Seafood prices reveal impacts of a major ecological disturbance

Edited by Bonnie J. McCay, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ, and approved December 21, 2016 (received for review November 3, 2016)
January 30, 2017
114 (7) 1512-1517


Coastal hypoxia is a growing problem worldwide, but economic consequences for fisheries are largely unknown. We provide evidence that hypoxia causes economic effects on a major fishery that was once the most valuable fishery in America. Our analysis is also a breakthrough in causal inference for coupled human-natural systems. Although establishing causality with observational data is always challenging, feedbacks across the human and natural systems amplify these challenges and explain why linking hypoxia to fishery losses has been elusive. We offer an alternative approach using a market counterfactual that is immune to contamination from feedbacks in the coupled system. Natural resource prices can thus be a means to assess the significance of an ecological disturbance.


Coastal hypoxia (dissolved oxygen ≤ 2 mg/L) is a growing problem worldwide that threatens marine ecosystem services, but little is known about economic effects on fisheries. Here, we provide evidence that hypoxia causes economic impacts on a major fishery. Ecological studies of hypoxia and marine fauna suggest multiple mechanisms through which hypoxia can skew a population’s size distribution toward smaller individuals. These mechanisms produce sharp predictions about changes in seafood markets. Hypoxia is hypothesized to decrease the quantity of large shrimp relative to small shrimp and increase the price of large shrimp relative to small shrimp. We test these hypotheses using time series of size-based prices. Naive quantity-based models using treatment/control comparisons in hypoxic and nonhypoxic areas produce null results, but we find strong evidence of the hypothesized effects in the relative prices: Hypoxia increases the relative price of large shrimp compared with small shrimp. The effects of fuel prices provide supporting evidence. Empirical models of fishing effort and bioeconomic simulations explain why quantifying effects of hypoxia on fisheries using quantity data has been inconclusive. Specifically, spatial-dynamic feedbacks across the natural system (the fish stock) and human system (the mobile fishing fleet) confound “treated” and “control” areas. Consequently, analyses of price data, which rely on a market counterfactual, are able to reveal effects of the ecological disturbance that are obscured in quantity data. Our results are an important step toward quantifying the economic value of reduced upstream nutrient loading in the Mississippi Basin and are broadly applicable to other coupled human-natural systems.

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We thank Dan Obenour for providing annual estimates of the areal extent of hypoxia with alternative DO cutoffs (1.5 mg/L and 2.5 mg/L). Financial support for this research was provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Grants NA09NOS4780235 and NA09NOS4780186, the Fulbright Scholar Program, and the Research Council of Norway.

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Information & Authors


Published in

The cover image for PNAS Vol.114; No.7
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Vol. 114 | No. 7
February 14, 2017
PubMed: 28137850


Submission history

Published online: January 30, 2017
Published in issue: February 14, 2017


  1. hypoxia
  2. fisheries
  3. coupled human-natural systems
  4. bioeconomics
  5. spatial dynamics


We thank Dan Obenour for providing annual estimates of the areal extent of hypoxia with alternative DO cutoffs (1.5 mg/L and 2.5 mg/L). Financial support for this research was provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Grants NA09NOS4780235 and NA09NOS4780186, the Fulbright Scholar Program, and the Research Council of Norway.


This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.



Martin D. Smith1 [email protected]
Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708;
Department of Economics, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708;
Atle Oglend
Department of Industrial Economics, University of Stavanger, 4036 Stavanger, Norway;
A. Justin Kirkpatrick
Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708;
Frank Asche
Department of Industrial Economics, University of Stavanger, 4036 Stavanger, Norway;
Institute for Sustainable Food Systems, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-0240;
Lori S. Bennear
Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708;
Department of Economics, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708;
Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708;
J. Kevin Craig
National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Fisheries Science Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Beaufort Laboratory, Beaufort, NC 28516;
James M. Nance
National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Fisheries Science Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Galveston Laboratory, Galveston, TX 77551


To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: [email protected].
Author contributions: M.D.S., A.O., A.J.K., F.A., L.S.B., J.K.C., and J.M.N. designed research; M.D.S., A.J.K., F.A., and J.K.C. performed research; M.D.S., A.O., A.J.K., and L.S.B. analyzed data; and M.D.S., A.O., F.A., L.S.B., J.K.C., and J.M.N. wrote the paper.

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The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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    Seafood prices reveal impacts of a major ecological disturbance
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
    • Vol. 114
    • No. 7
    • pp. 1431-E1303







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