Lethal arrhythmias in Tbx3-deficient mice reveal extreme dosage sensitivity of cardiac conduction system function and homeostasis
Edited* by Jonathan G. Seidman, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, and approved December 2, 2011 (received for review September 15, 2011)
TBX3 is critical for human development: mutations in TBX3 cause congenital anomalies in patients with ulnar-mammary syndrome. Data from mice and humans suggest multiple roles for Tbx3 in development and function of the cardiac conduction system. The mechanisms underlying the functional development, maturation, and maintenance of the conduction system are not well understood. We tested the requirements for Tbx3 in these processes. We generated a unique series of Tbx3 hypomorphic and conditional mouse mutants with varying levels and locations of Tbx3 activity within the heart, and developed techniques for evaluating in vivo embryonic conduction system function. Disruption of Tbx3 function in different regions of the developing heart causes discrete phenotypes and lethal arrhythmias: sinus pauses and bradycardia indicate sinoatrial node dysfunction, whereas preexcitation and atrioventricular block reveal abnormalities in the atrioventricular junction. Surviving Tbx3 mutants are at increased risk for sudden death. Arrhythmias induced by knockdown of Tbx3 in adults reveal its requirement for conduction system homeostasis. Arrhythmias in Tbx3-deficient embryos are accompanied by disrupted expression of multiple ion channels despite preserved expression of previously described conduction system markers. These findings indicate that Tbx3 is required for the conduction system to establish and maintain its correct molecular identity and functional properties. In conclusion, Tbx3 is required for the functional development, maturation, and homeostasis of the conduction system in a highly dosage-sensitive manner. TBX3 and its regulatory targets merit investigation as candidates for human arrhythmias.
Fig. P1.
To our knowledge, these are the first investigations of arrhythmias caused by Tbx3 deficiency. We have discovered unique, nonredundant requirements for Tbx3 at multiple levels of the developing and mature CCS. Tbx3 is required for establishing and maintaining the correct molecular identity and functional properties of the conduction system in a highly dosage-sensitive manner. Our studies indicate that TBX3 and its regulatory targets merit investigation as candidates for human arrhythmias, and suggest that humans with TBX3 mutations and ulnar-mammary syndrome may benefit from ECG screening. The resolution of arrhythmias after Tbx3 conditional ablation in adult mice suggests that conduction tissue regenerates or reorganizes to compensate for abnormal function of Tbx3-depleted cells. The requirement for Tbx3 in adult CCS homeostasis suggests it may be a useful factor for conduction tissue regeneration efforts.
Depletion or conditional disruption of Tbx3 in different regions of the developing heart causes discrete arrhythmia phenotypes: SAN pauses and bradycardia (i.e., slow heart rate, Fig. P1 B and C) indicate SAN dysfunction, whereas preexcitation (i.e., premature depolarization) and AV block reveal abnormalities in the AV junction. Arrhythmias in Tbx3 mutants are accompanied by disrupted expression of multiple ion channel genes, despite preserved expression of previously described CCS markers. Arrhythmias induced by conditional knockdown of Tbx3 in adults revealed that it is required for conduction system homeostasis.
We achieved graded increments in Tbx3 mRNA production in vivo by combining different unique Tbx3 hypomorphic alleles (reduced Tbx3 function), as well as tissue-specific and temporal conditional ablation mutants. Additionally, we developed powerful techniques for evaluating embryonic and fetal cardiac conduction in vivo, including direct ECG recordings (Fig. P1 A–D) and noninvasive echocardiograms (Fig. P1 E and F). Multiple arrhythmia types were identified in mutants bearing different allelic combinations (Fig. P1 B–D and F) and lethal AV block (Fig. P1 D and F) was observed in mutants with the lowest Tbx3 levels. Mutants with incremental increases in Tbx3 dosage survived to birth and adulthood; however, they exhibited multiple arrhythmias and sudden death. ECG findings were consistent with the arrhythmias detected by embryonic ECG (Fig. P1 D and F).
The protein TBX3 is critical for human development: mutations in TBX3 cause multiple anomalies in patients with ulnar-mammary syndrome, including limb, dental, and genital malformations, and apocrine and mammary gland hypoplasia. Recent data from mice and humans also suggest roles for Tbx3 in CCS development however, embryonic lethality of mutant mice lacking functional Tbx3 has previously prevented testing whether, or in which tissues, Tbx3 is required for development or maintenance of CCS components. We created unique genetic and physiologic tools in mice to test the requirements for Tbx3 in these processes. Our study employs a complex allelic series that results in varying levels of Tbx3 gene function in mice, and reveals that development of the specialized structural and functional characteristics of the CCS is extremely sensitive to the dosage of Tbx3. We also demonstrate an essential role of Tbx3 in adult CCS homeostasis.
The cardiac conduction system (CCS) controls the rhythmic contraction of the heart and consists of the sinoatrial node, atrioventricular (AV) node, AV bundle, bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers. These tissues initiate and propagate electrical depolarization to generate regular, synchronized chamber contractions required for normal cardiac function. The molecular and electrophysiological properties of CCS tissues are distinct from those of contractile myocardium, and individual CCS components have unique features that reflect their specialized function. The mechanisms regulating development, maturation, and maintenance of the conduction system are poorly understood. Irregular heart rhythms (i.e., arrhythmias) are primary indicators of CCS dysfunction. Only a few mutations in genes encoding molecules required for CCS function (i.e., ion channels or gap junction proteins) have been identified in humans with arrhythmias.
This Direct Submission article had a prearranged editor.
Data deposition: The data reported in this paper have been deposited in the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo (accession no. GSE24122).
See full research article on page E154 of www.pnas.org.
Cite this Author Summary as: PNAS 10.1073/pnas.1115165109.
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The cardiac conduction system (CCS) comprises the sinoatrial node (SAN), atrioventricular node (AVN), atrioventricular (AV) bundle (AVB), bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers. These tissues initiate and propagate electrical depolarization to generate synchronized chamber contraction. The molecular and electrophysiological properties of CCS tissues are distinct from working myocardium, and individual components of the CCS have unique features that reflect their specialized functions (1–4).
Arrhythmias are primary indicators of CCS dysfunction, which manifests as disrupted SAN pacing, blocked AVN conduction, or slow ventricular activation. Preexcitation or reentrant arrhythmias indicate ectopic pathways or abnormal insulation of the AV components (5). Arrhythmias can be congenital or acquired, and mutations in genes encoding molecules required for CCS development or directly involved in conduction (ion channel subunits or gap junction proteins) have been identified (6).
Multiple Tbx genes are expressed in the developing CCS in mice and mutations in TBX3 and TBX5 have been associated with human CCS dysfunction (1, 6, 7). Mutations in TBX3 cause human ulnar-mammary syndrome (UMS), characterized by limb malformations, apocrine and mammary gland hypoplasia, and dental and genital abnormalities (8). Cardiac structural defects have been reported in two patients with UMS, one with the Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome conduction abnormality (7, 9). TBX3 expression was decreased in the hearts of patients with right ventricular outflow tract tachycardia, and variability in the TBX5–TBX3 region correlates with PR interval duration (10, 11). In the myocardium, Tbx3 is predominantly expressed in the developing and mature pacemakers [SAN and AV canal (AVC) and node] and the AVB and branches (12). Tbx3 is sufficient to induce the formation of ectopic pacemakers in the atrial myocardium during development (13). These data suggest a role for Tbx3 in mammalian cardiac development and CCS function.
Embryonic lethality of previously reported Tbx3 mutants precluded testing whether, or in what tissues, Tbx3 is required for CCS development or maintenance. To overcome this, we generated a unique Tbx3 allelic series and performed temporospatially regulated conditional Tbx3 ablations. Because methods to assay electrophysiologic function of embryos in vivo were lacking, we developed techniques to evaluate prenatal cardiac conduction including noninvasive echocardiograms and direct ECG recordings. We found that development of the structural and functional characteristics of the CCS is extremely sensitive to Tbx3 such that decreasing the amount of Tbx3 below a critical level causes lethal embryonic arrhythmias. Furthermore, we discovered that Tbx3 is also required for the homeostasis of the adult CCS.
Prenatal Survival Is Sensitive to Tbx3 mRNA Dosage.
We created graded increments in Tbx3 mRNA production by combining different gene-targeted Tbx3 alleles: Tbx3GH, Tbx3G,Tbx3flox, Tbx3Δflox, and Tbx3N (Fig. 1 A and B). These incremental changes in Tbx3 mRNA revealed that prenatal survival is markedly sensitive to Tbx3 dosage.
Fig. 1.
The Tbx3GH allele was hypomorphic relative to the WT allele in terms of mRNA production (Fig. 1B), and there was markedly decreased Tbx3 mRNA and protein in Tbx3GH/N compound heterozygotes (Figs. 1B and 2E–H). This is caused, at least in part, by aberrant splicing into GFP, which we could detect immunohistochemically and by RT-PCR. Although the location of Tbx3 expression was the same in hypomorphs and controls, the Tbx3+ domains were smaller in the mutants and staining intensity per cell was decreased (Fig. S1). Most Tbx3GH/N hypomorphs (background 50% Sv129; 50% C57Bl6) died between embryonic day (E) 13.5 and E15.5; none survived to birth (Fig. 1C). Tbx3GH/N mutants had limb abnormalities similar to Tbx3tm1Pa/tm1Pa mutants (14) (Fig. S2).
Fig. 2.
Removal of the hygromycin resistance gene from Tbx3GH generated the Tbx3G allele (Fig. 1A). Tbx3G was also hypomorphic and the level of Tbx3 mRNA in Tbx3G/G homozygotes was intermediate to that in Tbx3+/N heterozygotes and Tbx3GH/N compound heterozygotes (Fig. 1B). Notably, this increase in Tbx3 function permitted 80% of Tbx3G/G mice to survive to birth. Progressive postnatal loss resulted in an 11% survival rate to adulthood (Fig. 1C).
These findings in hypomorphs are distinct from the previously reported Tbx3 loss-of-function (LOF) mouse mutants: Tbx3tm1Pa/tm1Pa, Tbx3Cre/Cre, and Tbx3neo/neo (13–15). There is significant phenotypic variability among the previously reported lines, the etiology of which is unknown. Our Tbx3N allele deletes the DNA binding domain similar to the allele reported by Davenport et al. (14), which die between E11 and E16, yet most of our Tbx3N/N mutants died before E10.5 (56% of expected mutants were present at E10.5, 25% of those recovered were dead; n = 11 litters). Tbx3N/N cardiac morphology was similar to that reported by Ribeiro et al. (15). Both sexes of our Tbx3+/N mice demonstrated reduced fertility, and mothers had poor nurturing, likely because of the requirements for Tbx3 in genital and mammary development (8, 14); thus, Tbx3N/N mutants were exceedingly difficult to generate and not further evaluated. We therefore converted a unique conditional allele (Tbx3flox) into a null allele (Tbx3Δflox) by using deleter-Cre mice (16). Tbx3 transcript and protein were undetectable in Tbx3Δflox/Δflox hearts (Figs. 1B and 2A–D), and survival of Tbx3ΔfloxΔ/flox mice was similar to other Tbx3 reported LOF mutants, with none surviving to birth (Fig. 1C).
Tbx3tm1Pa/tm1Pa mouse mutants reportedly die from yolk sac degeneration (14). However, we detected no morphologic defects in the yolk sacs of Tbx3GH/N or Tbx3G/G mutants (Fig. S2). Other potential causes of midgestational death include hematopoietic failure, placental insufficiency, and cardiac failure. There was no evidence of the anemia or liver hypoplasia (Fig. S2) reported in Tbx3Cre/Cre LOF mutants (17). No differences were detected in embryo and placenta weights, or placental histology (Fig. S2), between Tbx3GH/N and Tbx3+/+ control littermates. Thus, we could not attribute the lethality of these mutants to yolk sac, hematopoietic, or placental defects. The timing of death and their edematous appearance (Fig. S2) suggested cardiovascular insufficiency as the likely pathogenic mechanism.
A total of 85% of Tbx3GH/N E13.5 to E14.5 hypomorphs had large interventricular foramina (n = 7) compared with the closed foramina in 85% of littermate controls (n = 13). Atrial–ventricular alignments were normal, and only rare cases of ventricular–arterial malalignment were present (n = 2). Both these defects are well tolerated prenatally in many different mouse models (18), thus eliminating cardiac structural abnormalities as the cause of universal Tbx3GH/N embryonic lethality.
In utero echocardiography was performed serially on Tbx3 mutants of different genotypes (Tbx3Δflox/Δflox, Tbx3GH/N, and Tbx3G/G) and their littermates from E10.5 to E15.5. No Doppler blood flow abnormalities in umbilical or yolk sac vessels or at the AV or outflow tract cushions were detected, nor were there overall differences in heart rate or cardiac contractile function at these stages (Table S1). However, we identified severe arrhythmias, as detailed below.
Tbx3 Mutants Had Pre- and Postnatal Arrhythmias.
Asynchronous atrial and ventricular contraction (an arrhythmia phenotype called AV block) was reproducibly detected in 2D (Movie S1 and Movie S2) and on Doppler echocardiography (Fig. 3A) in Tbx3GH/N hypomorphic embryos. This arrhythmia was not observed in littermates or in litters of WT embryos, indicating that it is attributable to decreased Tbx3 (Fig. S3). Echocardiographic detection of embryonic AV block has not previously been reported in mice to our knowledge, so we confirmed the electrophysiologic basis for asynchronous contractions by developing a method to directly record embryonic ECGs (Fig. 3B).
Fig. 3.
AV block occurred intermittently; embryos were found to have AV synchrony alternating with AV block of variable conduction efficiency (2:1–5:1 block) during approximately 5 min of interrogation (Fig. S3). AV block was detected exclusively in mice with the lowest Tbx3 expression levels (Tbx3ΔfloxΔ/flox, Tbx3GH/N, and Tbx3G/G) and is most closely associated with fetal demise. In serial studies, AV block and other arrhythmias were identified at E11.5 to E13.5 in mutants with embryonic demise occurring before the next daily study (n = 5) or by the time of euthanasia (n = 2; E15.5). In another cohort of embryos, AV block was detected on 2 to 3 consecutive days between E11.5 and E14.5 (n = 7 mutants), indicating that AV block was not merely a reflection of imminent death. We conclude that inadequate cardiac output due to AV block and ventricular bradycardia causes embryonic death of Tbx3-deficient mutants. AV block was first detectable at E11.5 in Tbx3GH/N hypomorphs, and occurred in 50% of these embryos at E12.5. With the incrementally higher Tbx3 expression in Tbx3G/G mutants, AV block was not detected until E13.5 or later. Tbx3ΔfloxΔ/flox null mutants also had AV block. They suffered from earlier demise, and thus few litters were serially studied.
Atrial arrhythmias were seen in all three classes of Tbx3 mutants, and in their littermates (Fig. 3C and Fig. S3). As analysis of four litters of WT embryos between E10.5 and E13.5 revealed rare bradycardia, but never atrial arrhythmias or AV block, the atrial arrhythmias in mice heterozygous for Tbx3 mutations are further evidence of the profound dosage sensitivity of the developing conduction system to Tbx3.
Direct ECG recordings of Tbx3G/G newborns revealed a prolonged QRS duration and multiple arrhythmias including atrial bradycardia, atrial arrhythmias, and second-degree AV block (Table 1 and Fig. 3D) in the absence of contractile dysfunction. No differences were detected in short-axis dimensions of left ventricular chamber or wall thickness between WT (n = 19) and Tbx3G/G (n = 12) littermates. In contrast to our observations at embryonic and early fetal stages, heart rates were significantly slower in Tbx3G/G newborns compared with WT littermates, and fractional shortening was increased, possibly in compensation for their relative bradycardia (Table 1). We evaluated Tbx3G/G mutants recovered at birth for anatomical malformations. One fourth of the mutants evaluated by serial sections had structural malformations (n = 3 of 13), including tetralogy of Fallot, ventricular septal defect, and interrupted inferior vena cava with azygous continuation. Structural defects are less severe and frequent than those reported in Tbx3−/− and Tbx3Cre/Cre embryos (19, 20).
Table 1.
Function | Tbx3+/+ (n = 7) | Tbx3G/G (n = 9) | P value |
ECG, anesthetized | |||
HR, beats/min | 151 ± 32 | 79 ± 29 | 0.001 |
QRS duration, ms | 16 ± 1 | 21 ± 4 | 0.003 |
PR interval, ms | 122 ± 19 | 111 ± 17 | NS |
Arrhythmias, N | |||
Bradycardia* | 0 | 7 | |
Irregular atrial | 0 | 5 | |
AV block | 0 | 1 | |
Echo, awake | |||
N | 19 | 12 | |
HR, beats/min | 323 ± 61 | 259 ± 73 | 0.01 |
FS (%) | 48 ± 6 | 54 ± 7 | 0.02 |
LVID, systole, mm | 0.67 ± 0.11 | 0.62 ± 0.11 | NS |
LVID, diastole, mm | 1.29 ± 0.13 | 1.36 ± 0.25 | NS |
LVW, systole, mm | 0.43 ± 0.07 | 0.47 ± 0.08 | NS |
LVW, diastole, mm | 0.34 ± 0.08 | 0.39 ± 0.10 | NS |
Echo, echocardiography; FS, fractional shortening; HR, heart rate; LVID, left ventricle inner diameter; LVW, left ventricular wall thickness; NS, not significant.
*HR < 100 beats/min.
We also recorded ECGs on the rare surviving adult Tbx3G/G mutants (50% FVB, 25% Sv129, 25% C57Bl6) and found a shortened PR interval and marked heart rate variability compared with WT and Tbx3G/+ mice (Table 2). Nine percent of adult Tbx3G/G mutants (n = 2 of 22) had sudden death. Telemetric 24-h ECG recordings revealed a variety of arrhythmias including sinus bradycardia, sinus pauses, premature atrial contractions, junctional rhythm, AV block, likely ventricular preexcitation, premature ventricular contractions, and ventricular couplets consistent with global CCS dysfunction (Table 2, Fig. 3, and Fig. S4). Our interpretation of the rhythm shown in Fig. 3I is that there is electrical preexcitation of the ventricle; an alternative interpretation we cannot exclude with the available data are AV dissociation. The median QRS duration was significantly longer in Tbx3G/G mice compared with Tbx3+/+ mice, reflecting the widened QRS observed in the 50% of mutants with likely ventricular preexcitation. The trend toward a shorter median PR interval may also result from preexcitation in mutants. One third of these animals had bradycardia, resulting in a median HR of 608 beats/min inTbx3G/G mutants compared with 691 beats/min in Tbx3+/+ (P = 0.06).
Table 2.
Parameter | Tbx3+/+ (n = 7) | Tbx3G/+ (n = 4) | Tbx3G/G (n = 17) | P value | Definitions |
Anesthetized mice | |||||
HR, beats/min | 365 ± 33 | 396 ± 24 | 360 ± 79 | NS | — |
QRS duration, ms | 19 ± 2 | 16 ± 4 | 21 ± 6 | NS | — |
PR interval, ms | 38 ± 4 | 38 ± 3 | 25 ± 9 | 0.001 | — |
Awake mice: telemetry | |||||
No. of mice | 5 | — | 10 | — | — |
HR, beats/min | 691 ± 18 | — | 608 ± 106 | 0.06 | — |
QRS duration, ms | 13 ± 0.7 | — | 15 ± 1.8 | 0.04 | — |
PR interval, ms | 30 ± 1.3 | — | 25 ± 5.3 | 0.06 | — |
Arrhythmias, N | |||||
Bradycardia | 0 | — | 3 | — | HR range <600 |
Sinus pauses | 0 | — | 5 | — | >10/h |
PACs | 0 | — | 2 | — | >1/h |
Preexcitation | 0 | — | 5 | — | — |
Junctional rhythm | 0 | — | 1 | — | — |
2 °AV block | 0 | — | 2 | — | >10/h |
PVCs | 0 | — | 5 | — | >1/h |
HR, heart rate; PAC, premature atrial contraction; PVC, premature ventricular contraction.
CCS Hypoplasia and Aberrant Gene Expression in Tbx3 Hypomorphs.
Tbx3Cre/Cre knock-in mutants were reported to have abnormally small SA nodes (13). We quantified the developing SAN in Tbx3GH/N and Tbx3G/G mutants by using Hcn4 IHC in E12.5 embryos and newborns, respectively. SAN volume in Tbx3GH/N hypomorphs was 60% of that in Tbx3+/+ (0.017 ± 0.001 mm3 vs. 0.027 ± 0.003 mm3; P = 0.05; Fig. S5), and in Tbx3G/G mutants it was 45% of that in Tbx3+/+ (0.049 ± 0.017 mm3 vs. 0.107 ± 0.024 mm3; P < 0.01; Fig. S5). We investigated whether this was caused by decreased proliferation or increased cell death and found no significant difference between Tbx3GH/N and Tbx3+/+ in the number of BrdU-positive cells in the Hcn4+ SAN at E11.5 or E12.5, nor did we detect apoptosis. This agrees with previous studies (13, 21, 22) and suggests that a threshold of Tbx3 is required to establish and/or maintain cells with SAN identity. As the quantity of nodal tissue influences its ability to drive the surrounding myocardium (23, 24), we posit that bradycardia and atrial arrhythmias (Fig. 3 C–E) are related to the smaller SAN of Tbx3 hypomorphic mutants.
To investigate molecular causes of lethal arrhythmias in Tbx3GH/N hypomorphs, we studied cardiac gene expression and compared it with that previously reported from Tbx3Cre/Cre mutants (13, 19). Expression patterns of known working myocardial genes Cx40, Nppa, Tbx18, and Tnni3 mRNAs were not significantly changed in Tbx3GH/N E12.5 hearts. In contrast, Cx43 is a direct target of Tbx3 repression (13) and was ectopically expressed at the crest of the ventricular septum in mutants (Fig. 2 I–J). This is the nascent AVB and a region where Tbx3 mRNA and protein levels were severely decreased in Tbx3GH/N hypomorphic mutants (Fig. 2H). The expression patterns of Hcn4, Tbx2, Tbx5, and Cacna2d2 (CCS markers) were preserved in Tbx3GH/N hypomorphs. These findings reveal that the level of residual Tbx3 expression and protein function in Tbx3GH/N hypomorphs was sufficient to preserve most of the known complementary gene expression boundaries between working and conduction myocardium, but not to prevent CCS dysfunction and lethal arrhythmias.
In the rare surviving adult Tbx3G/G mutants, histology and connexin protein expression patterns of the CCS were so severely disrupted that no structures with the histologic or molecular identity of the SAN (Fig. 4 G and J vs. Fig. 4 A and D) or AVB (Fig. 4L vs. Fig. 4 C and F) could be detected. These regions were abnormally positive for the working myocardial marker Cx43.
Fig. 4.
Dysregulation of Multiple Ion Channel Genes in Tbx3-Deficient AVC.
The arrhythmias observed in Tbx3GH/N hypomorphs indicate that other genes besides those known to distinguish working and conducting myocardium are required for CCS function and must be disrupted by decreased levels of Tbx3. Given the overlapping expression of Tbx2 and Tbx3 in the AVC (19, 25), the linkage of Tbx5 and Tbx3, and the known role of Tbx2 and Tbx5 in CCS function (1, 6, 26), we determined expression of Tbx2 and Tbx5 by quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) in E10.5 whole hearts, and in microdissected E12.5 atrial/AVC tissue in our allelic series of Tbx3 mutants. We detected no changes in the levels of these transcripts (Figure S6 A and B).
We performed an unbiased, genome-wide expression analysis with Agilent microarrays to identify dysregulated genes downstream of Tbx3 that could be involved in the molecular bases of embryonic AV block. Gene profiles from AVC tissue before arrhythmia onset (E10.5) of Tbx3GH/N hypomorphs and Tbx3+/+ controls was compared (array data deposited in Gene Expression Omnibus database; accession no. GSE24122). Analysis revealed 958 transcripts significantly changed by more than 1.5 fold.
We validated the microarray findings by using qRT-PCR to assay genes related to ion handling, with known cardiac expression, or relevant to AVC development or conduction (1, 3, 4). As expected, Tbx3 was strongly decreased (−6.6-fold change by qRT-PCR) in Tbx3GH/N hypomorphs. A number of genes with the potential to affect conduction system function were highly dysregulated in Tbx3GH/N mutant AVC. Transcripts for Kcne3 (8.5-fold), a potassium channel regulatory subunit; Chac1 (7.1-fold), a cation transport regulator-like protein; Adora2a (2.3-fold), encoding the adenosine 2A receptor, which contributes to heart rate regulation in adult mice (27); Kcnj4 (1.9-fold), encoding a potassium channel; and Atp1b4 (1.8 fold), encoding a sodium-potassium ATPase, were all significantly increased. Scn7a (−3.5-fold), a voltage-gated sodium channel; Gjc1 (−1.5-fold), which encodes the slowly conducting gap junction Cx30.2; Atp1a2 (−1.5-fold), encoding a sodium-potassium ATPase; and Nkx2.5 (−2.8-fold) and Gata4 (−1.6-fold), which have demonstrated roles in human and mouse arrhythmias (1, 6), were decreased. Bmp10, Irx1, Irx3, Tnni2, Nppa, and Nppb transcripts are expressed in trabeculated ventricular working myocardium (28–31); however, consistent with our hypothesis that Tbx3 is required for establishing the identity of CCS myocardium (as detailed earlier and in refs. 13, 19), transcript levels for these genes were increased in the Tbx3GH/N AVC. Periostin, encoded by Postn, is expressed by the AV valve progenitor cells in the AV cushions (32). Decreased Postn transcripts (−2-fold) in Tbx3GH/N AVC may directly result from decreased Tbx3 in AV cushion mesenchyme (included in the tissue assayed), or reflect altered signaling from AVC myocardium to valve progenitors.
We compared transcript levels of the four most dysregulated genes between the AVC and LV to examine differential regulation in these two tissues (Fig. S6C). The transcript levels of Tbx3, Kcne3, and Scn7a were lower, and Chac1 levels were higher, in WT LV vs. AVC. These relationships were preserved in Tbx3GH/N hypomorphs, indicating that, whether Kcne3, Chac1, and Scn7a are direct or indirect targets of Tbx3 regulation, Tbx3 deficiency affects their expression similarly in both tissues.
Conditional Disruption of Tbx3 at Multiple Locations in AV Conduction System Causes Embryonic AV Block.
To determine which Tbx3+ regions are required for normal embryonic AV conduction, we used two spatially restricted Cre lines, Mef2c-AHF-Cre and cGata6-Cre (33, 34), and our unique Tbx3 conditional floxed allele (Tbx3flox; Fig. 1A) to generate Tbx3 conditional mutant embryos. We visualized the entire Tbx3+ myocardial population (Fig. 5 A–C), using the conditional Tbx3 GFP reporter allele (Tbx3G) recombined with αMHC-Cre (35) and compared the GFP-positive domains to those detected with the mT/mG reporter (36) after Cre activity from Mef2c-AHF-Cre or cGata6-Cre. Mef2c-AHF-Cre is active in the right ventricle and outflow tract, including the ventricular septal crest (nascent AVB), but not in the AVC myocardium (nascent AV node; Fig. 5 D–F) (34, 37). A total of 75% (n = 9) of Tbx3flox/flox;Mef2c-AHF-Cre mutants echoed from E12.5 to E13.5 had AV block or were dead, whereas all littermates had normal AV conduction (Table 3). cGata6-Cre activity is restricted to and variable within AVC myocardium (33) (Fig. 5 G–L). AV block was detected in 67% (n = 6) of Tbx3flox/flox;cGata6-Cre embryos echoed from E12.5 to E14.5 but not in littermates (Table 3), implicating the AVC myocardium in arrhythmia pathogenesis. Normal rhythm in 33% of Tbx3flox/flox;cGata6-Cre embryos is likely attributable to variable Cre activity (33). Thus, AV block occurs after disruption of Tbx3 from either of two distinct domains of the developing CCS: the nascent AVB or AVC myocardium, which contains the nascent AV node.
Table 3.
Mutant | Phenotype | Mutants | Littermates |
Tbx3flox/flox; cGata6-Cre | |||
Normal rhythm | 2 | 40 | |
Atrial arrhythmias | 0 | 4 | |
AV block | 4 | 0 | |
Dead | 0 | 0 | |
Tbx3flox/flox; Mef2c-AHF-Cre | |||
Normal rhythm | 1 | 28 | |
Atrial arrhythmias | 1 | 3 | |
AV block | 3 | 0 | |
Dead | 4 | 0 |
Fig. 5.
Conditional Knockdown of Tbx3 in Adults Causes Second-Degree AV Block.
Tbx3 is expressed in adult CCS tissues (13), leading us to question whether Tbx3 has roles in maintaining structure or function of the mature CCS. To address this, we used an inducible, globally expressed Cre-recombinase (CAGGCre-ER) (38). We administered tamoxifen to Tbx3flox/flox;CAGGCre-ER (n = 5) and littermate controls (n = 3) at 2 to 3 mo of age and monitored their cardiac rhythms before, during, and weekly for 10 wk after tamoxifen induction by using telemetric ECG. Telemetry data were mined for changes in heart rate, ECG intervals, and arrhythmias.
Rhythm abnormalities observed in adult conditional mutants included an increased incidence of second-degree AV block (Fig. 6 A and B) and sinus pauses (Fig. S7). Second degree AV block was rarely seen in control mice (Tbx3+/+;CAGGCre-ER and Tbx3flox/flox); they had, at most, three episodes per hour of AV block, and no increase after tamoxifen treatment. This indicates that neither tamoxifen nor the Cre genotype causes AV block. Baseline incidence of AV block or sinus pauses (before tamoxifen) was not different in Tbx3flox/flox;CAGGCre-ER mutants compared with controls. After tamoxifen treatment, we observed an increased frequency of AV block within 1 wk, which peaked at 2 to 6 wk. The frequency of AV block decreased with time, and a statistically significant excess persisted in the mutants 9 and 10 wk after Cre induction (Fig. 6B). SAN pauses were more frequent in Tbx3flox/flox;CAGGCre-ER compared with controls (0–16 vs. 0–6 pauses per hour).
Fig. 6.
Two pairs of adult mutant (Tbx3flox/flox;CAGGCre-ER) and control (Tbx3flox/flox) animals were killed 2 wk after tamoxifen treatment to assess the impact on Tbx3 production by IHC. Although Tbx3 protein was not eliminated in the Tbx3flox/flox;CAGGCre-ER hearts, the number and density of Tbx3+ cells was decreased in the region of the Hcn4+ AV node and AVB (Fig. 6 C–F).
Our studies electrically interrogate the developing CCS and delineate CCS dysfunction resulting from disruption of cell-autonomous Tbx3 function. We discovered critical roles for Tbx3 in establishing and maintaining conduction tissue identity and function during development and adult life. Our data reveal that Tbx3 has unique and highly dosage-sensitive functions in the conduction system that cannot be compensated for by other factors, even Tbx2, which is highly related and coexpressed with Tbx3 in the AVC.
Our allelic series was integral to defining the dosage sensitive requirements for Tbx3 as exemplified by the multiple arrhythmia types observed in embryonic, newborn, and adult Tbx3G/G mutants compared with embryonic lethal AV block in Tbx3GH/N hypomorphs. The documented fetal defects in Tbx3G/G mutants include intermittent bradycardia and atrial arrhythmias, which are survivable, as 80% are recovered at birth. Intermittent AV block also occurs later in development than in the more hypomorphic Tbx3GH/N embryos, in which it is lethal. The very few Tbx3G/G mutants that survive to adulthood are clearly on the less severe side of the spectrum and nonetheless have marked histologic abnormalities (Fig. 4) and arrhythmias. In addition to sudden death in adult Tbx3G/G mutants, 50% of adult Tbx3G/G mutants exhibit what appears to be ventricular preexcitation, suggesting the existence of accessory AV conduction pathways. Normally, slow-conducting Tbx3+ AVC myocardium is maintained around the valves and the annulus fibrosis is formed and further insulates the atrial and ventricular myocardium. Both are likely to be disrupted in the Tbx3G/G mutants, as was previously observed in mutants of the Bmp–Tbx2–Notch regulatory axis (39–41).
Further evidence of extreme dosage sensitivity of cardiac conduction to Tbx3 is that minor decrements in adult mice disrupt sinoatrial and AV conduction. Milder arrhythmias in Tbx3flox/flox;CAGGCre-ER compared with surviving adult Tbx3G/G mutants is likely caused by the presence of Tbx3 in some cells in Tbx3flox/flox;CAGGCre-ER mutants: both alleles of Tbx3 were conditional, and Cre efficiency is variable with multiple loci (42, 43). Additionally, Tbx3G/G survivors have Tbx3 dysfunction throughout development. This is similar to Nkx2.5 mutants: juvenile gene ablation results in decreased severity and slower evolution of arrhythmias compared with both perinatal and embryonic ablation (44, 45). Interestingly, the peak and subsequent resolution of arrhythmia severity in the adult knocked-down animals suggests that conduction tissue can regenerate or reorganize to replace the function of Tbx3-depleted cells. Our data indicate that Tbx3 is required for the homeostasis of the adult conduction tissues and may be a useful factor to harness in efforts for conduction tissue regeneration.
SA node hypoplasia coupled with frequent sinus pauses and junctional rhythms in Tbx3G/G mutants and atrial arrhythmias in Tbx3GH/N hypomorphs indicate that Tbx3 is required during development for proper SAN size and function. Adequate SAN volume and electrical coupling to adjacent tissues are needed to drive surrounding myocardium (23, 24). SAN hypoplasia in human newborns has been linked to arrhythmias similar to those in Tbx3G/G mutants (46, 47).
Our finding of AV block resulting in extreme ventricular bradycardia in utero explains the embryonic demise of Tbx3GH/N hypomorphs. Mechanical activity detected by echocardiography was used as a surrogate measurement of electrical activity in the embryonic mice. Electrical conduction is usually translated into mechanical contraction, although in critically ill hearts, there are instances in which this translation is disrupted (called pulseless electrical activity). The direct measurements of electrical activity we performed by ECG on embryos confirmed that the rhythm disturbance detected by echocardiography was AV block rather than pulseless electrical activity of the intermittently noncontracting ventricle. Although we have made a major step forward in being able to use ECG in living embryos, the direct ECG measurement in embryos is highly invasive, embryo rhythm can be assessed only briefly a single time, and only a few embryos from each litter can be evaluated before the mother becomes unstable. Thus, this technique alone is not sufficient to interrogate ongoing conduction system dysfunction over developmental time. Although echocardiography has traditionally been used for structural and hemodynamic parameters, we have found that rhythm abnormalities can be reliably detected and that AV block can be distinguished from other arrhythmias in embryonic mice. The intermittent nature of the AV block is consistent with the variable length of survival. Optical mapping of E12.5 Tbx3Cre/Cre hearts demonstrated a normal AV conduction time (19). This phenotypic discrepancy may reflect differing dosages of Tbx3 protein or result from experimental differences: we detected AV block intermittently in vivo whereas optical mapping was performed on explanted hearts which is obviously a less physiologic setting and could easily miss intermittent dysfunction. Maternal anesthesia we used could unmask altered AV conduction in a genetically vulnerable substrate. Reproducible detection of AV block in Tbx3 deficient and tissue-specific conditional mutants but never in littermates establishes the arrhythmogenicity of Tbx3 deficiency, and genetically maps tissues responsible for AV block.
cGata6-Cre recombines in the developing AVC myocardial precursors of the AVN and AV rings, whereas Mef2c-AHF-Cre is active in a broad domain including the developing ventricular septal crest (AVB precursors), but strictly excluding the AV ring and AV node (37). AV block occurs in both conditional mutants, and thus the lack of overlap in their Cre activity reveals that Tbx3 is required in multiple regions along the embryonic AV conduction axis.
Ion channels and connexons that determine the action potential shape and propagation velocity are composed of multiple subunits and regulatory proteins. Individual genes/proteins are expressed at very low levels, which makes the detection of alterations in heterogeneous tissues difficult. The complexity of ion channel and connexin expression within the conduction system itself, and the changes that occur throughout development, are not well understood at this time; it is highly unlikely that any one dysregulated factor will explain the complex phenotypes we observe. Our genome-wide expression analysis was designed to detect targets with the earliest and least redundant requirements for Tbx3. Dysregulation of genes with the potential for altering cardiac conduction, and of ventricular myocardial genes in the AVC of the Tbx3 hypomorphs, suggests that the mutant myocardium fails to establish a normal conduction system molecular identity and is consistent with the observed arrhythmias. There were markedly increased levels of Kcne3 and Chac1, and decreased levels of Scn7a transcripts. Kcne3 encodes the MiRP2 potassium channel regulatory subunit, which markedly alters the function of at least three voltage-gated potassium channels important in cardiac conduction (48). Ectopic expression of Kcne3 accelerates repolarization and increases heart rate (49). Chac1 encodes a minimally characterized cation transport regulator-like protein. Scn7a encodes a voltage-gated sodium channel with a role in nervous system-controlled sodium and water homeostasis (50). The demonstrated and theoretical functions of the encoded proteins suggest that Kcne3, Chac1, and Scn7a are Tbx3 targets whose misexpression disrupts conduction in the developing embryonic heart. Function of these genes in conduction versus working myocardium and effects on ion trafficking merit future investigation.
Exquisite sensitivity of the developing and mature CCS to Tbx3 dosage is similar to that demonstrated previously for Tbx1 and Tbx5 with regard to cardiac morphogenesis (26, 51). Notably, there is little genotype–phenotype correlation as to type/severity of defects in human TBX mutation syndromes. Phenotypic variations in familial pedigrees may reflect this dosage sensitivity, the effects of modifier loci, as well as complex interactions between T-box proteins and other transcription factors thus far only superficially delineated.
Arrhythmias and their resolution in adult Tbx3 conditional mutants make Tbx3 a potential factor for efforts to regenerate conduction tissue. Our findings indicate that TBX3 and its targets merit investigation as candidate genes for human arrhythmia syndromes.
Materials and Methods
Three targeted mutations of Tbx3 were generated in mice: a null allele (Tbx3N), a hypomorphic allele (Tbx3GH), and a floxed conditional allele (Tbx3flox). Additional alleles were generated by recombining the GH and flox alleles with FLPe or Cre-recombinase (Tbx3G and Tbx3Δflox, respectively). Lines were maintained on a 50% C57BL/6, 50% SV129 background for embryo and newborn studies, and crossed into FVB (25% C57BL/6; 25% SV129; 50% FVB) for adult studies. Experiments were conducted in compliance with institutional animal care and use committee standards.
Generation of Targeted Tbx3 Alleles.
Tbx3N has a 4.6-kb deletion starting from an EcoRI site 920 bp 5′ of the translational start site (ATG) to an EcoRI site 3.7 kb 3′ of the ATG, deleting exons 1 to 3. The targeting vector also included a FRT-flanked neomycin (neor) selection cassette at the BglII site 3.2 kb 5′ of the ATG.
The Tbx3GH allele contains a loxA2 site inserted into the BamHI site 5.4 kb 3′ of the ATG. An FRT-flanked hygromycin resistance gene, a second loxA2 sequence, and a splice acceptor/GFP were inserted in an Apa1 site approximately 14 kb 3′ of the ATG. The hygromycin gene was removed by using the FLPe transgene (52) generating Tbx3G. These alleles express a Tbx3-GFP fusion protein after Cre-mediated recombination.
Tbx3flox contains two loxP sequences inserted in parallel orientation flanking the first exon of the Tbx3 gene. Cre-mediated recombination generates the Tbx3Δflox null allele. Tbx3flox/flox mice survive, have normal limbs, and reproduce normally.
Cre Mouse Lines.
Transgenic Cre lines used for conditional ablation of Tbx3 included: deleter-Cre (16), Mef2c-AHF-Cre (34), cGata6-Cre (33), αMHC-Cre (35), and CAGGCre-ER (38). Activities of these Cre lines in our mice were determined by using mT/mG and Rosa26lacZ reporter mice (36, 53). CAGGCre-ER was induced by oral gavage of 0.25 mg/g tamoxifen (Sigma Chemical) in peanut oil (10 mg/mL) daily for four doses.
Genotypes were determined by PCR of genomic DNA from ear biopsies or yolk sacs; primer sequences are available upon request. “E” refers to days of gestation beginning from midnight on the day of identification of a copulation plug.
Embryos were imaged in utero by using ultrasound biomicroscopy (Vevo 660; VisualSonics) with a 40-MHz transducer and 23-MHz spectral pulsed-wave Doppler. Heart rate and rhythm were determined from pulsed Doppler waveforms. Ventricular function was determined by fractional area change between systole and diastole from 2D images. Maternal anesthesia was achieved with 1% to 2% isoflurane, maintaining heart rate between 450 and 550 beats/min and rapid shallow breathing. Body temperature was maintained within normal range and duration of maternal anesthesia was less than 1.5 h. Hemodynamics of E10.5 to E15.5 embryos were analyzed at daily intervals. During scanning, the bladder was used as a reference point for the left and right uterine horns, and the relative location of embryos was mapped. After the final scan, laparotomy was performed, and position of the embryos correlated with ultrasound embryo location before genotyping. Newborn mice were studied awake on the morning of their birth. A short-axis view of the ventricles was obtained to determine wall and chamber dimensions.
Electrocardiogram Analysis.
A unique method to record embryonic ECGs used 240-mm-diameter silver electrodes positioned around the thorax of embryos exposed through abdominal and uterine incisions leaving placental circulation intact; a ground electrode was attached to the anesthetized mother. For newborns and adults, needle electrodes were inserted into proximal limb skin under anesthesia. Electrodes were connected to a DC-powered differential amplifier; signals were filtered at 50 kHz and digitized at 10 kHz with a 12-bit A/D converter (Digidata 1322A; Molecular Devices). Data acquisition/analyses were performed with pClamp software (Molecular Devices).
Long-term ECG monitoring in adults was via two lead telemetry devices (Data Sciences International) implanted intraperitoneally. In hypomorphs and controls, we ascertained 24 h of data 4 d after implantation. For adult Tbx3 conditional ablations and controls, we implanted telemetry devices at 2 mo of age; baseline data were obtained 4 d after implantation, and tamoxifen administration began 1 wk after implantation. Heart rhythm was monitored for 2 h each week for 10 wk after tamoxifen dosing. ECG data were analyzed using Ponemah Physiology Platform software (Data Sciences International).
In Situ Hybridization and Immunohistochemistry.
Tissues were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, embedded in paraplast or frozen in optimal cutting temperature compound, and sectioned at 7 to 10 μm for immunohistochemistry (IHC) and at 10 to 14 μm for in situ hybridization. Probes and methodology of in situ hybridization were described previously (12, 22, 25, 54). Immunohistochemistry was performed with Antigen Unmasking Solution (Vector Labs). Blocking solution consisted of 5% serum (specific to species of secondary antibody) and 0.3% Triton X-100 in PBS solution. Detection was with fluorescent-tagged or biotinylated secondary antibodies [detected with Vectastain Elite ABC reagent (Vector Labs) and ImmPACT DAB (Vector Labs) with eosin or methyl green counterstains]. For fluorescent IHC, nuclei were stained using Hoechst 33342 (H1399, 1:500 in PBS solution; Molecular Probes). Antibody combinations used included: anti-PECAM1 (553370; BD Biosciences) with biotin goat anti-rat Ig (559286, 1:75; BD Pharmingen), anti-BrdU (ab6326, 1:1,000; Abcam) with biotin-SP–conjugated donkey anti-rat IgG (712–065-153, 1:250; Jackson ImmunoResearch), or Alexa Fluor 594 goat anti-rat IgG (A11007, 1:500; Invitrogen), anti-Cx43 (C6219, 1:500; Sigma) with Alexa Fluor 488 goat anti-rabbit IgG (A11008, 1:500; Invitrogen), anti-Cx43 (45256, 1:200; BD Biosciences) with Alexa Fluor 568 donkey anti-mouse IgG (1:250), anti-GFP (A11122, 1:1,000; Invitrogen) with Alexa Fluor 488 goat anti-rabbit IgG (1:500), anti-Hcn4 (APC-052, 1:500; Alomone) with biotin goat anti-rabbit Ig (550338; BD Pharmingen), anti-Hcn4 (NG164345, 1:200; Millipore) with Alexa Fluor 488 donkey anti-rabbit IgG (1:250), anti-Tbx3 (SC17871, 1:500; Santa Cruz) with biotinylated rabbit anti-goat IgG (BA-5000, 1:500; Vector Labs), anti-Tbx3 (B1006, 1:200; Santa Cruz) with biotinylated donkey anti-goat (1:250) detected with TSA Enhancement Kit (NEL702A; Perkin-Elmer), and anti-Cx40 (K2204, 1:200; Santa Cruz) with Alexa Fluor 680 donkey anti-goat IgG (1:250). Apoptosis was assayed in paraffin-embedded sections by using the ApopTag Detection Kit (Chemicon). Embryos bearing the double fluorescent mT/mG Cre reporter were cryosectioned and directly imaged under epifluorescence (36).
Preparation of RNA and cDNA for Microarray and qRT-PCR.
We assayed mRNA levels of Tbx3, Tbx2, and Tbx5 in dissected atria and AVC tissues from E12.5 embryos with normalization to hprt by qRT-PCR.
For the microarray expression analysis, we microdissected AVC, including AV cushions and myocardium, from E10.5 Tbx3GH/N mutant and Tbx3+/+ control embryos. Tissues were dissected in ice-cold PBS solution and stored in RLT buffer (Qiagen) at −80 °C. Five specimens of each genotype were pooled per sample. Total RNA was extracted from samples (RNeasy Micro Kit; Qiagen). The experiment was run in quadruplicate (four separate biologic replicates) on Agilent mouse whole-genome expression arrays. Agilent two-color LRILAK labeling, the Agilent two-color GE hybridization/wash protocol, and the Agilent 5-μm XDR scanning protocols were carried out the by the University of Utah Microarray Core Facility. The array image data were quantified using Agilent Feature Extraction software (version Subtle intensity-dependent bias was corrected with LOWESS normalization, with no background subtraction. The raw and normalized data sets have been submitted to Gene Expression Omnibus database (accession no. GSE24122). Spots with intensity below background were removed before statistical analysis. Statistical analysis of normalized log-transformed data was performed in GeneSifter (www.geospiza.com).
For qRT-PCR validation, separate samples were made from tissue specimens obtained as described earlier. One hundred micrograms of total RNA was transcribed to cDNA by using the SuperScript III First-Strand Synthesis System (Invitrogen). Quantitative PCR was performed with iQ SYBR Green Supermix on the iCycler system (Bio-Rad), and normalization was to hprt, gapdh, and β-actin. Primer sequences provided upon request.
Quantitative PCR data are presented using the ΔΔC(t) method (55). For the experiments evaluating expression of levels ofTbx3 in the allelic series, ANOVA was performed with Student–Newman–Keuls testing to determine differences between individual groups. t tests were used to compare qRT-PCR measurements for Tbx3GH/N vs. Tbx3+/+ validation of microarray results. ECG and echocardiogram measurements were compared by using the Mann–Whitney U test or t test. Statistical analysis was performed by using SPSS Statistics (version 17.0); a significance level of 0.05 was used.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Data Availability
Data deposition: The data reported in this paper have been deposited in the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo (accession no. GSE24122).
We thank Lisa Ogden, Deborah Stuart, and Corrie De Gier-de Vries for technical assistance, Ken Spitzer and Bruce Steadman for designing and building the ECG recording system, Michael Sanguinetti and Kevin Whitehead for critical reading and helpful comments on the manuscript, and Susan Bratton for statistical assistance. Brian Black (Mef2c-AHF-Cre), Dale Abel (αMHC-Cre), and John Burch (cGata6-Cre) kindly provided mouse lines. This work was supported by a Shriners Hospital for Children Award (to M.L.B. and A.M.M.), Primary Children's Medical Center Foundation Awards (to D.U.F. and A.M.M.), March of Dimes Basil O'Connor Awards (to D.U.F. and A.M.M.), Pediatric Critical Care Scientist Development Program K12HD047349 (to D.U.F.), National Institutes of Health Grant R01HD046767 (to A.M.M.), and Netherlands Heart Foundation Grant 2005B076 (to V.M.C.).
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Data Availability
Data deposition: The data reported in this paper have been deposited in the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo (accession no. GSE24122).
Submission history
Published online: December 27, 2011
Published in issue: January 17, 2012
We thank Lisa Ogden, Deborah Stuart, and Corrie De Gier-de Vries for technical assistance, Ken Spitzer and Bruce Steadman for designing and building the ECG recording system, Michael Sanguinetti and Kevin Whitehead for critical reading and helpful comments on the manuscript, and Susan Bratton for statistical assistance. Brian Black (Mef2c-AHF-Cre), Dale Abel (αMHC-Cre), and John Burch (cGata6-Cre) kindly provided mouse lines. This work was supported by a Shriners Hospital for Children Award (to M.L.B. and A.M.M.), Primary Children's Medical Center Foundation Awards (to D.U.F. and A.M.M.), March of Dimes Basil O'Connor Awards (to D.U.F. and A.M.M.), Pediatric Critical Care Scientist Development Program K12HD047349 (to D.U.F.), National Institutes of Health Grant R01HD046767 (to A.M.M.), and Netherlands Heart Foundation Grant 2005B076 (to V.M.C.).
This Direct Submission article had a prearranged editor.
Data deposition: The data reported in this paper have been deposited in the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo (accession no. GSE24122).
See full research article on page E154 of www.pnas.org.
*This Direct Submission article had a prearranged editor.
See Author Summary on page 665.
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The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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