A small RNA promotes siderophore production through transcriptional and metabolic remodeling

Edited* by Susan Gottesman, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, and approved July 20, 2010 (received for review June 3, 2010)
August 9, 2010
107 (34) 15223-15228


Siderophores are essential factors for iron (Fe) acquisition in bacteria during colonization and infection of eukaryotic hosts, which restrain iron access through iron-binding protein, such as lactoferrin and transferrin. The synthesis of siderophores by Escherichia coli is considered to be fully regulated at the transcriptional level by the Fe-responsive transcriptional repressor Fur. Here we characterized two different pathways that promote the production of the siderophore enterobactin via the action of the small RNA RyhB. First, RyhB is required for normal expression of an important enterobactin biosynthesis polycistron, entCEBAH. Second, RyhB directly represses the translation of cysE, which encodes a serine acetyltransferase that uses serine as a substrate for cysteine biosynthesis. Reduction of CysE activity by RyhB allows serine to be used as building blocks for enterobactin synthesis through the nonribosomal peptide synthesis pathway. Thus, RyhB plays an essential role in siderophore production and may modulate bacterial virulence through optimization of siderophore production.
In a mammalian host at neutral pH, iron (Fe) is mostly inaccessible to bacteria, because it is either insoluble in its ferric (Fe3+) form or is bound to host proteins such as serum transferrin, which comprise the first line of host defense against bacterial pathogens (13). Thus, to scavenge extracellular Fe3+, many bacteria have developed uptake strategies using high-affinity molecules known as siderophores (46). Because they are often critical to survival within the host, many siderophores synthesized by pathogenic bacteria are virulence factors (7, 8).
The archetypal siderophore, called enterobactin, is produced by Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, Shigella dysenteriae, and Klebsiella pneumoniae species (5). Synthesis of enterobactin (see Fig. S1 for synthesis pathway) depends on 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB) and serine, which are assembled together by the nonribosomal peptide synthesis machinery (9). To synthesize DHB, the primary metabolite shikimate is first converted into chorismate (by AroK, AroA, and AroC), which is then converted into DHB through the action of EntC, EntB, and EntA (10). The final assembly of DHB and serine into enterobactin depends on the action of EntD, EntB, EntE, and EntF (11). Once enterobactin has been synthesized, it is transported through the inner membrane by EntS (12) and the outer membrane by TolC (13). Outside the cell, enterobactin will bind to ferric Fe (Fe3+) with an extremely high affinity (14). Then, Fe-loaded enterobactin complexes are imported into the cell through the outer membrane receptor FepA protein and the TonB energy transducer system found in the cell envelope (15, 16).
When bacterial intracellular Fe levels become sufficiently high, transcription of Fe uptake genes is repressed by the Fur (Ferric uptake regulator) protein (1719). Fe-complexed Fur binds to the promoters of a number of genes involved in Fe uptake to repress transcription initiation (20). In contrast, at low Fe concentrations, Fur becomes inactive, which relieves the repression of genes involved in the biosynthesis, export, and import of siderophores.
Although the Fe3+-siderophore import mechanisms are well defined, molecular mechanisms governing siderophore biosynthesis and export are much less characterized (reviewed in refs. 5, 21). The biosynthesis of catecholate siderophores in E. coli as well as other medically important bacterial species depends on chorismate, a metabolite produced as part of the shikimate pathway (22). The shikimate pathway is also responsible for synthesis of aromatic amino acids and folic acid, as well as ubiquinone (22). In bacteria, shikimate can either be synthesized de novo or imported from the extracellular environment through the inner membrane-bound permease ShiA (23). We recently reported that the activation of ShiA translation depends on the 90-nucleotide small regulatory RNA (sRNA) RyhB (24). RyhB sRNA is specifically expressed under low Fe conditions through Fur to help the cell adapt to depleted Fe conditions (2427). As RyhB represses about 20 transcripts encoding abundant Fe-using proteins, an increase in free intracellular Fe level, namely Fe sparing, is observed (27, 28). Remarkably, RyhB also partially regulates fur translation (29). However, no physiological consequence of this regulation has ever been reported.
Here, we describe the essential role of RyhB sRNA in the normal production of the siderophore enterobactin through posttranscriptional mechanisms. RyhB expression allows normal levels of entCEBAH, which is a critical transcript encoding for part of the siderophore synthesis machinery. In ΔryhB cells, the operon is reduced by a 3-fold factor, which correlates with reduced enterobactin production. In addition, we observed that the gene cysE, encoding the enzyme serine acetyltransferase that uses serine in the first step of the pathway necessary to synthesize cysteine, must be repressed through RyhB action to allow siderophore production. Inactivation of cysE in a ΔryhB background permits recovery of the siderophore production to WT level. The cysE mRNA is the first RyhB target that is not encoding an Fe-using protein. With this work, we demonstrate two essential posttranscriptional mechanisms that were unsuspected in the mechanism of siderophore synthesis.


The sRNA RyhB Is Essential for Siderophore Production in Fe-Limited Conditions.

The production of siderophores from E. coli K-12 was monitored for WT and ΔryhB cells growing in minimal M63 medium with or without addition of 1 μM FeSO4. In absence of Fe, the WT strain produces a considerable amount of siderophores (Fig. 1A, lane 2), which migrates to the same level as the purified enterobactin control (lane 1). In contrast, we observed a dramatic decrease in siderophore production in the ΔryhB mutant even in the absence of Fe (Fig. 1A, lane 4). This is unexpected because, to our knowledge, almost every gene involved in siderophore biosynthesis and export is known to be regulated at the promoter level by Fur (30). These data indicate that even in low Fe conditions, when Fur is inactive, RyhB has a critical role in biosynthesis and/or secretion of siderophores.
Fig. 1.
The sRNA RyhB is essential for siderophore production in Fe-limited conditions. (A) Siderophore production as detected by TLC performed on E. coli WT, ΔryhB, Δfur, and ΔryhB Δfur strains growing in M63 minimal medium in the absence or presence of 1 μM of FeSO4. The asterisk represents the loading spot on the TLC. (B) Determination of siderophore production by LC–MS on strains grown in the presence of increasing amounts of FeSO4 (from 0 to 5 μM). Siderophore concentration at 0 μM Fe: WT (30.4 μM), ΔryhB (9.8 μM), Δfur (58.2 μM), and Δfur ΔryhB (48.5 μM). (C) Determination by LC–MS of siderophores produced in WT, ΔryhB, and ΔryhB overproducing RyhB (pRS–c25) or not (empty vector pRS1551).
Because the expression of siderophore genes is strongly linked to the Fur regulon, we examined the effect of a Δfur mutation in a ΔryhB mutant. Our results indicate that inactivation of fur in a ΔryhB background restores the production of siderophores to a level similar to that of the WT (Fig. 1A, compare lanes 2 and 8). Nevertheless, the double Δfur ΔryhB mutant produces significantly fewer siderophores than the Δfur mutant (Fig. 1A, compare lanes 6 and 8). This suggests that even in the absence of fur, when siderophore biosynthesis genes are fully derepressed, RyhB expression still enhances the production of enterobactin. These results demonstrate a specific role for RyhB in the production of siderophores. Notably in the conditions we used, the growth curves for all cells were comparable with or without Fe supplementation as determined on a bioscreen (Fig. S2).
To investigate the role of RyhB in enterobactin production, we quantified the levels of enterobactin siderophores produced from cells growing in increasing amounts of Fe. To do this, we measured siderophores directly from culture supernatants using liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC–MS). The amounts of siderophores produced during growth without Fe (Fig. 1B) are consistent with the data observed by TLC (Fig. 1A lanes 2, 4, 6, and 8). When Fe was added at 1 μM in the culture, the WT strain shows reduced siderophore production (Fig. 1B), which is consistent with the conventional idea that more Fe enables Fur to shut down ent genes. As expected, when RyhB is expressed from a plasmid vector in ΔryhB cells, the production of siderophores becomes similar to that of WT cells (Fig. 1C, pRS-c25).

RyhB Is Essential for Intracellular Fe Homeostasis and Fe Sparing Under Low Fe Conditions.

The reduction of siderophores observed in a ΔryhB mutant raises the possibility that, without RyhB, the free intracellular Fe becomes sufficiently elevated to activate the Fur repressor. Thus, we monitored the intracellular concentration of free Fe by using electron-paramagnetic resonance (EPR) on various cells (31). Our results demonstrate that, when ΔryhB cells grow in M63 medium without Fe, they have about 3-fold less free intracellular Fe than WT cells (Fig. 2, compare WT and ΔryhB, without Fe). Therefore, we cannot conclude that siderophore production decreases in the ΔryhB mutant because of increased free Fe and Fur activation. However, this confirms that RyhB increases free intracellular Fe levels in the WT background growing under Fe starvation (Fig. 2, compare columns 1 and 3), demonstrating the Fe-sparing activity of RyhB.
Fig. 2.
RyhB is essential for intracellular Fe homeostasis and Fe-sparing under low Fe conditions as determined by EPR. Cells were grown in the absence or presence of 1 μM of FeSO4 until an OD600 of 0.9, at which point they were assayed for free intracellular Fe (see Materials and Methods for details).
In addition, although the Δfur cells (column 5) have about 4-fold more free intracellular Fe than WT cells (column 1), the double Δfur ΔryhB cells (column 7) have as little free Fe as the ΔryhB cells (column 3) when grown without Fe. This demonstrates the strong effect of RyhB on the levels of free intracellular Fe. However, when 1 μM Fe was added to the culture, both the ΔryhB and the Δfur ΔryhB cells (columns 4 and 8) demonstrated a dramatic increase in free intracellular Fe. In contrast, the WT cells do not show any significant variation whether Fe is present or not (columns 1 and 2), demonstrating the robust mechanism for maintaining intracellular Fe homeostasis when both Fur and RyhB are functional.

RyhB Is Required for Normal Expression of Siderophore Synthesis Genes in Fe-Restricted Medium.

As shown in Fig. 2, the free intracellular Fe is dramatically decreased in a ΔryhB mutant as compared with WT under low Fe growth conditions. This low Fe availability leads one to expect that, in the ΔryhB mutant, the Fur repressor must be inactive and Fur-regulated genes are fully derepressed. This was tested by monitoring the mRNA level of several genes involved in siderophore synthesis (entC, entB, and entA), secretion (entS and tolC), uptake (fepA), and transcriptional regulation (fur). In fact, the results in Fig. 3A clearly indicate that not only entC, entB, and entA genes are not derepressed but they are significantly reduced in the ΔryhB background as compared with WT at OD600 of 0.9 and 1.2 (ratio ΔryhB/WT <1). In contrast, both entS and tolC mRNAs remained equally expressed whether RyhB is present or not (ratio ΔryhB/WT ∼1). Although entC, entB, entA, fepA, entS, and fur are Fur-regulated genes, tolC expression is independent from Fur. Because entS and fur are not affected in these conditions, we cannot conclude that all Fur-regulated genes are repressed in ΔryhB cells. Thus, even if intracellular Fe is low enough to inactivate Fur repression, we nevertheless observe significant repression of many Fur-regulated genes in ΔryhB cells.
Fig. 3.
RyhB is required for normal expression of siderophore synthesis genes in Fe-restricted medium. (A) Quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) showing the ratio of transcript level (ΔryhB/WT) for several mRNAs involved in enterobactin synthesis (entCEBAH), enterobactin secretion (tolC and entS), enterobactin uptake (fepA), and transcriptional regulation (fur). The transcript levels were determined at OD600 of 0.9 (white bars) and 1.2 (gray bars). (B) The addition of DHB to the culture medium restores siderophore production specifically in ΔryhB cells. Siderophore production as detected by TLC performed on E. coli WT and ΔryhB strains growing in M63 minimal medium in the absence or presence of 5 μM of DHB. The asterisk represents the loading spot on the TLC.
The previous results in Figs. 2 and 3A demonstrate that even though intracellular free Fe is low in a ΔryhB mutant, it is not sufficient to induce Fur-regulated genes. This suggests that Fur is still active under low Fe in a ΔryhB mutant. Indeed, RyhB was previously shown to partially repress fur translation (29). Thus, when growing under Fe starvation we expect Fur protein level to be higher in ΔryhB cells as compared with WT cells. However, as shown in Fig. S3, a Western blot performed from cells expressing RyhB (WT) or not (ΔryhB) indicates that the Fur protein levels are similar in ΔryhB background as compared with WT. This demonstrates that RyhB does not affect fur translation in WT cells growing under Fe starvation. These data suggest that increased Fe, through the Fe-sparing action of RyhB, plays a key role in activating the expression of enterobactin synthesis genes. We tested this hypothesis by monitoring the effect of Fe on the levels of a number of transcripts in ΔryhB Δfur cells, which should not have any Fe-dependent effectors. As shown in Fig. S4, the mRNA levels of genes related to enterobactin, namely entCEBAH, entS, and fepA are significantly higher in ΔryhB Δfur cells in the presence of 1 μM FeSO4. Thus, when growing under Fe starvation, RyhB-expressing cells will have increased intracellular Fe (Fig. 2, compare columns 1 and 3), which may contribute to the transcriptional activity or transcript stability of genes involved in synthesis of enterobactin.
The entCEBAH polycistron is required for the synthesis of DHB, which is one of the building blocks for enterobactin synthesis (Fig. S1). If entCEBAH expression is reduced in a ΔryhB mutant, then DHB may not be sufficiently synthesized to allow siderophore production. To investigate this, we supplemented DHB in our ΔryhB culture and monitored siderophore synthesis. As shown in Fig. 3B, the addition of 5 μM DHB to WT and ΔryhB cells increases dramatically the production of siderophores specifically in ΔryhB cells. This demonstrates that DHB is limiting in ΔryhB cells, most likely due to reduced expression of siderophore synthesis genes (entCEBAH), as shown in Fig. 3A.

RyhB sRNA Pairs in Vitro with cysE mRNA to Reduce Translation Initiation.

Although an explanation for the low entCEBAH expression in ΔryhB cells remains elusive, another role for RyhB in regulation of siderophore synthesis was observed. In addition to DHB, the synthesis of enterobactin depends on the availability of the amino acid serine as a substrate. Serine is added to DHB through the nonribosomal peptide synthesis (9) in the final steps of the synthesis pathway to form enterobactin (Fig. S1). By using the bioinformatic tool TargetRNA (32), we observed that the gene cysE, encoding serine acetyltransferase, is a potential mRNA target of RyhB (see pairing in Fig. 4A). Serine acetyltransferase converts serine to O-acetyl-l-serine as the first step in the synthesis of cysteine. Because serine acetyltransferase (CysE) activity could limit the availability of serine for enterobactin synthesis, we reasoned that, under low Fe conditions, RyhB might reduce cysE expression to retain sufficient serine for enterobactin assembly. To address this, we used in vitro RNase T1 (cleaves unpaired guanines) and TA (cleaves unpaired adenines) and lead acetate (PbAc, cleaves any unpaired residues) assays for RyhB pairing with cysE mRNA. As demonstrated in Fig. 4B, RyhB clearly pairs at the ribosome-binding site of cysE mRNA. This result suggests that RyhB pairing with cysE mRNA inhibits translation initiation. We tested this hypothesis by using in vitro toeprint assays. As shown in Fig. 4C, the presence of RyhB (lane 11) clearly blocks the binding of the 30S ribosome subunit on the cysE mRNA as compared with cysE without RyhB (lane 7). These results strongly suggest that RyhB specifically binds to cysE mRNA to reduce translation initiation.
Fig. 4.
RyhB sRNA pairs with cysE mRNA to reduce translation initiation. (A) Potential pairing between the sRNA RyhB and cysE mRNA. The ribosome-binding site of cysE is underlined and the first AUG codon is in bold. (B) In vitro pairing between the sRNA RyhB and 5′-end radiolabeled cysE mRNA as determined by RNase TI, RNase TA, and PbAc probing. Lane C is the control 5′-end radiolabeled cysE mRNA alone, lane OH is treated with NaOH, and TI is treated with RNase TI in denaturing conditions. The 5′-end radiolabeled cysE mRNA was incubated either with RNase TI (lanes 4, without RyhB and 5, with RyhB), RNase TA (lanes 6, without RyhB and 7, with RyhB), or PbAc (lanes 8, without RyhB and 9, with RyhB). The observed pairing between cysE and RyhB correlates with the potential pairing as shown in A. (C) Toeprint assay indicating that RyhB prevents cysE translation initiation by blocking the binding of ribosomal 30S subunit on the cysE mRNA. The GcvB sRNA was used as a negative control.

RyhB Directly Reduces CysE Expression in Vivo.

We then monitored the cysE translation activity by using a protein fusion with the lacZ reporter gene in vivo. As shown in Fig. 5A, the expression of the cysE′–′lacZ translational fusion is significantly reduced in the WT background as compared with ΔryhB cells. This demonstrates that RyhB efficiently reduces CysE protein level, and most likely serine acetyltransferase activity. To confirm pairing in vivo, we expressed either RyhB or the mutated RyhB6 construct from an arabinose-inducible vector and monitored the effect on WT cysE′–′lacZ and mutated cysE6′–′lacZ fusions (described in Fig. S5). As shown in Fig. 5B, the expression of the RyhB6 affects only the complementary cysE6′–′lacZ construct without affecting the WT cysE′–′lacZ fusion. This demonstrates that RyhB directly represses cysE translation in vivo.
Fig. 5.
RyhB directly reduces CysE expression in vivo. (A) β-Galactosidase assays of the translational cysE'–'lacZ reporter fusion in WT and ΔryhB cells grown in minimal M63 medium without Fe at different OD600 (0.3, 0.6, and 0.9). (B) The effect of arabinose-induced WT RyhB and mutated RyhB6 on the translational WT cysE'–'lacZ and mutated cysE6'–'lacZ reporter fusions. See Fig. S5 for details. (C) The effect of arabinose-induced RyhB from pBAD-ryhB (as compared with the empty vector pNM12) on cysE mRNA, previously characterized target mRNAs (sodB and fumA), and a negative control mRNA (icd) as determined by qRT-PCR.
Finally, we monitored by quantitative real-time PCR the cysE mRNA level after a 10-min pulse expression of RyhB. This pulse expression limits the possible indirect effect of expressing a sRNA. As shown in Fig. 5C, the mRNA level of cysE is significantly lower in the presence of the sRNA (pBAD–ryhB) as compared with a strain without RyhB (pNM12) or a control nontarget mRNA such as icd (25).

Reduced CysE Levels in ΔryhB Cells Favor Siderophore Production.

The previous results indicated that RyhB reduces cysE mRNA and protein levels. This suggests that a high level of CysE is incompatible with siderophore synthesis. To address this, we monitored the siderophore production from a strain carrying the cysE gene and endogenous promoter on a multicopy pBR322-derivative plasmid to overproduce CysE. As shown in Fig. 6A, the level of siderophore production is significantly less (30%) in the strain carrying the multicopy cysE (pFRΔ–cysE) gene as compared with the empty control vector (pFRΔ). We do not expect a full repression of siderophore production because the ryhB gene is present in this background. These data suggest that overexpression of CysE reduces the cell's ability to produce siderophores.
Fig. 6.
RyhB reduces CysE levels to favor siderophore production. (A) Total siderophore production as measured by LC–MS in strains overproducing the CysE enzyme (pFRΔ–cysE) or not (empty vector pFRΔ). (B) Total siderophore production as measured by LC–MS in WT, ΔryhB, ΔcysE, and ΔryhB ΔcysE strains (see Materials and Methods for description).
If cysE expression is too high in the ΔryhB cells, then mutating the cysE gene should restore conditions in which siderophores are readily produced. Thus, we monitored siderophore production by a ΔryhB ΔcysE double mutant. As expected, the production of siderophore by a ΔryhB ΔcysE mutant is restored to normal WT levels (Fig. 6B). This shows the importance of keeping the expression of both RyhB and cysE in balance for normal siderophore production. Because both ΔcysE and ΔryhB ΔcysE cells must be supplemented with cysteine to grow, we monitored the effect of the addition of cysteine (125 μM) on the production of siderophores from WT and ΔryhB cells. As shown in Fig. S6, there is no significant effect of the addition of cysteine on the production of the siderophore enterobactin and derivatives.


For more than 30 y, the transcriptional regulator Fur has been considered as the sole effector in the synthesis of siderophores (17). We show that posttranscriptional regulation through RyhB sRNA is equally important. RyhB takes part in two distinct pathways, both of which essential for siderophore production. One of these mechanisms relies on RyhB repression of the serine acetyltransferase CysE (see model in Fig. S7), which represents the first RyhB-repressed target mRNA that does not encode for an Fe-using protein. Repression of CysE potentially remodels the amino acids metabolism to increase the serine flux into the siderophore synthesis pathway to the detriment of the cysteine pathway (Figs. S1 and S7). Indeed, when serine is added to the medium, it partially suppresses the ΔryhB phenotype and stimulates siderophore production (Fig. S6). Moreover, addition of high levels of cysteine in the medium also increases the siderophore production, probably by negative feedback (33), which results in reduction of CysE enzyme activity (Fig. S6).
The down-regulation of cysE transcript by RyhB is clearly not as strong as other target mRNAs (compare cysE mRNA levels with sodB or fumA in Fig. 5C). Also, although it is repressed by RyhB, the translational cysE'–'lacZ fusion in WT cells is still significantly active as compared with the ΔryhB cells in midlog growth phase (Fig. 5A, OD600 of 0.3 and 0.6). This suggests that partial cysE repression by RyhB is preferred over classical full repression as observed with sodB and fumA target mRNAs (Fig. 5C). Because the CysE enzyme is essential for cysteine synthesis in minimal medium, we do not expect full repression of cysE by RyhB. Additionally, because CysE does not encode an Fe-using protein, the RyhB-induced repression may not benefit from rapid full repression (<3–5 min) as observed with other target mRNAs encoding Fe-using proteins such as sodB and fumA (26). This type of repression prioritization of specific target mRNAs over other targets of the same sRNA reflects the powerful genetic modulation achieved by a sRNA.
An unexpected function of RyhB was suggested by our results in Fig. 3, which indicate that RyhB contributes to normal expression of transcripts involved in siderophores synthesis (entCEBAH) and uptake (fepA). This suggests a second mechanism in which RyhB contributes to siderophore production. Although the precise mechanism is unclear, our data indicate that RyhB-induced intracellular Fe level, namely Fe sparing, is central to this. Because many transcripts are affected independently from their cellular functions, this suggests a general effect of low intracellular Fe on gene expression. To analyze this further, we tested the effect of Fe alone on the double Δfur ΔryhB mutant, which should not have any Fe-dependent effector on mRNA expression or stability. As shown in Fig. S4, the presence of Fe greatly induces the expression of a number of genes, many of which involved in synthesis (entB and entC), secretion (entS), or uptake (fepA) of enterobactin. This result corroborates our siderophore analysis. Although the double Δfur ΔryhB mutant growing without Fe produces a fair amount of siderophore (Fig. 1 A, lane 8, and B), the addition of Fe stimulates by a 2-fold factor the production of siderophore (Fig. 1 A, lane 9, and B). These results indicate the essential role of RyhB in increasing intracellular Fe level to improve cellular function.
Indeed, the low intracellular Fe in ΔryhB cells may reduce the activity of Fe-dependent enzymes involved in the shikimate–chorismate pathway (Fig. S1). However, we demonstrate that the activity of Fe-dependent aldolases (34), encoded by aroFGH, are not affected in our experimental growth conditions without Fe (Fig. S8) and remain fully active whether RyhB is present (WT) or not (ΔryhB). It is therefore unlikely that the aldolases are involved in reduced expression of siderophores. Furthermore, despite the reduced intracellular Fe in ΔryhB cells (Fig. 2, compare WT and ΔryhB without Fe), this shows that not all Fe-dependent enzymes will be affected.
Remarkably, both Fur and RyhB regulate the siderophore production at different levels. Thus, one can question which gene is epistasic to the other in this system. Simply put, the ryhB gene expression depends on Fur, which depends on the Fe level in the medium. Our results, however, suggest that more factors than Fur and RyhB regulate the system. As shown in Fig. 1A, even in the absence of Fur and RyhB (ΔryhB Δfur background), Fe alone is sufficient to affect the system (lanes 8 and 9). These results add to the interpretation that siderophore production depends on more than just transcription activation in the absence of Fe. Three factors must be taken into account: (i) Fur inactivation, (ii) RyhB expression, and (iii) sufficient free intracellular Fe level (Fe sparing).
The measurements of free intracellular Fe by EPR (Fig. 2) demonstrate that both Fur and RyhB are needed to maintain a robust Fe homeostasis despite significant environmental Fe variation. The most significant results of this experiment are that ΔryhB cells have 60% reduced free Fe [Fig. 2, lane 3 (6 μM) vs. lane 1 (18 μM)] as compared with WT. This is a unique demonstration that endogenous RyhB effectively generates free Fe in WT cells grown under Fe starvation. However, it is not clear why intracellular Fe becomes so high as compared with WT when Fe is available [Fig. 2, lane 4 (ΔryhB + Fe) compared with lane 2 (WT + Fe)]. In addition, these results show that an important part of the free Fe levels in a Δfur mutant depends on the action of RyhB [Fig. 2, compare lane 6 (Δfur + Fe) with lane 8 (Δfur ΔryhB + Fe)]. Remarkably, as shown in Fig. S3 we did not reproduced previously published data suggesting that RyhB partly represses fur translation (29). We explain this by different experimental procedures used in our analysis (Fe-deprived medium) as compared with the previous analysis (addition of the Fe chelator 2,2′-dipyridyl in the medium).
This paper demonstrates that a single sRNA can act as a global regulator by adjusting simultaneously the cellular gene network and metabolism. Our study shows a unique role for RyhB extending beyond regulation of Fe-storage proteins and now includes modulation of metabolic pathways such as serine catabolism through down-regulation of cysE and modification of transcription of genes involved in enterobactin production (entCEBAH). By adjusting both gene expression and metabolic activity, the sRNA enables the cell to optimize to severe environmental changes. With these results in view, we should expect additional sRNAs conducting similar subtle metabolic adjustments that drive crucial cellular functions.

Materials and Methods

Analysis of Enterobactin Production by TLC.

Enterobactin was extracted and visualized according to a previous report (12). Cells were grown in M63, 0.2% glucose, from a 10-fold or 100-fold dilution of an overnight culture in the same media. Depending on the experiment, 33 μM of DHB or 1 μM of FeSO4 were added to the media. At an OD600 of 0.9, 4 mL of culture was pelleted. The supernatant was acidified with 25 μL of 10N HCl and extracted twice with a total of 4 mL of ethyl acetate. Aqueous phases were combined and dried in 874-μL aliquots in a SpeedVac Concentrator (Savant Instruments, SVC100). Extract residues were resuspended in 40 μL of methanol and 10 μL was spotted onto 250-μM layer-flexible (20 × 20 cm) PE SIL G/UV254 plates (Whatman). For some experiments, 25 μL of enterobactin (EMC Microcollections) was spotted as a control onto the plates. Plates were developed with benzene:glacial acetic acid:water (125:72:3 vol/vol/vol) in a closed chamber. Plates were then removed from the chamber and allowed to dry, then immersed briefly in 0.1% FeCl3 to visualize Fe-binding compounds.

EPR Analysis of Whole Cells.

Cells were grown overnight at 37 °C in M63 glucose medium, diluted 1:10 into 250 mL of freshly prepared M63 0.2% glucose ±1 μM of FeSO4 and then grown at 37 °C in 1-L baffled flasks with vigorous shaking to an OD600 of 0.9. Cells were then harvested and prepared for EPR analysis as described in previous studies (28, 35), with the exception that M63 medium with 0.2% glucose was used in place of LB during the incubation of cells with DTPA and desferrioxamine.

Enzymatic and Chemical Probing of RyhB Interaction with cysE mRNA.

Enzymatic and chemical probing experiments were performed as described earlier (36). Briefly, 50 pmol of cysE mRNA (transcribed from a PCR product—oligos EM1056–EM1153) was labeled using T4 polynucleotide kinase (New England Biolabs). Then, 0.1 μM of 5′-end radiolabeled cysE was incubated 15 min at 37 °C in the absence or in the presence of 1.6 μM RyhB RNA (transcribed from a PCR product—oligos EM88–EM89). Then, RNase T1 (0.05 U) (Ambion), or RNase TA (0.025 U) (Jena Bioscience), or PbAc (10 mM) (Sigma-Aldrich) were added to the reaction and the incubation continued for 2 min. Reactions were stopped by adding 10 μL of loading buffer II (Ambion). Samples were then separated on a 6% polyacrylamide/7 M urea gel.


We thank Susan Gottesman for comments on the manuscript, Peter D. Pawelek for strains and discussions over the course of this work, Simon Labbé for constructive comments, Mike Vasil (University of Colorado Denver, Aurora, CO) for Fur antiserum, and Michael Maurizi (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda) for the elongation factor-thermo unstable (EF-Tu) antiserum. This work was funded by an operating grant to E.M. from the Natural Science and Engineering Research of Canada and to C.M.D. from Natural Science and Engineering Research of Canada and the Canada Research Chairs program. E.M. is a Canadian Institutes for Health Research New Investigator scholar. H.S. holds PhD fellowships from the Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologiques and Natural Science and Engineering Research of Canada. J.-A.M.B. holds a Natural Science and Engineering Research of Canada MSc fellowship.

Supporting Information

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Information & Authors


Published in

The cover image for PNAS Vol.107; No.34
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Vol. 107 | No. 34
August 24, 2010
PubMed: 20696910


Submission history

Published online: August 9, 2010
Published in issue: August 24, 2010


  1. enterobactin
  2. iron
  3. RyhB
  4. sRNA


We thank Susan Gottesman for comments on the manuscript, Peter D. Pawelek for strains and discussions over the course of this work, Simon Labbé for constructive comments, Mike Vasil (University of Colorado Denver, Aurora, CO) for Fur antiserum, and Michael Maurizi (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda) for the elongation factor-thermo unstable (EF-Tu) antiserum. This work was funded by an operating grant to E.M. from the Natural Science and Engineering Research of Canada and to C.M.D. from Natural Science and Engineering Research of Canada and the Canada Research Chairs program. E.M. is a Canadian Institutes for Health Research New Investigator scholar. H.S. holds PhD fellowships from the Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologiques and Natural Science and Engineering Research of Canada. J.-A.M.B. holds a Natural Science and Engineering Research of Canada MSc fellowship.


*This Direct Submission article had a prearranged editor.



Hubert Salvail
Department of Biochemistry, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, QC, Canada J1H 5N4;
Pascale Lanthier-Bourbonnais
Department of Biochemistry, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, QC, Canada J1H 5N4;
Jason Michael Sobota
Department of Microbiology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801; and
Mélissa Caza
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique-Institut Armand-Frappier, Quebec, QC, Canada H7V 1B7
Julie-Anna M. Benjamin
Department of Biochemistry, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, QC, Canada J1H 5N4;
Martha Eugènia Sequeira Mendieta
Department of Biochemistry, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, QC, Canada J1H 5N4;
François Lépine
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique-Institut Armand-Frappier, Quebec, QC, Canada H7V 1B7
Charles M. Dozois
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique-Institut Armand-Frappier, Quebec, QC, Canada H7V 1B7
James Imlay
Department of Microbiology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801; and
Department of Biochemistry, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, QC, Canada J1H 5N4;


To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected].
Author contributions: H.S., J.M.S., M.C., M.E.S.M., C.M.D., J.I., and E.M. designed research; H.S., P.L.-B., J.M.S., M.C., J.-A.M.B., M.E.S.M., F.L., C.M.D., and J.I. performed research; H.S., P.L.-B., J.M.S., M.C., J.-A.M.B., M.E.S.M., F.L., C.M.D., and J.I. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; H.S., P.L.-B., J.M.S., M.C., J.-A.M.B., M.E.S.M., F.L., C.M.D., J.I., and E.M. analyzed data; and H.S., C.M.D., J.I., and E.M. wrote the paper.

Competing Interests

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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    A small RNA promotes siderophore production through transcriptional and metabolic remodeling
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
    • Vol. 107
    • No. 34
    • pp. 14939-15305






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