Informing geometric deep learning with electronic interactions to accelerate quantum chemistry
Edited by Klavs Jensen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA; received April 1, 2022; accepted June 6, 2022
The interplay between molecular simulation and artificial intelligence has spurred many insights into chemical discovery, yet the data requirement of machine learning approaches remains a bottleneck. We tackle this challenge by developing a rigorous framework to conserve the symmetries of quantum chemical systems within deep neural networks. Our framework greatly improves the prediction of numerous molecular electronic and energetic properties, even for systems far from the training data. Through tight integration of quantum theory, geometry, and machine learning, our study offers a solution to vastly accelerate the in silico modelling of chemical phenomena in many domains, such as material design and catalysis.
Predicting electronic energies, densities, and related chemical properties can facilitate the discovery of novel catalysts, medicines, and battery materials. However, existing machine learning techniques are challenged by the scarcity of training data when exploring unknown chemical spaces. We overcome this barrier by systematically incorporating knowledge of molecular electronic structure into deep learning. By developing a physics-inspired equivariant neural network, we introduce a method to learn molecular representations based on the electronic interactions among atomic orbitals. Our method, OrbNet-Equi, leverages efficient tight-binding simulations and learned mappings to recover high-fidelity physical quantities. OrbNet-Equi accurately models a wide spectrum of target properties while being several orders of magnitude faster than density functional theory. Despite only using training samples collected from readily available small-molecule libraries, OrbNet-Equi outperforms traditional semiempirical and machine learning–based methods on comprehensive downstream benchmarks that encompass diverse main-group chemical processes. Our method also describes interactions in challenging charge-transfer complexes and open-shell systems. We anticipate that the strategy presented here will help to expand opportunities for studies in chemistry and materials science, where the acquisition of experimental or reference training data is costly.
Data Availability
Source data for results described in the text and SI Appendix, the training dataset, code, and evaluation examples have been deposited in Zenodo ( (99).
Z.Q. acknowledges graduate research funding from Caltech and partial support from the Amazon–Caltech AI4Science fellowship. A.A. and T.F.M. acknowledge partial support from the Caltech DeLogi fund, and A.A. acknowledges support from a Caltech Bren professorship. Z.Q. acknowledges Bo Li, Vignesh Bhethanabotla, Dani Kiyasseh, Hongkai Zheng, Sahin Lale, and Rafal Kocielnik for proofreading and helpful comments on the manuscript.
Supporting Information
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Copyright © 2022 the Author(s). Published by PNAS. This article is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND).
Data Availability
Source data for results described in the text and SI Appendix, the training dataset, code, and evaluation examples have been deposited in Zenodo ( (99).
Submission history
Received: April 1, 2022
Accepted: June 6, 2022
Published online: July 28, 2022
Published in issue: August 2, 2022
Z.Q. acknowledges graduate research funding from Caltech and partial support from the Amazon–Caltech AI4Science fellowship. A.A. and T.F.M. acknowledge partial support from the Caltech DeLogi fund, and A.A. acknowledges support from a Caltech Bren professorship. Z.Q. acknowledges Bo Li, Vignesh Bhethanabotla, Dani Kiyasseh, Hongkai Zheng, Sahin Lale, and Rafal Kocielnik for proofreading and helpful comments on the manuscript.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
Competing Interests
Competing interest statement: A patent application related to this work has been filed. A.S.C., M.W., F.R.M., and T.F.M. are employees of Entos, Inc. or its affiliates. The software used for computing input features and gradients is proprietary to Entos, Inc.
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