Maximizing the information learned from finite data selects a simple model
Edited by Larry Wasserman, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, and approved January 9, 2018 (received for review September 1, 2017)
Most physical theories are effective theories, descriptions at the scale visible to our experiments which ignore microscopic details. Seeking general ways to motivate such theories, we find an information theory perspective: If we select the model which can learn as much information as possible from the data, then we are naturally led to a simpler model, by a path independent of concerns about overfitting. This is encoded as a Bayesian prior which is nonzero only on a subspace of the original parameter space. We differ from earlier prior selection work by not considering an infinite quantity of data. Having finite data is always a limit on the resolution of an experiment, and in our framework this selects how complicated a theory is appropriate.
We use the language of uninformative Bayesian prior choice to study the selection of appropriately simple effective models. We advocate for the prior which maximizes the mutual information between parameters and predictions, learning as much as possible from limited data. When many parameters are poorly constrained by the available data, we find that this prior puts weight only on boundaries of the parameter space. Thus, it selects a lower-dimensional effective theory in a principled way, ignoring irrelevant parameter directions. In the limit where there are sufficient data to tightly constrain any number of parameters, this reduces to the Jeffreys prior. However, we argue that this limit is pathological when applied to the hyperribbon parameter manifolds generic in science, because it leads to dramatic dependence on effects invisible to experiment.
We thank Vijay Balasubramanian, William Bialek, Robert de Mello Koch, Peter Grünwald, Jon Machta, James Sethna, Paul Wiggins, and Ned Wingreen for discussion and comments. We thank International Centre for Theoretical Sciences Bangalore for hospitality. H.H.M. was supported by NIH Grant R01GM107103. M.K.T. was supported by National Science Foundation (NSF)-Energy, Power, and Control Networks 1710727. B.B.M. was supported by a Lewis-Sigler Fellowship and by NSF Division of Physics 0957573. M.C.A. was supported by Narodowe Centrum Nauki Grant 2012/06/A/ST2/00396.
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© 2018. Published under the PNAS license.
Submission history
Published online: February 6, 2018
Published in issue: February 20, 2018
We thank Vijay Balasubramanian, William Bialek, Robert de Mello Koch, Peter Grünwald, Jon Machta, James Sethna, Paul Wiggins, and Ned Wingreen for discussion and comments. We thank International Centre for Theoretical Sciences Bangalore for hospitality. H.H.M. was supported by NIH Grant R01GM107103. M.K.T. was supported by National Science Foundation (NSF)-Energy, Power, and Control Networks 1710727. B.B.M. was supported by a Lewis-Sigler Fellowship and by NSF Division of Physics 0957573. M.C.A. was supported by Narodowe Centrum Nauki Grant 2012/06/A/ST2/00396.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
For simplicity we consider only regular models; i.e., we assume all parameters are structurally identifiable.
See Fig. 5 for a demonstration of this point. For another example, consider a parameter manifold which is a cone, with Fisher metric : There is one relevant direction of length , and there are irrelevant directions forming a sphere of diameter . Then the prior on alone implied by is , putting most of the weight near , dramatically so if is large. But since only the relevant direction is visible to our experiment, the region ought to be treated similarly to . The prior has this property.
We offer both numerical and analytic arguments for discreteness below. The exception to discreteness is that if there is an exact continuous symmetry, will be constant along it. For example, if our Gaussian model Eq. 2 is placed on a circle (identifying both and , then the optimum prior is a constant.
The function is sometimes called the Bayes risk, as it quantifies how poorly the prior will perform if turns out to be correct. One of the problems equivalent to maximizing the MI (40) is the minimax problem for this (Fig. 1):The distributions we call expected data are also known as Bayes strategies, i.e., distributions on which are the convolution of the likelihood with some prior . The optimal from this third formulation (with ) can be shown to be such a distribution (40).
Using a normal distribution of fixed here is what allows the metric in Eq. 6 to be so simple. However, the qualitative behavior from the Poisson distribution is very similar.
If we have more parameters than measurements, then the model must be singular. In fact the exponential model of Fig. 4 is already slightly singular, since does not change the data; we could cure this by restricting to , or by working with , to obtain a regular model.
**Edges of the parameter manifold give simpler models not only in the sense of having fewer parameters, but also in an algorithmic sense. For example, the Michaelis–Menten model is analytically solvable (52) in a limit which corresponds to a manifold boundary (53). Stable linear dynamical systems of order are model boundaries of order systems (54). Taking some parameter combinations to the extreme can lock spins into Kadanoff blocks (53).
Model selection usually starts from a list of models to be compared, in our language a list of submanifolds of . We can also consider maximizing mutual information in this setting, rather than with an unconstrained function , and unsurprisingly we observe a similar preference for highly flexible simpler models. This is also discussed in Eq. S3.
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The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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