One-dimensional hole gas in germanium/silicon nanowire heterostructures

July 8, 2005
102 (29) 10046-10051


Two-dimensional electron and hole gas systems, enabled through band structure design and epitaxial growth on planar substrates, have served as key platforms for fundamental condensed matter research and high-performance devices. The analogous development of one-dimensional (1D) electron or hole gas systems through controlled growth on 1D nanostructure substrates, which could open up opportunities beyond existing carbon nanotube and nanowire systems, has not been realized. Here, we report the synthesis and transport studies of a 1D hole gas system based on a free-standing germanium/silicon (Ge/Si) core/shell nanowire heterostructure. Room temperature electrical transport measurements clearly show hole accumulation in undoped Ge/Si nanowire heterostructures, in contrast to control experiments on single-component nanowires. Low-temperature studies show well-controlled Coulomb blockade oscillations when the Si shell serves as a tunnel barrier to the hole gas in the Ge channel. Transparent contacts to the hole gas also have been reproducibly achieved by thermal annealing. In such devices, we observe conductance quantization at low temperatures, corresponding to ballistic transport through 1D subbands, where the measured subband energy spacings agree with calculations for a cylindrical confinement potential. In addition, we observe a “0.7 structure,” which has been attributed to spontaneous spin polarization, suggesting the universality of this phenomenon in interacting 1D systems. Lastly, the conductance exhibits little temperature dependence, consistent with our calculation of reduced backscattering in this 1D system, and suggests that transport is ballistic even at room temperature.

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We thank C. Marcus, H. Park, and D. Reilly for helpful discussions. C.M.L. was supported by Intel, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the Army Research Office.


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Published in

The cover image for PNAS Vol.102; No.29
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Vol. 102 | No. 29
July 19, 2005
PubMed: 16006507


Submission history

Published online: July 8, 2005
Published in issue: July 19, 2005


  1. ballistic transport
  2. bandstructure design
  3. conductance quantization
  4. nanoscience
  5. single-electron transistor


We thank C. Marcus, H. Park, and D. Reilly for helpful discussions. C.M.L. was supported by Intel, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the Army Research Office.



Wei Lu
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Jie Xiang
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Brian P. Timko
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Yue Wu
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Charles M. Lieber
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138


To whom correspondence should be sent at the † address. E-mail: [email protected].
W.L. and J.X. contributed equally to this work.
Contributed by Charles M. Lieber, June 2, 2005

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    One-dimensional hole gas in germanium/silicon nanowire heterostructures
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
    • Vol. 102
    • No. 29
    • pp. 9991-10405






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