Bright circularly polarized soft X-ray high harmonics for X-ray magnetic circular dichroism
Contributed by Margaret M. Murnane, October 6, 2015 (sent for review September 19, 2015); reviewed by Jean-Yves Bigot and Yuen-Ron Shen
The new ability to generate circularly polarized coherent (laser-like) beams of short wavelength high harmonics in a tabletop-scale setup is attracting intense interest worldwide. Although predicted in 1995, this capability was demonstrated experimentally only in 2014. However, all work to date (both theory and experiment) studied circularly polarized harmonics only in the extreme UV (EUV) region of the spectrum at wavelengths >18 nm. In this new work done in a broad international collaboration, we demonstrate the first soft X-ray high harmonics with circular polarization to wavelengths λ < 8 nm and the first tabletop soft X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) measurements, and also uncover new X-ray light science that will inspire many more studies of circular high-harmonic generation (HHG).
We demonstrate, to our knowledge, the first bright circularly polarized high-harmonic beams in the soft X-ray region of the electromagnetic spectrum, and use them to implement X-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements in a tabletop-scale setup. Using counterrotating circularly polarized laser fields at 1.3 and 0.79 µm, we generate circularly polarized harmonics with photon energies exceeding 160 eV. The harmonic spectra emerge as a sequence of closely spaced pairs of left and right circularly polarized peaks, with energies determined by conservation of energy and spin angular momentum. We explain the single-atom and macroscopic physics by identifying the dominant electron quantum trajectories and optimal phase-matching conditions. The first advanced phase-matched propagation simulations for circularly polarized harmonics reveal the influence of the finite phase-matching temporal window on the spectrum, as well as the unique polarization-shaped attosecond pulse train. Finally, we use, to our knowledge, the first tabletop X-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements at the N4,5 absorption edges of Gd to validate the high degree of circularity, brightness, and stability of this light source. These results demonstrate the feasibility of manipulating the polarization, spectrum, and temporal shape of high harmonics in the soft X-ray region by manipulating the driving laser waveform.
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High-harmonic generation (HHG) results from an extreme nonlinear quantum response of atoms to intense laser fields. When implemented in a phase-matched geometry, bright, coherent HHG beams can extend to photon energies beyond 1.6 keV (1, 2). For many years, however, bright HHG was limited to linear polarization, precluding many applications in probing and characterizing magnetic materials and nanostructures, as well as chiral phenomena in general. Although X-ray optics can in principle be used to convert extreme UV (EUV) and X-ray light from linear to circular polarization, in practice such optics are challenging to fabricate and have poor throughput and limited bandwidth (3). A more appealing option is the direct generation of elliptically polarized (4–6) and circularly polarized (7–9) high harmonics. In recent work we showed that by using a combination of 0.8 and 0.4 µm counterrotating driving fields, bright (i.e., phase-matched) EUV HHG with circular polarization can be generated at wavelengths λ > 18 nm and used for EUV magnetic dichroism measurements (10–13).
Here we make, to our knowledge, the first experimental demonstration of circularly polarized harmonics in the soft X-ray region to wavelengths λ < 8 nm, and use them to implement soft X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) measurements using a tabletop-scale setup. By using counterrotating driving lasers at 0.79 µm (1.57 eV) and 1.3 µm (0.95 eV), we generate bright circularly polarized soft X-ray HHG beams with photon energies greater than 160 eV (14) and with flux comparable to the HHG flux obtained using linearly polarized 800-nm driving lasers (15). Moreover we implement, to our knowledge, the first advanced simulations of the coherent buildup of circularly polarized high harmonics to show how the macroscopic phase-matching physics and ellipticity of the driving lasers influence the HHG spectra, number of bright attosecond bursts, and the degree of circular polarization.
This work presents several new capabilities and findings. First, circularly polarized HHG provides a unique route for generating bright narrowband (λ/Δλ > 400) harmonic peaks in the soft X-ray region, to complement the soft X-ray supercontinua that are produced with linearly polarized mid-IR lasers (2, 15, 16). This capability is significant because it provides an elegant and efficient route for shaping soft X-ray light by manipulating the driving laser light, and is very useful for applications in high-resolution coherent imaging (17–21) and photoelectron spectroscopies. Second, we show that the macroscopic phase-matching physics of circularly polarized soft X-ray HHG driven by mid-IR lasers has similarities to linearly polarized HHG, where the number of bright attosecond bursts is limited by the finite phase-matching temporal window. Third, we implement the first tabletop XMCD measurements at the N4,5 absorption edges of Gd. The Gd/Fe multilayer sample is a candidate material for next-generation all-optical magnetic storage devices (22), but has been inaccessible to HHG XMCD until now. This capability also opens up the possibility of probing spin dynamics in rare-earth elements using HHG, which has been successfully used for 3d transition metals to uncover the fastest spin dynamics using EUV HHG (23, 24). Finally, and most importantly, these results demonstrate the universal nature of circularly polarized HHG that can be generated across the EUV and soft X-ray spectral regions using a broad range of driving laser wavelengths.
In our experiment, we used a single-stage Ti:sapphire regenerative amplifier with an output energy of 8.2 mJ per pulse, at a 1-kHz repetition rate and a 0.79-µm central wavelength (15). Approximately 80% of the output energy is directed into a three-stage optical parametric amplifier (OPA) that generates a 1.6-mJ/pulse signal beam at 1.3 µm, as well as a 1-mJ/pulse idler beam at 2 µm. The polarizations of the signal beam and the remaining 20% of the 0.79-µm beam are then converted to counterrotating circular polarization using half- and quarter-wave plates. A delay line is used for adjusting the relative time delay between the two fields. Both beams are then combined by a dichroic mirror and focused into a 150-µm diameter, 1-cm long gas-filled hollow waveguide. The pulse durations of the 0.79- and 1.3-µm beams are ∼55 and ∼35 fs, respectively. As illustrated schematically in Fig. 1, the counterrotating bichromatic drivers interact with a noble gas inside the fiber, generating circularly polarized high harmonics that propagate through a spectrometer and are recorded by a CCD. After the fiber, the two driving lasers are blocked using either a 0.4-µm Al or 0.4-µm Zr filter, which transmit in the range of 20–72 eV and 70–190 eV (25), respectively.
Fig. 1.
For our first set of experiments, we filled the waveguide with Ar, Ne, or He gas. As shown in Fig. 2, all HHG spectra exhibit a well-separated HHG peak–pair structure, where the harmonics within each pair possess opposite helicity. The HHG spectra from Ar and Ne terminate slightly above 50 and 120 eV, respectively, whereas for He, bright circularly polarized HHG extends dramatically beyond the previous limit of 70 to >160 eV (11). Moreover, circular HHG driven by 0.79- and 1.3-µm lasers covers a much broader spectrum compared with circular HHG driven by 0.8 µm and its second harmonic (11). This behavior is similar to the case for linearly polarized HHG, where long wavelength lasers generate the broadest HHG spectrum and can support the shortest transform-limited HHG pulse durations. Finally, the soft X-ray HHG spectra from Ne, and especially He, appear to merge into an underlying supercontinuum, which, as discussed below, is a result of peak broadening caused by the narrow phase-matching temporal window (∼8 fs) (26), combined with additional peaks induced by slightly elliptical (∼0.99) broadband driving lasers (10, 27, 28).
Fig. 2.
We can describe the experimentally observed HHG spectra in terms of the conservation of energy and photon-spin angular momentum (1, 8, 10, 27, 28). Conservation of energy gives ωc = nω1 + lω2 for the circular harmonic ωc generated from n photons of frequency ω1 and l photons of frequency ω2. Spin angular momentum conservation for generating circular polarization requires l = n ± 1. Thus, ωc = nω1 + (n ± 1)ω2; this gives rise to pairs of adjacent harmonics with opposite circular polarizations, and with a photon energy difference of ω1 – ω2 between the harmonics within each pair, and ω1 + ω2 between adjacent pairs. If we define ω1 = qω2, where q can be any number, we obtain ωc = n(q + 1)ω2 ± ω2. For the simple case of HHG driven by ω and 2ω, where ω1 = 2ω2, it follows that ωc = (3n ± 1)ω2, thereby resulting in a unique spectrum where every third harmonic order is missing. For the driving laser wavelengths studied here (0.79 and 1.3 µm), ωc ∼ (2.65n ± 1)ω2. As Fig. 2 shows, the experimentally generated HHG peak positions well match those predicted by the selection rules.
We performed microscopic and macroscopic simulations for circular HHG from He to unveil the physics underlying this unique soft X-ray HHG source. For our first simulation, we identified the relevant quantum trajectories using the strong-field approximation and quantum orbit theory (29) and applying the corresponding semiclassical three-step model (30–32). For simplification, our microscopic simulations were done at a central wavelength of 0.78 µm (close to the 0.79-µm experimental value), because for driving wavelengths of 1.3 and 0.78 µm, the combined field (Fig. 3B) repeats itself in an eightfold symmetry shape every 13 fs (see SI Text, Circularly Polarized HHG Driven by Bichromatic Counterrotating Fields, for more information). Fig. 3A shows the dominant electron trajectories for a photon energy of 100 eV (see SI Text, Single-Atom Simulations of the Electron Trajectories in Circular HHG, for more information). In general, the electron tunnels a few atomic units away from the nucleus (33) and moves on a simple out-and-back trajectory, before recombining and emitting a harmonic photon. Ionization, recollision, and HHG occur eight times, each 13 fs, as shown in Fig. 3B. As a result, the HHG emission emerges as a series of eight linearly polarized attosecond bursts every 13 fs, with each burst rotated with respect to the previous one, until the amplitude of the laser field drops below the threshold for HHG. Note that the linear polarization results from the sum of counterrotating circularly polarized harmonics (34).
Fig. 3.
To fully explain the HHG spectra and its polarization state, including the underlying supercontinuum structure observed in the soft X-ray region in Fig. 2C, we need to consider circularly polarized HHG phase-matched propagation as well as the ellipticity of the driving lasers; to achieve this, we simulated the macroscopic phase matched buildup of a circularly polarized HHG field by computing 1D propagation through 2 mm He gas (300 torr), using the electromagnetic field propagator (35) (see SI Text, Temporal Phase-Matching of Circularly Polarized Soft X-ray Harmonics, for details). This simulation was performed at driving laser intensities of and , chosen to fulfill the optimal phase-matching conditions, i.e., the sum of the phase mismatches for the two colors is zero slightly before the peak of the pulse, at an ionization level between the critical ionization for the two laser wavelengths (1). This choice also yields good agreement between the experimental and theoretical HHG spectra. In Fig. 3C (cyan curve), we present the propagated HHG spectrum for counterrotating driving laser fields with perfect circularity ().
However, the presence of small side-peaks adjacent to the main peaks in Fig. 2 B and C provides a clue that additional channels are opening up, which can be explained using a simple photon model (10, 27, 28). In the presence of a slight ellipticity in one or both of the driving lasers, photons of the wrong helicity may be absorbed, leading to small peaks with different helicities underlying and surrounding each main peak (SI Text, Imperfect Circularity of the Driving Laser Fields Introduces New HHG Channels). This simple photon model can be used to explain the experimentally observed spectrum and also allows the ellipticity of the HHG spectrum to be extracted. The circularity of the HHG reduces from ∼1 in the EUV to ∼0.6 in the soft X-ray region (SI Text, Ellipticity Analysis of Circularly Polarized HHG Using Simple and Advanced Models). However, each HHG peak will be perfectly circularly polarized if the driving lasers are perfectly circularly polarized.
To reproduce the underlying supercontinuum structure in the advanced macroscopic propagation simulations, we introduce a slight ellipticity into the driving laser pulses () in Fig. 3C (magenta curve), which can be expected because of the finite bandwidth of zero-order wave plates. New low-intensity harmonic peaks appear because additional new channels are allowed (10, 27, 28) (SI Text, Imperfect Circularity of the Driving Laser Fields Introduces New HHG Channels), which when combined with peak broadening that results from a short temporal phase-matching window, can reproduce the supercontinuum structure, in excellent agreement with experiment.
In Fig. 3D, we present the predicted HHG emission in the temporal domain obtained by performing a Fourier transform of the magenta spectrum shown in Fig. 3C. The attosecond pulse train has circular polarization when either left or right circular HHG orders are considered separately (34, 36). When all HHG orders (left and right circular) are combined, a linearly polarized attosecond pulse train is generated, with subsequent bursts oriented in different directions and separated by (13/8) fs or 1.63 fs (because there are eight bursts each 13 fs). Similar to the case for soft X-ray HHG driven by linearly polarized mid-IR driving lasers, circularly polarized soft X-ray HHG optimally phase matches (26, 37) (i.e., is brightest at the highest photon energies) at high gas pressures. Fig. 3D and SI Text, Temporal Phase-Matching of Circularly Polarized Soft X-ray Harmonics show that for these pressures and wavelengths, the temporal window for bright phase-matched HHG emission is considerably narrower than at shorter laser wavelengths (26); as a consequence, only five bright attosecond bursts are emitted, and the harmonic peaks broaden in the spectral domain. If the phase-matching window closes further, an isolated linearly polarized pulse or a circularly polarized pulse would be obtained if harmonics from both polarization states or from just one polarization state are selected, respectively. In comparison, when HHG is driven by linearly polarized mid-IR lasers, phase matching can isolate a single attosecond burst, and a supercontinuum of linearly polarized HHG is obtained (26).
Finally, we note that a unique aspect of circularly polarized HHG is its very high stability, as validated by the XMCD measurements (SI Text, XMCD Shows the Brightness and Stability of Soft X-ray Circular HHG), because the shape of the combined driving laser field is largely insensitive to phase slip between the two driving lasers. Rather, the combined field will simply rotate (11), which makes circular HHG highly stable—even if the two drivers are not phase locked—and thus very attractive for applications.
XMCD measurements can serve both to spectrally characterize the polarization of a light source, and to make fundamental materials measurements. Here, we use an out-of-plane magnetized Gd/Fe multilayer sample to perform XMCD at the N4,5 absorption edges of the rare-earth metal Gd around 145 eV, as well as at the Fe M2,3 absorption edges around 54 eV. The observed magnetic contrast confirms that our soft X-ray HHG beams indeed exhibit circular polarization and are bright enough for applications. As schematically depicted in Fig. 1, the Gd/Fe multilayer sample is surrounded by four permanent (NdFeB) magnets (6), which provide a magnetic field perpendicular to the sample.
The transmitted intensity of a circularly polarized HHG beam with incident intensity through the sample with thickness was recorded with the magnetic field both parallel (I+) and antiparallel (I−) to the wave vector (k) of the X-rays with energy . The refractive index is defined as , where and are the absorptive index and its magneto-optical (MO) correction, respectively (38–40). From we obtain the XMCD asymmetry, defined as , from which the MO absorption coefficient is extracted and compared with previous synchrotron work (41–46), with representing different components of the dielectric tensor. Note that the opposite sign of for adjacent harmonics (Fig. 4) demonstrates that they have opposite helicities.
Fig. 4.
By analyzing the strong XMCD signal, we extracted the MO absorption constant across a broad photon energy range above and below the Gd and Fe edges. As can be seen from Fig. 4, the excellent agreement between the extracted MO absorption coefficients and previous work (41, 44) shows that HHG can be successfully used for tabletop XMCD. The MO constants of Fe and Gd around the absorption edges show opposite signs. Because Δβ has the same sign for both elements (41, 44), this indicates an antiferromagnetic alignment between Fe and Gd layers, as expected for these multilayers (47). Moreover, the XMCD results show that the small side peaks, which result from the imperfect circularity of the driving fields, also exhibit a high degree of circularity with the same circular polarization as their nearest main harmonic peak. Our results demonstrate the brightness, stability, and high degree of circularity of the generated harmonics, which extends element-specific and magnetic-sensitive ultrafast pump-probe capabilities into the soft X-ray range and to the 4f rare earth ferromagnets, with potential to reach the L shell absorption edges of many magnetic materials in the keV range in the near future (2).
In summary, using circularly polarized, counterrotating, bichromatic 0.79- and 1.3-µm driving lasers, we demonstrated, to our knowledge, the first bright, phase-matched, soft X-ray HHG with circular polarization. The unique harmonic spectrum is explained by the microscopic and macroscopic physics of the generation process i.e., energy and spin angular momentum conservation laws, the driving laser wavelengths and degree of circular polarization, as well as the phase-matching conditions. This powerful new light source allowed us to perform what we believe is the first tabletop soft X-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements at the N4,5 absorption edges (∼145 eV) of the technologically important rare earth metal Gd. Such materials are of wide interest because they are potentially important for next-generation data storage media using all-optical switching, and were inaccessible to investigation via tabletop HHG until now. Finally, this work demonstrates that circular HHG can be implemented across a broad range of photon energies, enhancing our ability to control X-ray light using laser light, and provides a breakthrough tool for probing ultrafast magnetization dynamics using tabletop soft X-rays.
Here, we present the details of the XMCD measurement. As shown in Fig. 1, the four permanent magnets are mounted on a rotation stage such that their generated magnetic field could be applied perpendicular to the sample surface in either direction. The magnetic contrast is obtained by switching the magnetic field between parallel/antiparallel alignment relative to the HHG propagation vector. The external magnetic field at the sample was 230 mT, measured with a Hall probe—high enough to saturate the magnetization of the multilayer sample (48) as confirmed by vibrating sample magnetometry. The out-of-plane magnetized multilayer sample, which consists of 50 repetitions of Gd (0.45 nm)/Fe (0.41 nm) layer pairs, was deposited on a 50-nm Si3N4 membrane to enable a transmission geometry, and capped by 3 nm of Ta to prevent oxidation. For the XMCD measurements, we used the harmonics generated in He with 1.3- and 0.79-µm drivers, where the laser peak intensities and the gas pressure were optimized for phase matching at the higher and lower energy parts of the spectrum, corresponding to the Gd and Fe absorption edges, respectively (Fig. 2 A and C). Because the phase mismatch becomes larger with broader bandwidth (11, 34), we were not able to phase match the entire spectrum at the same time. In addition, for Ar and He circular HHG spectra in Fig. 2 A and C and the XMCD measurement in Fig. 4, the CCD used is Andor Newton DO940P-BN; for Ne circular HHG spectra in Fig. 2B, the CCD used is Andor DO420-BN.
SI Text
Circularly Polarized HHG Driven by Bichromatic Counterrotating Fields.
In this section, we summarize some of the general principles of circular HHG driven by counterrotating, bichromatic laser fields with wavelengths λ1 and λ2. We assume that the driving laser fields are perfectly circularly polarized with a flat envelope. If λ1 and λ2 have the smallest common multiple λ0, the combined electric field will possess n1 + n2 fold symmetry, where n1 = λ0/λ1 and n2 = λ0/λ2. From the perspective of cycle time, the cycle times of λ1 and λ2 are t1 = λ1/c and t2 = λ2/c. We have n1t1 = n2t2 = λ0/c, thus the combined field has a periodicity of λ0/c. Following the symmetry of the electric field, the field-driven electron trajectories will also possess n1 + n2 fold symmetry. The generated waveform will then be an attosecond pulse train, where each attosecond pulse is linearly polarized, but rotated with respect to the previous pulse. The polarization will have n1 + n2 unique orientations, and the pulse train will possess n1 + n2 fold symmetry.
For example, for the previously studied ω + 2ω case (11), λ1 = λ0/2 and λ2 = λ0, so the combined field possesses threefold symmetry, and the generated attosecond pulse train consists of linearly polarized pulses orientated in three unique directions (34). The combined field for λ1 = 0.78 μm and λ2 = 1.3 μm has a smallest common multiple of λ0 = 3.9 μm, thus n1 = 5 and n2 = 3, so the combined field possesses eightfold symmetry (Fig. S1A). However, for the case of λ1 = 0.79 μm and λ2 = 1.3 μm (Fig. S1 B and C), λ0 = 130 × 790 nm = 79 × 1,300 nm = 102,700 nm, thus n1 = 130 and n2 = 79, so the combined field possesses 130 + 79 = 209-fold symmetry and will not repeat until a cycle time of equivalent to a wavelength of 102,700 nm. Moreover, the attosecond pulse train consists of linearly polarized bursts with 1 + λ2/λ1 bursts per λ2 field cycle (on average), which is three bursts per ω driving field cycle for the ω + 2ω case, and ∼2.6 bursts per 1.3-µm field cycle for the 0.79 + 1.3-µm case that we study in this paper.
Fig. S1.
Imperfect Circularity of the Driving Laser Fields Introduces New HHG Channels.
In this section, we present an intuitive picture for the generation of additional peaks underlying and surrounding the main harmonic peaks resulting from imperfect circularity of the driving lasers (10, 27, 28). We can describe these channels using a simple photon model (27), where we can imagine that the HHG process is drawing photons randomly from each driving laser beam, consistent with the conservation laws. Circular HHG then corresponds to pulling all of the “correct” helicity photons from each beam, where we use correct to refer to getting all right circularly polarized (RCP) photons from the RCP beam and all left circularly polarized (LCP) photons from the LCP beam. We can think about the ellipticity of the beam as simply having a few of the “wrong” photons in each beam, where wrong means LCP photons in the RCP beam, and RCP photons in the LCP beam. When both of the driving lasers are perfectly circularly polarized, zero wrong photons are absorbed for circular HHG, as shown in Fig. S2B and the corresponding circles in Fig. S2A. When the driving lasers have slight ellipticity, it is possible to absorb one wrong photon as shown in Fig. S2 C and D and the corresponding squares in Fig. S2A, two wrong photons as shown in Fig. S2 E–G and the corresponding crosses in Fig. S2A, and more than two wrong photons, which are not illustrated in Fig. S2 due to their low probability.
Fig. S2.
Conservation of energy and spin angular momentum gives ωc = nω1 + lω2 = nω1 + (n ± 1)ω2, for the circular harmonic of frequency ωc generated from n photons of frequency ω1 and l photons of frequency ω2, where l = n ± 1 is required by photon spin angular momentum conservation when the driving fields are perfectly circularly polarized. When the driving laser field is not perfectly circularly polarized, additional channels, such as l = n ± 1 with one or more wrong photons absorbed, l = n ± 3 and l = n ± 5 etc. are allowed (10, 27, 28), as illustrated in Fig. S2 C–G. Because Fig. S2 C and E correspond to l = n ± 1 channels, these also appear at the same positions as the main peaks, as shown by the magenta squares and crosses in Fig. S2A. Fig. S2 D and F correspond to l = n ± 3 channels, while Fig. S2G corresponds to l = n ± 5 channels, which are distinct from the main peaks (and marked as red squares and crosses and blue crosses in Fig. S2A). We find excellent agreement between the positions of these new channels predicted by this simple analysis and their location in the experimental HHG spectrum (Fig. S2A), confirming that these additional channels appear due to a slight ellipticity of the driving fields.
Because each beam is composed of a mixture of correct and wrong photons, with a fraction of correct photons pi and a fraction of wrong photons 1 – pi (here, i = 1, 2 for the two drivers). Then, we can calculate the probability of each channel, i.e., the probability of absorbing ni total photons from each beam with ki wrong photons using the binomial distributionfor ki = 0, 1, 2, …, ni, where . From this equation, we see that when the driver has very slight ellipticity, the probability of absorbing one wrong photon is about one order of magnitude lower than the probability of absorbing zero wrong photons, whereas the probability of absorbing two wrong photons is about two orders of magnitude lower than the probability of absorbing zero wrong photons. The probability of absorbing more than two wrong photons is even smaller. However, when the driving lasers deviate more from perfect circularity, the probability of absorbing more than two wrong photons starts to play a more important role.
Regarding the helicity of the main and side peaks, taking the harmonics inside the black box in Fig. S2A as an example, the magenta circle is RCP, the magenta square is LCP (about one order lower intensity than the magenta circle), the magenta cross is RCP (two orders of magnitude lower in intensity than the magenta circle); thus the main peak is RCP. For the small side peak, the red square is RCP, the red and blue crosses are LCP (one order of magnitude lower in intensity than the red square); hence the side peak is RCP, which is the same helicity as its nearest main peak. This finding is also validated by the XMCD measurements, as shown in Fig. 4.
Ellipticity Analysis of Circularly Polarized HHG Using Simple and Advanced Models.
In this section, we discuss the ellipticity of circular HHG using two methods: the simple photon model described in Imperfect Circularity of the Driving Laser Fields Introduces New HHG Channels and a more advanced numerical simulation. In the simple photon model (10, 27, 28), we assume the fraction of correct photons to be 99.8% for Fig. S3A and 99.5% for Fig. S3B for both driving beams, and simulate every harmonic peak (including the additional channels allowed by the ellipticity of the drivers) with a Gaussian curve. For Fig. S3A, we assume a fractional bandwidth (the bandwidth of a HHG peak divided by its peak photon energy) of 0.3/67 (i.e., a bandwidth of 0.3 eV at 67 eV) for absorbing zero wrong photon channels and a bandwidth of 0.5 eV for absorbing 1–5 wrong photons channels. For Fig. S3B, we assume a bandwidth of 0.32 eV for absorbing zero wrong photon channels and 0.55 eV for absorbing 1–5 wrong photons channels. These parameters are chosen to best fit the experimental data. Then we add all of the Gaussian curves together and multiply by an envelope (to account for gas absorption, filter transmission, and HHG cutoff, etc.) to get a simulated HHG spectrum. We see that the simulated and experimental HHG spectra match very well, and that the HHG circularity reduces from ∼1 in the EUV to ∼0.6 in the soft X-ray region.
Fig. S3.
It is straightforward to understand why the circularity of the harmonics reduces at higher photon energies. For low-order harmonics, we need to add fewer photons, which have a high probability of selecting all correct ones. However, for higher HHG orders, we need to combine more photons, which becomes more challenging to do without including some photons with the wrong helicity. For example, if we assume the fraction of correct photons in both driving laser beams to be 99.5%, the probability of selecting 20 correct photons is ∼90%. But if we select 100 photons, the probability of selecting them all correctly is only ∼61%. So, when we are generating higher order harmonics, the requirement for pure circular drivers becomes much stricter. For example, if we want the possibility of adding 1,000 correct photons (which will reach the L edges at ∼700 eV with mid-IR drivers) to be 95%, then the driving laser beams need to consist of 99.995% photons with the correct helicity.
Fig. S3 C and D show a polarization analysis of the simulated spectra presented in Fig. 3C, which include phase-matched propagation, for the case in which the drivers are slightly elliptical (Fig. S3C) and perfect circularly polarized (Fig. S3D). When the driving beams are slightly elliptically polarized, the HHG circularity gradually decreases at the peaks as the photon energy increases. However, when the driving lasers are perfectly circularly polarized, the HHG peaks have perfect circular polarization, which decreases as expected in regions where the peaks overlap.
Experimentally, we observe harmonic peaks sitting on top of a broad supercontinuum “baseline” in the circular HHG from Ne and He, which in fact can be completely described as the sum of the peaks of all of the channels. As the phase-matching window closes, we are left with an attosecond pulse train consisting of fewer bursts, as discussed in the following section, and the peaks become broader in the spectral domain. The merging of all those peaks in the wings leads to appearance of an underlying supercontinuum.
Temporal Phase-Matching of Circularly Polarized Soft X-ray Harmonics.
Here we analyze in detail our simulations of the propagation of bright (phase-matched) circularly polarized soft X-ray harmonics in He. We simulate macroscopic phase-matching by computing 1D propagation through 2-mm He gas, using the electromagnetic field propagator (35), where the single-atom dipole acceleration is computed using the enhanced strong-field approximation method (49), which has been validated against the time-dependent Schrödinger equation simulations in the near-IR (49) and mid-IR regimes (50). We account for the time-dependent ionized population using the instantaneous Ammosov–Delone–Krainov rates (51, 52), and for reabsorption of the harmonics in the generating medium by using Beer's law. The input laser field is modeled by a bichromatic elliptically polarized laser pulse in the form of where is the ellipticity. The driving laser frequencies, and , correspond to wavelengths of 0.79 µm and 1.3 µm respectively. The temporal envelope, , has a trapezoidal shape with three cycles of linear turn-on, 10 cycles of constant amplitude (43.3 fs), and three cycles of linear turn-off (in cycles of the 1.3-µm driving field). The same simulation methods are used in the main text.
In Fig. S4, we present 1D propagation simulations for bichromatic 0.79- and 1.3-µm drivers, propagating through 2-mm He at pressures of 100 torr (Fig. S4A) and 300 torr (Fig. S4C). Because perfect phase-matching cannot be simultaneously achieved for LCP and RCP HHG (11), we selected intensities of each driving field to equally minimize the phase mismatch slightly before the peak of the laser pulse. Furthermore, the intensities selected provide a HHG spectrum that is in very good agreement with the experimental data. For 300 torr of He, a Gaussian mask in the temporal domain of three cycles FWHM is used after performing longitudinal propagation to further remove the non–phase-matched HHG radiation, reproducing the effect of transversal phase-matching.
Fig. S4.
From Fig. S4D, it is clear that at higher pressures, the temporal window for bright harmonic emission is considerably narrower than at lower pressures (Fig. S4B). As a consequence, the harmonic bandwidths broaden in the spectral domain. However, in Fig. S4D, the HHG emission still contains several bursts, enabling the differentiation of LCP and RCP harmonics in the spectrum. If the temporal window was narrower, spectral overlap between LCP and RCP harmonics might occur, and if the window narrowed further, allowing only a single burst, an isolated linearly polarized pulse or a circularly polarized pulse (a linearly polarized supercontinuum or a circularly polarized supercontinuum in the spectral domain) would be obtained if harmonics from both polarization states or from just one polarization state are selected, respectively.
Single-Atom Simulations of the Electron Trajectories in Circular HHG.
This microscopic simulation of the circular HHG in He is based on the strong-field approximation and quantum orbit theory (29). We apply the corresponding semiclassical three-step model (30–32). The driving field wavelengths used are λ1 = 0.78 μm (different from the experimental value of 0.79 μm for simplification) and λ2 = 1.3 μm. This small modification of the driving wavelengths does not significantly change the physics except that the orientation of the trajectories will change slightly. The driving field intensities used are and . The simulations reveal that there are three classes of electron trajectories contributing to the HHG process, as evidenced by the three maxima corresponding to different travel times in Fig. S5A. The electrons can be ionized at different times near the peak of the laser field, and thus they can travel in different trajectories, where each trajectory corresponds to different ionization times and different initial conditions. The largest contribution is from the trajectories that spend the shortest time in the continuum (Fig. S5B) and travel in a mostly out-and-back journey. However, these single-atom simulations show that trajectories with longer travel times make a significant contribution as well. Fig. S5C shows both an out-and-back trajectory and two additional trajectories that move in a more complicated 2D fashion. Fig. S5D shows the electric field experienced by the electron that travels in each of the three trajectories in Fig. S5C, with their ionization and recombination times denoted.
Fig. S5.
Circularly Polarized HHG Flux Characterization.
In this section, the circular HHG photon flux was characterized for Ar, Ne, and He driven by counterrotating, bichromatic drivers 0.79 μm and 1.3 μm at a repetition of 1 kHz. We start from the CCD recorded spectra, from which we can write the HHG spectra in counts per second. Then we find the electrons per count, photons per electron, and quantum efficiency (QE) from the specifications of the CCD we used (for Ar and He, the CCD used is Andor Newton DO940P-BN, for Ne, the CCD used is Andor DO420-BN). The HHG beam also propagates through thin-film filters and a spectrometer. Thus, the final HHG flux in photons/s shown in Fig. S6 are obtained from HHG spectrum from CCD with (counts/s) × (electrons/count) × (photons/electron)/QE/filter transmission/spectrometer efficiency.
Fig. S6.
For Ar, electrons/count = 12.5, photons/electron ∼ 1/11, QE ∼30%, two 200-nm aluminum filters (with transmission efficiency ∼20% after accounting for 20 nm oxidation on both sides) are used, spectrometer efficiency ∼1%.
For Ne, electrons/count = 7, photons/electron ∼1/26, QE ∼70%, two 200-nm zirconium filters (with transmission efficiency ∼40% after accounting for 20 nm oxidation on both sides) are used, spectrometer efficiency ∼0.1%.
For He, electrons/count = 12.5, photons/electron ∼1/30, QE ∼25%, one 200-nm aluminum filter (with transmission efficiency ∼ 40% after accounting for 20 nm oxidation on both sides) and one 200-nm silver filter (with transmission efficiency ∼10% after accounting for 20 nm oxidation on both sides) are used, spectrometer efficiency ∼0.1%.
XMCD Shows the Brightness and Stability of Soft X-ray Circular HHG.
In Fig. S7, we show the XMCD measurements of Gd obtained by taking a 2-min single spectrum when the magnetization of the sample is parallel/antiparallel (I+/I−) with the HHG propagation direction, where the XMCD asymmetry is defined as []. The excellent data quality of this single-spectrum XMCD demonstrates the brightness of this circular HHG source. We note that the XMCD data shown in the main text (Fig. 4) was obtained by averaging 300 spectra, with a 40-s exposure time each. In our experiment setup, the acquisition time of a XMCD spectrum was limited by the speed of the rotational stage that the permanent magnets are mounted on (it takes ∼20 s to rotate from parallel to antiparallel). Thus, that experiment took 600 min in total and we get excellent statistics, which strongly demonstrate the stability of this circular HHG source. The fact that we can achieve good data over total exposure times from 4 min to 600 min demonstrates that this circular HHG source can be used in a pump-probe magnetization dynamics measurement.
Fig. S7.
Finally, we compare the MO constants extracted from our HHG XMCD measurement with literature values for Gd, in particular from Prieto et al. (44). We note that the previous measurements had to be scaled for several reasons. Prieto et al. (44) used a photocurrent method, and calibrated their absorption coefficient at two energy positions far away from the Gd edges using data from Henke et al. (53). Prieto et al. (44) found that the absorption coefficient of Gd N4,5 is around three times higher than expected; to account for this, in Fig. S8, we divide the absorption coefficient from Prieto et al. (44) by a factor of 3.5, and the absorption coefficient from our experiment agrees very well with both the data from Prieto et al. (44) and ref. 53. Because the MO constant is proportional to the absorption coefficient, the MO constant from Prieto et al. (44) also needs to be divided by 3.5; moreover, their definition of the MO constant is two times larger than the definition we use, so the MO constant from Prieto et al. (44) is divided by a factor of 3.5 × 2 = 7 to be comparable with our data. Finally we note that because the soft X-ray circular HHG are elliptically polarized, with ∼0.6 degree of circular polarization, this is taken into account in extracting an accurate MO constant. After appropriate scaling and correcting for the degree of polarization, we see that the MO constants extracted from our data are in very good agreement with previous measurements, as shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. S8.
The authors thank Wilhelm Becker and Luis Plaja for useful discussions. Support for this work was provided by the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Basic Energy Sciences X-Ray Scattering Program and the National Science Foundation (NSF) Physics Frontier Center Program Grant PHY-1125844 (to T.F., P.G., R.K., D.D.H., D.Z., C.G., F.J.D., C.A.M., C.W.H., J.L.E., K.M.D., C.C., T.P., A.B., H.C.K. and M.M.M.); NSF Graduate Research Fellowship DGE-1144083 (to J.L.E.); Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship within the European Union (EU) Seventh Framework Program for Research and Technological Development (2007–2013), under REA Grant 328334 (to C.H.-G.); Junta de Castilla y León Project SA116U13, UIC016 (to C.H.-G.); MINECO Grant FIS2013-44174-P (to C.H.-G.); US NSF Grants PHY-1125844 and PHY-1068706 (to A.A.J.-B.); Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Grant GR 4234/1-1 (to P.G.); Swedish Research Council (R.K. and P.M.O.); EU Seventh Framework Programme Grant 281043, FemtoSpin (to K.C. and P.M.O.); Czech Science Foundation Grant 15-08740Y (to K.C.); IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence Project CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070 funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the national budget of the Czech Republic Project Large Research, Development and Innovations Infrastructures LM2011033 (to D.L.); US DOE, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences Contract DE-SC0001805 (to O.G.S.); and US DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences Award DE-SC0003678 (to E.E.F.). This work used the Janus supercomputer, which is supported by US NSF Award CNS-0821794 and the University of Colorado, Boulder.
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Published online: November 3, 2015
Published in issue: November 17, 2015
The authors thank Wilhelm Becker and Luis Plaja for useful discussions. Support for this work was provided by the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Basic Energy Sciences X-Ray Scattering Program and the National Science Foundation (NSF) Physics Frontier Center Program Grant PHY-1125844 (to T.F., P.G., R.K., D.D.H., D.Z., C.G., F.J.D., C.A.M., C.W.H., J.L.E., K.M.D., C.C., T.P., A.B., H.C.K. and M.M.M.); NSF Graduate Research Fellowship DGE-1144083 (to J.L.E.); Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship within the European Union (EU) Seventh Framework Program for Research and Technological Development (2007–2013), under REA Grant 328334 (to C.H.-G.); Junta de Castilla y León Project SA116U13, UIC016 (to C.H.-G.); MINECO Grant FIS2013-44174-P (to C.H.-G.); US NSF Grants PHY-1125844 and PHY-1068706 (to A.A.J.-B.); Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Grant GR 4234/1-1 (to P.G.); Swedish Research Council (R.K. and P.M.O.); EU Seventh Framework Programme Grant 281043, FemtoSpin (to K.C. and P.M.O.); Czech Science Foundation Grant 15-08740Y (to K.C.); IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence Project CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070 funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the national budget of the Czech Republic Project Large Research, Development and Innovations Infrastructures LM2011033 (to D.L.); US DOE, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences Contract DE-SC0001805 (to O.G.S.); and US DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences Award DE-SC0003678 (to E.E.F.). This work used the Janus supercomputer, which is supported by US NSF Award CNS-0821794 and the University of Colorado, Boulder.
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The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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