schoele-Schulz from Airbus for their continuing support.
Author contributions
S.C.-A., O.P., R.H., E.R., A.S., and D.L. designed research; N.G., M.P., A.M., A.R., S.C.-A., O.P., R.H., E.R., A.S., and D.L. performed research; R.H. contributed analytic tools; N.G., M.P., A.M., S.C.-A., O.P., and R.H. analyzed data; and N.G., M.P., S.C.-A., O.P., R.H., E.R., A.S., D.J.D., and D.L. wrote the paper.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interest.


This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.



Nicolò Galvani
Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Institut des NanoSciences de Paris, Paris 75005, France
Lab Navier, Univ Gustave Eiffel, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, CNRS, Champs-sur-Marne 77420, France
Marina Pasquet
Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Orsay 91405, France
Arnab Mukherjee
Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Institut des NanoSciences de Paris, Paris 75005, France
Alice Requier
Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Orsay 91405, France
Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Institut des NanoSciences de Paris, Paris 75005, France
Université Gustave Eiffel, Champs-sur-Marne 77420, France
Olivier Pitois
Lab Navier, Univ Gustave Eiffel, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, CNRS, Champs-sur-Marne 77420, France
Reinhard Höhler
Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Institut des NanoSciences de Paris, Paris 75005, France
Université Gustave Eiffel, Champs-sur-Marne 77420, France
Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Orsay 91405, France
Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Orsay 91405, France
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Center for Computational Biology, Flatiron Institute, Simons Foundation, New York, NY 10010
Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Orsay 91405, France


To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected].

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    Hierarchical bubble size distributions in coarsening wet liquid foams
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
    • Vol. 120
    • No. 38






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