Crystallographic basis for calcium regulation of sodium channels

Edited by David E. Clapham, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, MA, and approved January 20, 2012 (received for review September 8, 2011)
February 13, 2012
109 (9) 3558-3563


Voltage-gated sodium channels underlie the rapid regenerative upstroke of action potentials and are modulated by cytoplasmic calcium ions through a poorly understood mechanism. We describe the 1.35 Å crystal structure of Ca2+-bound calmodulin (Ca2+/CaM) in complex with the inactivation gate (DIII-IV linker) of the cardiac sodium channel (NaV1.5). The complex harbors the positions of five disease mutations involved with long Q-T type 3 and Brugada syndromes. In conjunction with isothermal titration calorimetry, we identify unique inactivation-gate mutations that enhance or diminish Ca2+/CaM binding, which, in turn, sensitize or abolish Ca2+ regulation of full-length channels in electrophysiological experiments. Additional biochemical experiments support a model whereby a single Ca2+/CaM bridges the C-terminal IQ motif to the DIII-IV linker via individual N and C lobes, respectively. The data suggest that Ca2+/CaM destabilizes binding of the inactivation gate to its receptor, thus biasing inactivation toward more depolarized potentials.
Voltage-gated sodium channels (NaVs) support excitability in the cardiovascular and nervous systems, where they contribute to the rhythm and rate of action potentials. These large (∼220-kDa) transmembrane protein complexes are expressed at a high density in excitable cells, where they conduct large macroscopic inward sodium currents. These channels are exquisitely sensitive to subtle changes in the transmembrane potential, and modest alterations in channel gating can fine-tune or disorder electrical signaling at the organ and systemic level. The α-subunit of the channel contains cytoplasmic amino and carboxyl termini and is composed of four homologous transmembrane domains (DI–DIV) that are connected by intracellular linkers. Each domain contains voltage-sensing (S1–S4) and pore-forming (S5 and S6) domains that form the selectivity filter and putative activation gates. A crystal structure of a bacterial NaV was recently described (1) showing a similar overall fold compared with potassium channels. However, this bacterial variant is homotetrameric, and seems to lack a conserved fast-inactivation mechanism. As such, it has no homology with several relevant domains in mammalian NaV channels, and no crystal structure of any eukaryotic NaV region has yet been reported.
Calcium ions (Ca2+) are universal second messengers, and in the heart they form the electrochemical link between plasma membrane depolarization and myocyte contraction. Consequently, their cytoplasmic levels oscillate between nanomolar and micromolar levels with each excitation–contraction cycle (2). Sodium channel steady-state inactivation, a process that controls channel availability at a given transmembrane potential, is modulated through interactions with Ca2+ and calmodulin (CaM) (310). The mechanistic details of Ca2+ modulation of sodium channel inactivation are sparse, but the C-terminal region of the channel contains two elements that may confer Ca2+-dependent feedback: an EF hand-like region that can bind Ca2+ directly, and an IQ domain that binds CaM both in the presence and absence of Ca2+ (4, 7, 8, 1113). Additionally, recent data indicate that Ca2+/CaM can bind directly to the NaV “inactivation gate” (9, 10), a highly conserved ∼50-amino acid cytoplasmic linker connecting channel domains III and IV (DIII-IV linker) that contributes to the fast-inactivated state of the channel (1416). Thus, individual molecular players of Ca2+ regulation have been identified but no crystallographic information is available detailing how the different Ca2+/CaM binding regions cooperate, and no consensus has been reached on how binding events in the C terminus of the channel are coupled to the conformational changes that underlie channel inactivation.
Here we describe a mechanism whereby direct binding of Ca2+/CaM to the NaV1.5 DIII-IV linker alters channel inactivation, thus biasing steady-state inactivation to more depolarized potentials. We first describe a crystal structure of Ca2+/CaM bound to the DIII-IV linker, along with isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) data showing that only the Ca2+/C lobe is involved in binding, whereas the Ca2+/N lobe is bound to the channel C terminus through an IQ-domain interaction. The data show a conformational switch involving the formation of a transient tripartite complex whereby the C lobe moves from the C terminus to the DIII-IV linker upon binding Ca2+, thus allowing preferred access of the Ca2+/N lobe to the C-terminal IQ domain. Introduced mutations in the inactivation gate that enhance or diminish Ca2+/CaM binding either increase or decrease the Ca2+ dependence of inactivation, clearly showing the CaM–inactivation gate complex is the final site of action in the regulation of sodium channel inactivation by Ca2+.


Structure of the Ca2+/CaM–DIII-IV Complex.

The crystal structure of the Ca2+/CaM–NaV1.5 DIII-IV linker complex was solved at 1.35 Å (Table S1). The asymmetric unit contains one CaM and one NaV1.5 DIII-IV linker corresponding to residues 1491–1522. Fig. 1A shows the crystal structure of the complex with a single full-length CaM with four bound Ca2+ ions. A single amphipathic α-helix formed by residues 1489–1501 interacts with the C lobe through multiple contact points, with the remainder of the linker region (1502–1522) being intrinsically disordered, in agreement with previous studies (17). A total of ∼790 Å2 (∼50%) is buried, of which ∼480 Å2 is hydrophobic. The main anchor, Y1494, is completely buried in the CaM C lobe by interacting simultaneously with multiple CaM hydrophobic residues (Fig. 1 and Fig. S1A). Previously, Y1494 was identified as a residue of importance, as alanine substitution alters Ca2+/CaM binding energetics (as measured by ITC) and uncouples Ca2+ regulation of channel inactivation (9). The DIII-IV linker residue M1498 has a large contact area with CaM with 107 Å2 out of 118 Å2 buried (Fig. 1B), suggesting it could contribute to Ca2+/CaM binding and regulation of NaVs. Previous ITC experiments have shown that the interaction requires Ca2+ and is supported preferentially by the C lobe (Kd 19 μM versus ∼600 μM for the N lobe) (9). In addition, competition experiments whereby the C lobe is already bound to the DIII-IV linker show that the residual affinity of the N lobe is undetectable (Fig. 2C), suggesting the C lobe blocks access of the N lobe, as shown in other CaM complexes (18). The structure and ITC data therefore highlight the C lobe as the major and likely sole anchor point to the DIII-IV linker, and suggest that Ca2+/CaM may bridge different segments with the N lobe binding elsewhere, reminiscent of Ca2+/CaM bound to calcineurin (19) or Ca2+-activated K+ channels (20).
Fig. 1.
Crystal structure of the Ca2+/CaM–NaV1.5 DIII-IV linker complex. (A) Ca2+/CaM C lobe bound to the DIII-IV linker in the open/extended conformation. A 90° rotated view highlights charged residues (K1492, K1493, K1499, K1500) facing away from the binding pocket and Y1494 buried into the C-lobe pocket. (B) A bottom-up view of the inactivation gate interacting with the C lobe, with the surface of calmodulin colored according to amino acid type (yellow, hydrophobic; green, neutral; red, acidic; blue, basic), with Y1494 facing away from the viewer. Select residues are labeled to orient the reader. Boxed residues are for the DIII-IV linker, with targets for disease mutations in bold. (C) Side view of the interaction highlights the details of the hydrophobic pocket that defines the Y1494 interaction with the CaM C lobe.
Fig. 2.
Molecular determinants for CaM binding to the DIII-IV linker. (A) Sequence alignment of nine human NaV isoforms, with deviations from the NaV1.5 sequence highlighted in purple. In the NaV1.5 sequence, residues highlighted in yellow mark physiological mutations for LQT3 and Brugada syndromes. The highly conserved double-glutamate motif that reduces the affinity of CaM to the DIII-IV linker is boxed. (B) Binding displayed by the DIII-IV linker construct used for crystallization; Ca2+/CaM (1.5 mM) to 1491–1522 (150 μM). (C) (Top) Raw heats from the Ca2+/N lobe (1 mM) titration to a premixed Ca2+/C lobe (200 μM) plus DIII-IV (100 μM). Heats were not distinguishable compared with background heats, thus demonstrating that the affinity was below the detection limit. (Middle and Bottom) Raw and integrated heats for the titration of Ca2+/C lobe (1 mM) to a premixed Ca2+/N lobe (200 μM) plus DIII-IV (100 μM). (D) The change in free energy compared with Ca2+/CaM binding to the full-length inactivation gate. A positive and negative ΔΔG correlates to higher and lower affinity, respectively, for the indicated construct compared with the WT DIII-IV linker. Thermodynamic parameters for each ITC can be found in Table S2.
To date, a number of long Q-T type 3 (LQT3) cardiac disease mutations have been identified in the DIII-IV linker, and the positions of five of these can be directly observed in the crystal structure (Fig. 1B). M1498T, ΔK1500, and L1501V cause LQT3 (2123), whereas Y1494N, ΔK1500, and G1502S (immediately adjacent to the structural interface between the DIII-IV linker and CaM) are involved in Brugada syndrome (22, 24, 25). Y1494, M1498, and L1501 are directly involved in the interaction with Ca2+/CaM, whereas the deletion of K1500 would affect the relative position of L1501 and all other downstream residues. G1502 is located at the C-terminal end of the α-helix, which marks the beginning of the intrinsically disordered region of the DIII-IV linker (Fig. 1B), but a serine at this site may interfere with the intrinsic, and apparent essential, disorder.

Energetic Basis for the Interaction Between Ca2+/CaM and the DIII-IV Linker.

The energetic underpinnings of the Ca2+/CaM–DIII-IV linker interaction were determined by ITC, which can provide thermodynamic details of the interaction including affinity (Ka), enthalpy (ΔH), and entropy (ΔS) (26, 27). A sequence alignment demonstrates that the α-helical region of the DIII-IV linker is strictly conserved in all nine human NaV isoforms (Fig. 2A). The crystallized construct, composed of residues 1491–1522, binds Ca2+/CaM in an exothermic fashion, much like the full-length DIII-IV linker but with higher affinity (Fig. 2B; Kd 0.35 μM vs. 2.98 μM for WT). The energetic impact of single Y1494A or Y1495A mutations on the WT or 1491–1522 constructs results in enthalpic penalties of 5 kcal/mol and 3 kcal/mol, respectively, which were matched with an equal gain in entropy, leaving the overall affinities unchanged (Table S2) (9). Given the identical energetic signature and enthalpy–entropy compensations, the interactions with Ca2+/CaM are likely to be the same in 1491–1522 and full-length DIII-IV linkers.
The DIII-IV linker is widely thought to form the inactivation gate of the channel, and introduced mutations at the triplet “IFM” motif have significant effects on sodium channel fast inactivation (14, 15). However, this motif has no role in Ca2+ regulation or CaM binding, as previously shown (9), and we show here that an outright deletion of the IFM motif does not impact CaM binding (Fig. 2D). Moreover, a peptide lacking the distal “FIF” motif formed by residues 1520–1522, previously suggested to be a Ca2+/CaM interaction site (10), bound the Ca2+/CaM with an affinity that corresponds well to that of the isolated C lobe of CaM (Fig. 2D and Table S2). A strictly conserved double-glutamate motif (E1489, E1490) is positioned close to CaM residue E142, an arrangement that could be responsible for decreasing the affinity of the full-length WT DIII-IV linker peptide. Consistent with this possibility, mutation of E1489 and E1490 to alanine produced full-length DIII-IV linkers with an approximately fivefold higher affinity than the wild-type peptide (Fig. 2D and Table S2). Interestingly, mutation of both E1489 and E1490 to lysine resulted in binding affinities similar to WT (Fig. 2D and Table S2), implying that the lowered affinity of the WT linker is due to steric clashes, rather than electrostatic repulsions.

DIII-IV Linker Is the Physiological Endpoint for Ca2+ Regulation of NaV Inactivation.

Cytoplasmic Ca2+ modulates the steady-state inactivation of voltage-gated sodium channels (6, 7, 11, 28), an equilibrium relationship that provides a direct measure of channel availability at a given transmembrane potential (Fig. 3A). To better understand this process, DIII-IV linker residues involved in CaM binding, identified in the crystal structure and verified by ITC, were mutated in full-length NaV1.5, and their contribution to Ca2+ regulation was investigated through patch-clamp electrophysiology. For instance, M1498 contributes significantly to the binding interface (Fig. 1B) with ∼90% of the residue buried, and the M1498A mutation strongly reduces both Ca2+/CaM and Ca2+/C lobe binding (Kd = 150 μM; Fig. 2D and Table S2) and ablates Ca2+ regulation (Fig. 3B; V0.5 = −81.1 ± 0.3 and −82.5 ± 1.3 for 10 μM and 0 Ca2+, respectively). Alternatively, the E1489A/E1490A double mutant enhances Ca2+/CaM binding fivefold, and was engineered into full-length NaV1.5 to produce “EE/AA” channels with significantly enhanced sensitivity to free Ca2+ compared with WT channels (Fig. 3C). Specifically, EE/AA channels responded to 300 nM free Ca2+ with a sizeable shift in the steady-state inactivation curve, whereas WT channels did not (P > 0.005). We next investigated the response to WT and EE/AA channels at multiple free Ca2+ concentrations in the recording pipette, measuring the size of the depolarizing shift in the steady-state inactivation curve (Fig. 3D). The data show that both wild-type and EE/AA channels respond to Ca2+ in a dose-dependent manner and display Hill coefficients greater than 1. Here the roughly fivefold increase in Ca2+/CaM binding found with ITC translated directly into a concomitant approximately fivefold increase in macroscopic sensitivity, with corresponding EC50 values of 814 ± 69 nM and 147 ± 22 nM Ca2+ for WT and EE/AA channels, respectively (Table S5). The inverse correlation between Ca2+/C lobe affinity for the DIII-IV linker and inactivated state stability, that is, more binding results in less inactivation, points to a clear role for Ca2+/C lobe binding in the reduction of inactivation. Interestingly, the enhanced-affinity EE/AA channels, but not WT channels, displayed an apparently voltage-dependent slowing of inactivation only in the presence of Ca2+ (Fig. 3E and Table S6).
Fig. 3.
The DIII-IV linker is the molecular endpoint for Ca2+ regulation of the cardiac sodium channels. Steady-state inactivation relationships in 0, 300 nM, and 10 μM free Ca2+ in the recording pipette for WT (A), M1498A (B), and EE/AA (C) channels with representative normalized currents (Insets). EE/AA channels display enhanced sensitivity to 300 nM Ca2+, whereas WT channels do not. InormNa, the amount of current available during a 20-ms test-pulse to −20 mV after a 500-ms pre-pulse to the indicated voltage. (D) Ca2+ dependence of the shift of steady-state inactivation for both WT and EE/AA channels. (E) EE/AA channels have slowed inactivation in the presence of Ca2+. Time course of fast inactivation [τinact (ms)] from currents produced by a depolarization from −120 mV to the indicated voltage (Insets are from a −40-mV step) and fit with a single exponential. Electrophysiological parameters for both (D) and (E) can be found in Tables S5 and S6. (F) Affinity of CaM for the DIII-IV linker at physiological Ca2+ concentrations. Thermodynamic parameters are shown in Table S3. [Scale bars (A and E), 5 ms.]

Ca2+ Dependence of CaM Binding to the DIII-IV Linker.

Ca2+ levels fluctuate during the excitation–contraction cycle in cardiac myocytes, and the total cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration for half-maximal activation of contraction can reach ∼70 μM (2). Although it is known that the CaM–DIII-IV linker interaction requires Ca2+ for binding (9, 10), the dynamic range of Ca2+ levels, and more importantly the lower limit over which CaM can bind the inactivation gate, has remained unexplored. Here the data show that the interaction maintains affinity at low free Ca2+ levels (∼Kd of 25.3 μM in 100 nM free Ca2+) (Fig. 3F and Table S3). Thus, the interaction between Ca2+/CaM and the sodium channel DIII-IV linker can occur in a physiologically relevant range of the cardiac myocytes. Together, these experiments demonstrate that the observed Ca2+/CaM interaction in the crystal structure and the ITC characterizations are physiologically relevant, and that the DIII-IV linker is the final site of action for Ca2+/CaM regulation of channel inactivation.

Ca2+/CaM Bridges the NaV C-Terminal IQ Motif to the DIII-IV Linker.

The exact mechanism by which CaM might interact with the full-length C terminus has not been elucidated, but it is known that the IQ and EF-hand motifs undergo Ca2+-dependent conformational changes and can bind CaM in the presence and absence of Ca2+ (11, 29, 30). Data in Fig. 4A show that apo-CaM interacts with the IQ domain (residues 1896–1924) through its C lobe only, consistent with recent data (29). These interactions maintained the same profile and thermodynamic parameters with the C-terminal domain (CTD) spanning the EF hand and IQ domain (residues 1773–1925) (Table S4). In the presence of Ca2+, however, we found that both Ca2+/N lobe and Ca2+/C lobe can interact with the isolated IQ domain, with a binding preference for the Ca2+/N lobe (Table S4). Ca2+/CaM binds the CTD (residues 1773–1924) through a prerequisite interaction with the distal IQ domain (Fig. 4B), suggesting NaVs use a divergent mechanism from CaVs, where the pre-IQ region can also bind CaM (31). The N value of the Ca2+/CaM–CTD interaction (∼0.5) suggests that one Ca2+/CaM can bind two CTDs. Indeed, both lobes are able to bind the CTD, with the affinity of the N lobe higher than for the C lobe (Fig. 4C). A competition experiment, whereby the Ca2+/C lobe is titrated into a preexisting mixture of CTD and Ca2+/N lobe, shows that the C lobe is no longer able to bind (Fig. 4C), showing that both lobes compete for an overlapping binding site. Given that the DIII-IV linker only shows significant binding to the Ca2+/C lobe and that the CTD can only bind one lobe at a given time, with a preference for the Ca2+/N lobe, these data support a simple model whereby Ca2+/CaM can bridge the DIII-IV linker and the CTD, with the C lobe bound to the inactivation gate.
Fig. 4.
Thermodynamic basis for Ca2+-dependent interactions between CaM, the inactivation gate, and the C terminus. ITC titrations of the indicated constructs (Insets) in the raw ITC data trace (Top and Middle) and integrated heats of the measured interaction (Bottom). (A) Apo-N lobe (250 μM) to IQ domain (25 μM) (Top) (no binding detected), with apo-C lobe (250 μM) to IQ domain (25 μM) (Middle and Bottom), Kd = 0.34 μM. (B) Ca2+/CaM (500 μM) to CTD, no IQ (50 μM) (Top) showing no binding, with Ca2+/CaM (1 mM) to CTD (80 μM) titration shown below, Kd = 6.45 μM. (C) Ca2+/C lobe (500 μM) to CTD (50 μM) (Top), Kd = 7.6 μM, with Ca2+/N lobe (500 μM) to CTD (50 μM) (Middle), Kd = 2.53 μM, shown below with the integration of Ca2+/C lobe (in blue) and Ca2+/N lobe (in green). The integration of Ca2+/C lobe into a mixture of CTD with the Ca2+/N lobe is shown (Bottom) in red. Thermodynamic parameters can be found in Table S4.


Voltage-gated sodium channel inactivation gating is modulated by changes in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentrations through interactions with Ca2+ and CaM (3, 4, 610). The C terminus of sodium channels contains two regions capable of conferring Ca2+-dependent modulation of inactivation, an EF-hand domain and a distal IQ motif. In the absence of Ca2+, the apo-CaM C lobe binds to the IQ motif of neuronal (30, 32, 33) and cardiac isoforms (5, 6, 8, 29, 30, 34). Introduced or inherited mutations to either EF hands or IQ motifs can abolish Ca2+-dependent effects on inactivation (6, 7, 11, 28); however, the ability of the EF-hand region to bind Ca2+ ions directly remains contentious (7, 8, 11, 28, 35).
Importantly, it is not known how Ca2+ or Ca2+/CaM interactions with the C-terminal EF-hand and IQ motifs are relayed to channel inactivation, but we (9) and others (10) have identified the DIII-IV linker of the sodium channel as a key player in Ca2+ regulation, a possibility suggested previously (28). The 53-amino acid DIII-IV linker is considered the inactivation gate of the sodium channel because experimentally introduced or inherited mutations in this highly conserved region have profound effects on the fast inactivation of all sodium channel isoforms (12, 14, 16, 31, 3638). Here we show through a high-resolution crystal structure, ITC analysis, and electrophysiology that the Ca2+/CaM C lobe interacts with the DIII-IV linker. In particular, the interaction is supported in a physiological range of Ca2+ concentrations, and mutation of residues observed in the binding (M1498, Y1494) abolishes the Ca2+ dependence of steady-state inactivation and, conversely, the introduction of mutations that increase the affinity enhances the sensitivity of the sodium channel for Ca2+ (9). Together, these data show that the observed interactions between Ca2+/C lobe and the DIII-IV linker are physiologically relevant, and support the mechanism whereby Ca2+/C lobe binding biases the inactivation process.
The structure described here shows an aromatic anchor, Y1494, which in conjunction with M1498 in the inactivation gate supports the interaction with the Ca2+/C lobe. A second motif comprising residues F1520–F1522 at the C-terminal end of the DIII-IV linker, immediately preceding the first transmembrane segment S1 of domain IV, has been suggested to play a role in Ca2+ regulation of NaVs, yet mutations here do not impact Ca2+ regulation (9, 10) nor do they affect the Ca2+/C lobe interaction in solution. This suggests that binding of the N lobe to the FIF motif, although experimentally possible, is not physiologically essential, and may only bind to this region very weakly when no other binding site is present, as confirmed by our inability to detect its binding in the presence of a C lobe (Fig. 2C). The Ca2+/N lobe is therefore more likely to bind the C-terminal tail, enabling Ca2+/CaM to bridge the DIII-IV linker and IQ domain in a tripartite complex (Fig. 4D). Conversely, the C terminus can only bind a single lobe at a time, with a higher affinity for Ca2+/N lobe than for Ca2+/C lobe. Under Ca2+-free conditions, neither lobe is able to bind to the DIII-IV linker, and only the C lobe can associate with the C terminus, acting as a resident CaM (Fig. 4A). Taken together, the data support a model shown in Fig. 5 where in low Ca2+ (apo-CaM), the C lobe associates with the IQ domain, and neither CaM lobe is able to interact with the DIII-IV linker (9, 10). In the presence of Ca2+, CaM bridges two cytoplasmic segments, with Ca2+/N lobe bound to the CTD and Ca2+/C lobe bound to the DIII-IV linker. Although Ca2+/CaM may also interact with the CTD via its C lobe alone, such a state is energetically much less favorable than the tripartite complex, and would thus only be a rare conformation. The interaction between Ca2+/C lobe and the DIII-IV linker destabilizes the inactivated state (Fig. 5), producing a right shift in the steady-state availability curve (Fig. 3 A and D).
Fig. 5.
Mechanism of Ca2+ regulation of voltage-gated sodium channels. (Upper) A Ca2+-free scenario where a resident apo-CaM molecule is bound to the C-terminal IQ motif via the C lobe of CaM. In this conformation, neither CaM lobe interacts with the DIII-IV linker and inactivation gating is left unaffected. (Lower) Ca2+ ions (shown as black circles) bind to CaM and promote lobe switching whereby the N lobe now occupies the C-terminal IQ motif and the C lobe binds to the DIII-IV linker, where it effects equilibrium inactivation gating by destabilizing the inactivated state of the channel.
The IFM motif forms a major part of the inactivation particle, and we have shown that it does not bind the Ca2+/C lobe and is thus free to participate in binding to the inactivation-gate receptor. We therefore suggest the possibility that the Ca2+/C lobe remains in complex with the DIII-IV linker during channel inactivation. An additional twist is present in the high-affinity EE/AA mutant, which is also able to reduce the inactivation kinetics in the presence of Ca2+. This mutant thus somehow causes a disproportionate effect on the stabilities of the activated state and the transition state, and this phenomenon displays apparent voltage dependence.
Many other ion channels have been found to be modulated by CaM (39), and of relevance to the present observations, voltage-gated sodium and calcium channels share C-terminal EF-hand domains (7, 40) and an IQ motif that can bind apo and Ca2+/CaM (8, 41). However, in calcium channels, increased free Ca2+ can affect both channel activation and inactivation through Ca2+-dependent facilitation and Ca2+-dependent inactivation, respectively. Whether or not Ca2+ has similar effects on sodium channel activation gating has not been reported, but the mechanism we describe could act in a compensatory fashion in the failing heart, where increases in local Ca2+ could offset the documented loss of NaV expression. Alternatively, in the healthy heart, a local accumulation of Ca2+ from repetitive firing would have a potent facilitating effect on sodium current by adding channels from the NaV reserve. In both cases, Ca2+/CaM regulation of sodium or calcium channel gating is the downstream consequence of modular, Ca2+-dependent conformational changes and CaM lobe-specific binding interactions within the channel.
The domains known to be essential to the Ca2+ regulatory apparatus (DIII-IV linker, EF hand, and IQ motif) are synonymous with the sodium channel inactivation complex (34), and inherited mutations clustered in these regions underlie LQT3 syndrome, a highly lethal form of inherited cardiac arrhythmia (42). Five different disease mutations that are involved in LQT3 or Brugada syndromes can be mapped onto our structure. Three of these are directly involved in contacts with Ca2+/CaM (Fig. 1), and a third mutation (ΔK1500) would clearly interfere with the interaction by shifting the sequence register relative to CaM. Although CaM binding to the DIII-IV linker is not required for inactivation itself (9), CaM binds to the IQ domain in a lobe-specific manner with high affinity regardless of the local Ca2+ levels (29, 30, 33). Thus, these channelopathies may produce deleterious effects on cardiac rhythms by affecting sodium channel inactivation as well as their dysregulation by Ca2+.


Protein Purification.

All recombinant proteins were derived from cDNA from humans. The NaV1.5 DIII-IV linker and C-terminal domain constructs were cloned into a modified PET28 (Novagen) vector (PET28HMT). Human CaM WT, N lobe (residues 1–78), and C lobe (residues 79–148) were generated previously (43). Proteins were purified as previously described (9), with additional details in SI Methods.

Crystallization, Data Collection, and Structure Solution.

The Ca2+/CaM–DIII-IV domain complex was crystallized by hanging-drop vapor diffusion at 4 °C by mixing equal volumes of protein (10 mg/mL) and well solution containing 0.1 M MES (pH 6.5) and 50–60% (vol/vol) isopropanol. Additional details can be found in SI Methods.

Isothermal Titration Calorimetry.

ITC experiments were performed on an ITC-200 instrument (GE Healthcare). All samples were dialyzed for at least 24 h into buffer solution using a 3,500 molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) membrane for CaM and C-terminal proteins and a 1,000 MWCO membrane for peptides (Spectrum Laboratories). We assessed for affinities of CaM/DIII-IV linker/CTD in physiological solution as previously described (9). For the Ca2+ dependence studies, we prepared a solution containing 100 mM KCl, 10 mM Hepes, 20 mM EGTA, 20 mM CaCl2. To obtain the desired free Ca2+ concentrations, additional EGTA or CaCl2 was added, and the final free Ca2+ concentration was verified using a Ca2+-sensitive electrode (Denver Instrument). CaM concentration was held at 1 mM, with the DIII-IV peptide concentration at 100 μM. The binding isotherms were analyzed using a single-site binding model with the Microcal-modified version of Origin 7.0 (OriginLab).

Electrophysiology and Transfection.

Human NaV1.5 (NM_198056) was a gift from Dr. Richard Horn and DIII-IV linker alanine mutations were generated using QuikChange site-directed mutagenesis (Stratagene). The calcium phosphate method (Invitrogen) was used to transiently cotransfect tSA-201 cells with channel DNA, eGFP, and CaM to minimize the possibility that overexpression of sodium channels could exhaust the endogenous pool of CaM. Details of the electrophysiology methodology can be found in SI Methods.

Data Availability

Data deposition: The atomic coordinates and structure factors reported in this paper have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank, (PDB ID code 4DJC).


We thank Kelvin Lau for mass spectrometry analysis, and Sam Goodchild and Kelvin Lau for helpful discussions. Diffraction experiments were performed at the Canadian Light Source (Saskatoon, SK, Canada), which is supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the National Research Council Canada, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Province of Saskatchewan, Western Economic Diversification Canada, and the University of Saskatchewan. C.A.A. is a Michael Smith Foundation of Health Research Career Investigator and is the 2008 Heart and Stroke Foundation McDonald Scholar. F.V.P. is a CIHR New Investigator and a Michael Smith Foundation of Health Research Career Investigator. This work is funded by operating grants of the CIHR to C.A.A. (56858) and F.V.P. (84350), the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, and the British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund.

Supporting Information

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Supporting Information


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Go to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Vol. 109 | No. 9
February 28, 2012
PubMed: 22331908


Data Availability

Data deposition: The atomic coordinates and structure factors reported in this paper have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank, (PDB ID code 4DJC).

Submission history

Published online: February 13, 2012
Published in issue: February 28, 2012


  1. crystallography
  2. patch-clamp electrophysiology
  3. structural biology
  4. cardiac arrhythmia


We thank Kelvin Lau for mass spectrometry analysis, and Sam Goodchild and Kelvin Lau for helpful discussions. Diffraction experiments were performed at the Canadian Light Source (Saskatoon, SK, Canada), which is supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the National Research Council Canada, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Province of Saskatchewan, Western Economic Diversification Canada, and the University of Saskatchewan. C.A.A. is a Michael Smith Foundation of Health Research Career Investigator and is the 2008 Heart and Stroke Foundation McDonald Scholar. F.V.P. is a CIHR New Investigator and a Michael Smith Foundation of Health Research Career Investigator. This work is funded by operating grants of the CIHR to C.A.A. (56858) and F.V.P. (84350), the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, and the British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund.


This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.



Maen F. Sarhan
Departments of aAnesthesiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics,
Cellular and Physiological Sciences, and
Ching-Chieh Tung
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Life Sciences Institute, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6T 1Z3
Filip Van Petegem1 [email protected]
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Life Sciences Institute, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6T 1Z3
Christopher A. Ahern1 [email protected]
Departments of aAnesthesiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics,
Cellular and Physiological Sciences, and


To whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected].
Author contributions: M.F.S., F.V.P., and C.A.A. designed research; M.F.S., C.-C.T., and F.V.P. performed research; M.F.S., C.-C.T., F.V.P., and C.A.A. analyzed data; and M.F.S., F.V.P., and C.A.A. wrote the paper.

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The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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    Crystallographic basis for calcium regulation of sodium channels
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
    • Vol. 109
    • No. 9
    • pp. 3191-3600







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