Coronavirus hemagglutinin-esterase and spike proteins coevolve for functional balance and optimal virion avidity
Edited by Stanley Perlman, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, and accepted by Editorial Board Member Linda J. Saif August 12, 2020 (received for review April 12, 2020)
Human coronavirus OC43 arose relatively recently, presumably from a bovine coronavirus spillover. Both viruses use 9-O-acetylated sialoglycans as receptors to which they attach via spike protein S. Another envelope protein, hemagglutinin-esterase (HE), serves as a receptor-destroying enzyme. We demonstrate that HE and S are functionally intertwined and that receptor destruction and receptor binding need to be carefully balanced for efficient (pre)attachment. During early emergence of OC43 this balance was reset, presumably as an adaptation to the human host. Such a two-protein mechanism for dynamic virion attachment is unique among coronaviruses, but reminiscent of that of influenza A viruses. Apparently, general principles fundamental to virion–sialoglycan interactions prompted convergent evolution of two zoonotically-relevant groups of pathogens.
Human coronaviruses OC43 and HKU1 are respiratory pathogens of zoonotic origin that have gained worldwide distribution. OC43 apparently emerged from a bovine coronavirus (BCoV) spillover. All three viruses attach to 9-O-acetylated sialoglycans via spike protein S with hemagglutinin-esterase (HE) acting as a receptor-destroying enzyme. In BCoV, an HE lectin domain promotes esterase activity toward clustered substrates. OC43 and HKU1, however, lost HE lectin function as an adaptation to humans. Replaying OC43 evolution, we knocked out BCoV HE lectin function and performed forced evolution-population dynamics analysis. Loss of HE receptor binding selected for second-site mutations in S, decreasing S binding affinity by orders of magnitude. Irreversible HE mutations led to cooperativity in virus swarms with low-affinity S minority variants sustaining propagation of high-affinity majority phenotypes. Salvageable HE mutations induced successive second-site substitutions in both S and HE. Apparently, S and HE are functionally interdependent and coevolve to optimize the balance between attachment and release. This mechanism of glycan-based receptor usage, entailing a concerted, fine-tuned activity of two envelope protein species, is unique among CoVs, but reminiscent of that of influenza A viruses. Apparently, general principles fundamental to virion–sialoglycan interactions prompted convergent evolution of two important groups of human and animal pathogens.
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The subfamily Orthocoronavirinae comprises a group of enveloped positive-strand RNA viruses of clinical and veterinary significance. Adding to the socio-economic impact of coronaviruses (CoVs) already extant in humans and livestock, the emergence of “new” CoVs through cross-species transmission poses an ever-looming threat to public health, animal health, and food production.
Seven CoVs are known to infect humans, but not all of them have become established. The introduction of severe acute respiratory system (SARS) CoV in 2002 from horseshoe bats with masked palm civets as incidental transient hosts, was rapidly contained through quarantine measures (1). Middle East respiratory syndrome CoV, natural to dromedary camels, causes a classic zoonotic infection with limited human-to-human spread (2). December 2019, a member of the species SARS-CoV, called SARS–CoV-2 and 79.5% identical to the 2002 SARS-CoV variant, emerged in Wuhan, China (3, 4) to progress to full-scale pandemicity. Chances are SARS–CoV-2 will eventually become established in the human population.
Four other respiratory coronaviruses of zoonotic origin have succeeded in becoming true human viruses with world-wide distribution (5–7). Among them are HKU1 and OC43 (subgenus Embecovirus, genus Betacoronavirus), related yet distinct viruses that arose from different zoonotic progenitors and entered the human population independently. OC43 is far more related to bovine coronavirus (BCoV), its presumptive ancestor, with early isolates sharing 97% genome identity (8, 9). Together with viruses of swine, canines, equines, and lagomorphs, OC43 and BCoV are considered host range variants of the virus species Betacoronavirus-1 (collectively referred to as β1CoVs throughout) (7). OC43 apparently emerged 70 to 130 y ago from a single cross-species transmission event that gave rise to a human-only virus (8–10). Like OC43, other β1CoVs also exhibit host specificity (8, 11). While these observations attest to the host promiscuity and zoonotic potential of embecoviruses and β1CoVs in particular, they are also indicative for the existence of host barriers, the breaching of which selects for adaptive mutations that result in host specialization and, ultimately, virus speciation. Conceivably, comparative studies of BCoV and OC43 may identify factors that promote or restrict cross-species transmission of CoVs and thus further our understanding of the requirements for colonization of the human host.
Embecoviruses, OC43 and BCoV included, differ from other CoVs in that they encode two types of surface projections. Homotrimeric “peplomers” comprised of spike protein S and extending 20 nm from the viral membrane, mediate virion attachment to entry receptors and membrane fusion (12). Interspersed are stubby 8-nm homodimeric projections comprised of the hemagglutinin-esterase (HE) (13–15), a dual-function protein typically encompassing a receptor-binding lectin domain specific for O-acetylated sialic acid (O-Ac-Sia) and a receptor destroying sialate-O-acetylesterase domain (16–20). The HE lectin domain contributes to virion attachment, but at the same time enhances sialate-O-acetylesterase activity toward clustered sialoglycotopes (11).
Some embecoviruses, like mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) and related CoVs in rodents, attach to 4- or 9-O-acetylated sialosides (4- or 9-O-Ac-Sias) via HE (21–25) and to a proteinaceous entry receptor via S (26, 27). Others, animal β1CoVs included, bind to 9-O-Ac-Sias via HE (28) but, remarkably, also via S (29, 30) or, in the case of human CoVs OC43 and HKU1, even exclusively via S (11, 31, 32).
Structure function analyses of HE and S proteins have yielded a wealth of data on ligand binding, substrate selection, and protein–glycan interactions. The receptor binding sites (RBSs) of CoV HE lectin domains and those in related proteins of toro- and influenza C/D viruses (22, 33–35) differ in sequence and structure yet conform to a common architectural design with a deep hydrophobic pocket (P1) to accommodate the crucial sialate-O-acetyl moiety, and an adjacent pocket or depression (P2) to accept the 5-N-acyl group (17, 21, 22, 33). Characteristically, P1 and P2 are separated by an aromatic side chain and binding of the ligand is stabilized further through electrostatic protein–glycan interactions typically involving distinctive Sia functions, such as the Sia glycerol side chain, the 5-N-Acyl, and the Sia carboxylate. The RBS for 9-O-Ac-Sia in the S proteins of BCoV and OC43, identified by comparative structural analysis (32) and confirmed by the cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) holostructure of OC43 S (36), conforms to this blueprint. Moreover, this site, located in the N-terminal subdomain S1A, is structurally and functionally conserved in HKU1 (32).
Much less is known about the functional relationship between S and HE, and the role of HE in particular remains poorly understood. In MHV, HE expression is dispensable for replication and rapidly lost during cell culture propagation (15). Conversely, in β1CoVs, HE is critical for infection. In OC43, loss of HE-associated acetyl esterase activity abrogates the production of infectious virus and virus dissemination in cell culture (37). Moreover, acetyl-esterase inhibitors block BCoV replication (19), and antibodies against HE neutralize the virus in vitro and in vivo (38–40). Still, even among β1CoVs there are differences in HE function, apparently correlating with host specificity. Whereas HE lectin activity is strictly maintained in BCoV (28), OC43 lost this function through progressive accumulation of mutations in the HE RBS, apparently as an adaptation to replication in the human respiratory tract (11). Nevertheless, isolates of either virus propagate in cultured cells. To better understand the consequences of loss of HE lectin function as it occurred during OC43 and also HKU1 evolution, we took a reverse genetics/forced evolution approach with BCoV as a model. The findings reveal that HE and S are functionally interdependent and that the acquisition of HE by a proto-embecovirus allowed its β1CoV descendants to adopt strategies for reversible virion-sialoglycan attachment, remarkably similar to those of influenza A viruses.
Disruption of HE Lectin Function Selects for Mutations in S.
The receptor-destroying enzyme (RDE) activity of HE facilitates virus release at the end of the infectious cycle but is also important during the very early stages of infection (32, 37). Virions attach to 9-O-Ac-Sia–based receptors via S with fast association and dissociation rates (36). The combination of dynamic S-mediated receptor binding and HE RDE activity results in local receptor depletion, thereby allowing virions to escape from irreversible nonproductive binding to the highly densely clustered decoy receptors in the mucus and glycocalyx. In analogy with influenza A and C viruses (41–44), the repetitive action of binding and catalytic release may translate in virion motility allowing particles to traverse the mucus layer, to pass the glycocalyx, and to reach the entry receptors at the cell surface. We recently demonstrated the importance of HE for infection during (pre)attachment in infection experiments with G-deficient vesicular stomatitis (VSV) particles that were pseudotyped with wild-type BCoV S (pVSV-S). Human rectal tumor 18 (HRT18) cells are abundantly covered with 9-O-Ac-Sias (28) and susceptible to BCoV and OC43. They can also be infected by pVSV-S but the efficiency of infection increases by more than fivefold when enzymatically active, soluble recombinant HE is added to the inoculum (32). Apparently, also in HRT18 cells, the sialoglycans in the glycocalyx act as decoys and their depletion by HE enhances infection.
To study the role and importance of HE during natural β1CoV infection and that of the HE lectin domain especially, we developed a reverse genetics system for BCoV strain Mebus based on targeted RNA recombination (SI Appendix, Fig. S1A) (45, 46). Recombinant wild-type BCoVs (rBCoV) with parental type HE and S, but with accessory ORF4a replaced by the Renilla luciferase gene (rBCoV-Rluc), were readily generated upon seeding acceptor-virus–infected, donor RNA-transfected mouse LR7 cells onto monolayers of feeder HRT18 cells. rBCoV-Rluc arose and within 7 d grew to final titers routinely obtained for wild-type BCoV (∼108 TCID50/mL).
Generating BCoV-Rluc derivatives defective in HE lectin function proved more cumbersome. To abolish the HE RBS, we substituted Phe211, which is crucial for ligand binding (17) (SI Appendix, Fig. S1B), by Ala. To prevent rapid reversion, this was done by introducing two nucleotide substitutions. Mutant viruses were recovered eventually, but in three of four successful trials, a multistep 160-h rescue did not suffice and an additional 72- to 96-h blind passage was required (Fig. 1A).
Fig. 1.
Sequence analysis of clonal virus populations, obtained by endpoint dilution, confirmed the presence of the HE Phe211Ala substitution in all cases. Surprisingly, the purified viruses all suffered single site mutations in S, clustering in domain S1A (amino acids 15 to 302) in proximity of the RBS (Fig. 1 A–C and SI Appendix, Fig. S2). Two of the trials yielded multiple S variants and some variants (Thr83Ile and Leu89Pro) emerged independently in separate experiments (Fig. 1A). The mutations map to three distinct S RBS elements (β1, 3101, and β5) that are essential for ligand binding (Fig. 1C and SI Appendix, Fig. S2C; nomenclature according to ref. 32). Ile26Ser and Asn27Ser locate in the S1A β1 element within the N-terminal L1-β1-L2 segment (amino acids 15 to 33) that walls pocket P1 (32, 36). Moreover, in the OC43 S cryo-EM holostructure, the Asn27 side chain hydrogen bonds with the 9-O-acetyl carbonyl (36). Leu89Pro in S1A element 3101 is immediately adjacent to Trp90. The latter is arguably the most critical residue in the RBS as its indole side chain separates the P1 and P2 pockets, and its replacement precludes receptor binding and virus infectivity (32). Finally, Gly82Glu and Thr83Ile substitutions occurred in S1A element β5 that interacts with the sialate carboxylate through hydrogen bonding with Lys81 and Thr83.
As measured by solid-phase lectin binding assay (sp-LBA) with S1A-Fc fusion proteins and bovine submaxillary mucin (BSM) as ligand, all mutations significantly reduced S binding to 9-O-Ac-Sia, albeit to widely different extents. S1A-Fc binding affinities of the mutants were 500-fold (Asn27Ser) to more than 10,000-fold (Ile26Ser; Gly82Glu) lower than that of parental BCoV S1A-Fc (Fig. 1D).
Destruction of the HE lectin RBS abolishes HE-mediated virion attachment to 9-O-Ac-Sia receptor determinants and causes a reduction in overall virion binding avidity. However, this is clearly not the main defect. The HE-Phe211Ala substitution selected for mutations that markedly decreased the affinity of the S RBS, thus reducing overall virion avidity even more. The data can be understood from our earlier observations that loss of HE lectin function also affects HE’s receptor destroying sialate-O-acetylesterase activity (11). The HE lectin domain serves as a regulator of the esterase domain, its function similar to that of the carbohydrate-binding modules that are appended to the enzyme domains of cellular glycoside hydrolases (47). It promotes receptor-destroying esterase activity toward multivalently presented glycotopes, such as present on mucins by keeping the esterase domain in prolonged close proximity of these clustered ligands. In the case of soluble HE (sHE), inactivation of HE lectin RBS decreases esterase activity toward mucin-associated sialoglycans by up to 500-fold. However, in the natural context of the intact virus particle, with spikes and HE molecules closely packed, the effects are more modest. Virion-associated esterase activity is diminished but still substantial because the lectin function of HE is partially taken over by S (11). Nevertheless, the present observations suggest that the destruction of the BCoV HE RBS creates an imbalance between S-mediated virion attachment and HE-mediated receptor destruction that can only be compensated by strongly reducing S affinity. Again, the observations fit a model in which dynamic binding of virions is crucial for infectivity and in which reversibility of attachments confers virion motility thereby enabling virions to dodge decoy receptors and to browse for entry receptors.
HE Lectin-Deficient Recombinant BCoVs Are Genetically Stable When Grown in the Presence of Exogenous RDE.
To test whether loss of virion-associated RDE activity in rBCoV-HE-F211A/Swt/Rluc might be compensated for by adding exogenous soluble HE to the culture medium, we seeded infected/transfected LR7 cells onto HRT18 cell monolayers, supplemented the cell culture supernatant with BCoV HE-Fc (17) to final concentrations of 1 pg to 10 μg/mL, and allowed infection to proceed for 120 h. While in the absence of HE-Fc there was no sign of virus propagation as detectable by immunofluorescence assay, concentrations of exogenous sialate-O-acetylesterase as low as 1 ng/mL to up to 1 μg/mL promoted virus growth (Fig. 2A).
Fig. 2.
To determine whether these conditions would allow isolation of rBCoV-HE-F211A without mutations in S1A, we performed targeted recombination and rescued recombinant viruses by 160-h multistep propagation as before, but now with culture supernatant supplemented with 100 ng/mL HE-Fc (Fig. 2B). Sanger sequence analysis of RT-PCR amplicons showed that all viruses, cloned by endpoint dilution of the 160-h stock (n = 4), coded for mutant HE-Phe211Ala in combination with wild-type S1A. To assess the stability of clonal rBCoV-HE-F211A/Swt/Rluc, the virus stock was amplified by a low multiplicity of infection (MOI) passage for another 160 h in the presence of exogenous HE-Fc (Fig. 2B). The resulting virus population was analyzed by next-generation sequencing (NGS), which allows for the detection of low-frequency mutants. Sequence variation in HE and S1A was distributed randomly and did not exceed background levels (<0.15%). More than 99.5% of the viruses coded for HE-Phe211Ala, while preserving parental type S1A (Fig. 2B).
Loss of HE Lectin Function Gives Rise to Mixed Virus Population with Competition and Cooperativity among S Affinity Variants.
With a clonal, virtually pure stock of rBCoV-HE-F211A/Swt available, we performed controlled forced evolution experiments. The virus was serially passaged involving three consecutive 120-h multistep propagation rounds in HRT18 cells, but now in the absence of exogenous HE-Fc, with the initial infection performed at an MOI of 0.005 (Fig. 2C). In trial 1, viral titers in passage 1 (p1) increased only slowly to 3 × 104 and 2 × 104 TCID50/mL (measured with or without exogenous HE-Fc, respectively). The withdrawal of exogenous RDE during viral passage immediately selected for mutations in S1A. Virus cloning by endpoint dilution of the 120-h p1 sample yielded S RBS mutants Asn27Ser, Thr83Ile, and Ile26Ser (Fig. 2C), all three of which had been seen before (Fig. 1A). NGS analysis revealed the true complexity of the p1 population (Fig. 2C) and identified two additional S1A variants with substitutions (His173Tyr and Arg197Cys) more distal from the RBS (SI Appendix, Figs. S2D and S3 A and B). His173Tyr also reduced the relative binding affinity of S1A-Fc, albeit less dramatically than the other mutations, namely by 30-fold (Table 1). The Arg197Cys mutation seemingly falls in a separate category and presumably reduces the avidity of S homotrimers by inducing aberrant disulfide bonding and local S1A misfolding in one or more S monomers (SI Appendix, Fig. S3).
Table 1.
Frequency in population* | |||||
S1A | p0 | p1 | p2 | p3 | rAff† |
Wild-type | 100 | 40.90 | 13.90 | 3.00 | 1.0 |
Ile26Ser | 0 | 45.83 | 0.70 | 0.03 | 0.0000625 |
Asn27Ser | 0 | 0.94 | 39.80 | 21.09 | 0.004 |
Val29Gly | 0 | 0 | 4.10 | 0.65 | 0.008 |
Tyr75Cys | 0 | 0 | 1.60 | 0.02 | ND |
Thr83Ile | 0 | 2.90 | 1.60 | 0.21 | 0.002 |
Arg88Thr | 0 | 0 | 2.30 | 9.69 | 0.25 |
His173Tyr | 0 | 5.77 | 5.00 | 8.10 | 0.03 |
Pro174Leu | 0 | 0 | 13.00 | 46.72 | 0.5 |
Arg197Cys | 0 | 2.24 | 17.25 | 10,0.27 | 0.25 |
Thr22Ile | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.015 |
Asn27Tyr | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.002 |
Percental occurrence of BCoV S1A mutations.
Relative S1A binding affinities as measured by equilibrium endpoint solid-phase binding assay with S1A-Fc fusion proteins with that of parental BCoV S1A-Fc (“wild-type”) set at 1.0. S1A variants Thr22Ile and Asn27Tyr emerged only in Exp. 2 (SI Appendix, Fig. S5), but their affinities relative to that of wild-type S1A are shown for comparison. (NA, not applicable; ND, not determined).
All in all, the p1 population was comprised for virtually 100% of HE-Phe211Ala mutants, 40% of which in combination with parental BCoV S, the remaining 60% with second-site mutations in S1A (Fig. 2C and Table 1). Of the latter, the ultralow-affinity variant S1A-Ile26Ser was the most abundant at 46% and the Asn27Ser variant the least at less than 1%. However, upon a subsequent round of 120-h multistep propagation, the tables were turned with S1A-Asn27Ser now comprising almost 40% of the p2 population and with the Ile26Ser variant reduced to 0.7%. In addition, four other S1A variants emerged. One of these had a mutation in S1A RBS loop L1, Val29Gly, and a relative binding affinity close to that of the Asn27Ser mutant (Fig. 2C and Table 1). We also identified at position 75 a second S1A Cys-substitution mutant, which like Arg197Cys, presumably disrupts the RBS through aberrant disulfide bonding (SI Appendix, Fig. S3). Remarkably, two other S1A variants arose with mutations (Arg88Thr and Pro174Leu) that affected the relative binding affinity only modestly to 0.25 and 0.5 of that of wild-type S1A-Fc, respectively (Table 1). Even more remarkably, upon further passage these mutants of near wild-type affinity increased to dominate the p3 population, effectively outcompeting variants with low-affinity spikes as well as those with parental spikes (Fig. 2 C and D). However, when the p1, p2, and p3 stocks were cloned by endpoint dilution in the absence of exogenous HE-Fc, only virus variants with low-affinity mutations in S1A were isolated (Fig. 2C and Table 1). Strikingly, from the p3 stock, the S1A-Asn27Ser variant was isolated exclusively against all odds (10 of 10 tested; P < 10−6) when calculated from its frequency in the population (21%). Conversely, virus cloning by endpoint dilution in the presence of exogenous HE-Fc yielded high-affinity S1A mutants Pro174Leu (5 of 11) and Arg88Thr (4 of 11), parental virus rBCoV-HE-Phe211Ala/Swt (1 of 11), and intermediate S affinity variant His173Tyr (1 of 11).
Notably, the conditions selected not only for mutations in S but also in HE. Variants with an Ala211Val substitution in HE emerged in p2, rising to 17% of the p2 end population, to stabilize around this frequency in p3. As a result of this mutation, HE lectin affinity was regained albeit to levels solely detectable by high-sensitivity nanobead hemagglutination assay assay (HAA), while esterase activity toward clustered glycotopes in BSM increased 4-fold as compared to HE-Phe211Ala, but still remained 125-fold lower than that of wild-type HE (SI Appendix, Fig. S4). Apparently, the increase in HE function, minor as it may be, provides a selective advantage, but apparently one that benefits both low- and high-affinity S variants, because the mutation was found in cloned viruses of either type.
Loss of HE Lectin Function Selects for Virus Swarms with Low-Affinity S Escape Mutants Promoting the Emergence and Propagation of High-Affinity S Variants.
To corroborate our observations, the controlled forced evolution experiment was repeated (SI Appendix, Fig. S5). As compared to the first trial, there was a much faster population built-up already in p1 at 120 h postinfection (hpi) with final titers reaching 4 × 108 and 3.4 × 107 TCID50/mL, when measured in the presence or absence of exogenous HE-Fc, respectively. Surprisingly, in stark contrast to trial 1, the trial 2 p1 population was comprised for about 94% of viruses expressing wild-type BCoV S. Less than 6% consisted of variants with mutations in S1A, four of low receptor binding affinity (Thr22Ile, Asn27Tyr, Val29Gly, His173Tyr), with the exception of Thr22Ile, all at positions seen before, and one of near wild-type binding affinity (Pro174Leu) (Tables 1 and 2). Consistent with our previous findings, however, virus purification through endpoint dilution in the absence of exogenous HE-Fc yielded low-affinity mutants (11 of 11 tested) exclusively (SI Appendix, Fig. S5). If the variants in the trial 2 p1 population were all of equal replicative fitness under the conditions applied, the odds of this result would be less than 1.10−12.
Table 2.
S1A residue | E1 | E2 | E3 | E4 | E5 | E6 | E7 |
Thr-22 | Ile | ||||||
Ile-26 | Ser | Ser | |||||
Asn-27 | Ser | Ser | Tyr | ||||
Val-29 | Gly | Gly | |||||
Tyr-75 | Cys | ||||||
Gly-82 | Glu | ||||||
Thr-83 | Ile | Ile | Ile | Ile/Asn | |||
Arg-88 | Thr | ||||||
Leu-89 | Pro | Pro | Pro | ||||
His-173 | Tyr | Tyr | |||||
Pro-174 | Leu | Leu | |||||
Arg-197 | Cys |
Summary of S1A mutations identified in rBCoVs upon 1) introduction of a HE-Phe211Ala substitution and virus rescue by straight forward targeted recombination (E1 through E4; see also Fig. 1), 2) passage of rBCoV-HE-F211A/Swt in the absence of exogenous HE (E5 and E6), or 3) introduction of a HE-Asn114Thr substitution and subsequent viral passage (E7).
At first glance, the two trials would seem to differ in their outcomes. We offer, however, that the results are in fact consonant and that the main difference is in the speed with which the virus populations increased and evolved. There is an inherent stochastic element to the experimental approach and whether the developing quasi-species undergoes slow-track (Exp. 1) or fast-track evolution (Exp. 2) is likely dependent on the time of advent of the first mutant virus and its properties, for example whether it is an ultralow- (like Ile26Ser) or low-affinity variant (like Asn27Ser). The findings allow for several conclusions. 1) They confirm and firmly establish that loss of HE lectin function selects for mutations in S1A that reduce S receptor-binding affinity and virion avidity. 2) The possibilities to reduce the affinity of the S RBS through single site mutations are finite. In several independent experiments, substitutions in S1A occurred at a limited number of positions, albeit not necessarily by the same residue. For example, Asn27 was replaced both by Ser and Tyr. 3) The mutations that reduce S affinity fall into different categories. Most map within or in close proximity of the RBS to affect receptor–ligand interaction directly. Others, like His173Tyr and Pro174Leu, are more distal from the RBS and apparently affect ligand binding indirectly through long range conformational effects. A third type of mutations, quasi-random Cys substitutions, apparently disrupt S1A folding by promoting nonnative disulfide-bonding. 4) Perhaps most surprisingly, quasi-species developed in which loss of HE lectin function was compensated at the level of the viral population. Minority low-affinity variants, in trial 2, constituting less than 6% of the swarm, not only sustained the replication of high-affinity variants but actually allowed the latter to flourish and amplify to become the majority phenotype. In trial 1, this took multiple passages, and spontaneous mutants with near wild-type S affinity became dominant. In trial 2, residual input virus with wild-type S presumably profited from the early emergence and rapid expansion of the initiating low-affinity variant S1A-Asn27Ser, already during the first 120 h of multistep propagation.
S and HE Proteins Coevolve to Attain Functional Balance and Optimal Virion Avidity.
Among the first mutations fixed upon zoonotic introduction and early emergence of OC43, was a HE-Thr114Asn substitution, which created a glycosylation site at the rim of the lectin domain RBS (11) (Fig. 3A). Glycans attached to HE Asn114 hamper binding to 9-O-Ac-Sia through steric hindrance, causing a 500-fold reduction in HE avidity (Fig. 3B) and a 125-fold in sialate-O-acetylesterase-activity, respectively (Fig. 3C). We introduced the HE Thr114Asn substitution in BCoV, expecting that the glycosylation site would be rapidly lost through any of several single-nucleotide restorative mutations in HE. Indeed, NGS analysis of the virus swarm arising after targeted recombination showed the glycosylation site to be destroyed but only in 10% of the population and exclusively by Ser116Phe substitution (Fig. 3D). This mutation only partially restores HE receptor binding and receptor destruction to 0.125 and 0.17 of that of wild-type HE, respectively (Fig. 3 B and C). In the vast majority of viruses, the newly introduced HE glycosylation site was retained and, instead, low-affinity S1A mutations were selected again, with S-RBS Thr83 replaced either by Ile (69%)—as seen before (Figs. 1A and 2C and Table 1)—or by Asn (10%) (Fig. 3D). The latter mutation reduces S1A affinity to 0.008 of that of wild-type.
Fig. 3.
Virus cloning by endpoint dilution yielded, in three of five isolates, S1A-Thr83Asn variants with the newly introduced N-glycosylation site in HE still intact (HE-Thr114Asn). Furthermore, a single S1A-Thr83Ile variant was isolated, but this virus in addition had lost the N-glycosylation site in HE (HE-Thr114Asn/Ser116Phe) (Fig. 3D). The observations led us to entertain the possibility that the mutations in S1A and HE did not occur independently and that, even in viruses expressing low-affinity spikes, partially restorative mutations in HE would yet provide a selective advantage. To test this, the clonal S1A-Thr83Asn/HE-Thr114Asn variants were serially passaged. All three viruses independently lost HE glycosylation at Asn114over time and, saliently, again through Ser116Phe substitution exclusively. Even more remarkably, with HE-Ser116Phe mutants gaining dominance, variants emerged that had restored S affinity to (near) wild-type through substitution of S1A-Asn83 either by Thr or by Ser (Fig. 3E).
For one of the five clonal populations obtained by endpoint dilution, we unfortunately failed to determine its genotype for technical reasons. From the NGS analysis of the p1 population, we deduced that the starting mutant must have been a low-affinity S1A-Leu89Pro variant that, like the S1A-Thr83Asn/Ile variants described above, quickly lost the HE-Asn114 glycan through an HE-Ser116Phe substitution. Oddly enough, the Leu89Pro substitution had not been detected by NGS in the precloning virus stock. Note, however, that this mutation had been selected before twice independently in trials with rBCoV-HE-F211A (Table 2). Possibly, it arose spontaneously during endpoint dilution procedure. Be that as it may, its in vitro evolution proved informative (Fig. 4A). NGS analysis of a passage p1 population, resulting from 120-h multistep propagation, showed that 100% of the viruses coded for HE-Thr114Asn/Ser116Phe in combination with S1A-Pro89 (53.3%), -Thr89 (40.5%), or -Ser89 (2%). Note that the relationship between these variants and the course of evolution—from Leu89 in the parental recombinant virus to Pro and from Pro to Thr or Ser—is evident from the codon sequences (CTA→CCA→T/ACA; mutations indicated in bold and italicized) and that the Thr89 and Ser89 substitutions restored S RBS affinity almost to that of wild-type RBS (Fig. 4B). All three variants (S1A-Pro89, -Thr89, and -Ser89) were readily cloned and isolated by standard endpoint dilution, and propagated independently without a requirement for exogenous RDE. p1 also contained a minor population of viruses with parental S1A, presumably regenerated from S1A-Pro89, which as for the S1A-Thr89 and Ser89 variants would have required only a single nucleotide substitution (CCA→CTA). Apparently, with HE lectin function partially restored, viruses that regained (near) wild-type S affinity had a selective advantage. At the end of passage p2, the low-affinity S1A-Pro89 variants had dwindled to less than 1.5%, S1A-Thr89 had become dominant at 75% and viruses with wild-type S1A-Leu89 had rapidly risen from 2.25% in p1 to 23% (Fig. 4A).
Fig. 4.
In summary, the reduction in HE receptor-binding affinity resulting from the introduction of an N-linked glycosylation site triggered a series of successive mutations in S and HE. The mutations, first emerging in S, strongly decreased overall virion avidity initially, but mutants were then selected that stepwise, through loss of the HE 114-glycosylation site followed by restorative mutations in S, reverted to near wild-type avidity. Thus, the data directly demonstrate HE/S coevolution. Moreover, the findings suggest that virions are under selective pressure not only to balance receptor-binding and receptor-destroying activities in apparent relation to cell-surface receptor-densities, but also, within these constrains, to optimize virion avidity (for a schematic summary of the findings, see Fig. 4C).
Cell Culture Adapted BCoV and OC43 Strains Differ in Their Set Point of the S/HE Balance.
Loss-of-function mutations in the BCoV HE lectin domain had a much bigger impact on BCoV propagation than expected. The prototype OC43 laboratory strain USA/1967 also lacks HE lectin function, yet in HRT18 cells it grows to titers comparable to those of BCoV reference strain Mebus. NGS of OC43 stocks revealed heterogeneity, but no indications for the existence of low S affinity minority variants that would support replication of majority high S affinity viruses. In addition, clonal virus populations obtained by endpoint dilution (10 of 10) all conformed to the S1A master sequence. We offer that instead OC43-USA/1967 may have reached a viable S/HE balance compatible with efficient in vitro propagation through adaptations in S that reduced receptor-binding affinity or altered receptor fine-specificity. When measured by solid-phase assay with bivalent S1A-Fc fusion proteins, binding of the S protein of OC43 USA/1967 to BSM, containing both mono- and di-O-acetylated α2,6-sialoglycans, is 16- to 32-fold lower than that of BCoV-Mebus (32). sp-LBA with BSM preparations, selectively depleted for either 9-O- or 7,9-di-O-Sias, showed that BCoV S, like BCoV HE (28), preferentially binds to 7,9-di-O-Ac-Sias (SI Appendix, Fig. S6A). OC43 USA/1967 S1A may not share this preference. Apparently due to its low affinity, detectable binding to BSM was lost upon depletion of either type of Sia (SI Appendix, Fig. S6A). Moreover, even though BCoV-Mebus S preferably binds to 7,9-di-O-Ac-Sia, monovalent one-on-one binding of the BCoV S1A domain to α2,6-linked 9-O-acetylated Sia is still threefold stronger than that of OC43-USA/1967 as measured by biolayer interferometry (SI Appendix, Fig. S6B). On a cautionary note, the isolation and complex passage history of OC43-USA/1967 (48, 49) entailed several passages in human tracheal organ culture, suckling mouse brain and many rounds of replication in cultured cells (9), which would have given the virus ample opportunity to adapt to the in vitro conditions. Thus, the binding characteristics of its spike may not faithfully reflect those in circulating field variants. Indeed, OC43 variants in sputum samples, contrary to the OC43 USA/1967, replicate in airway epithelial cell cultures but not in tissue culture cells (50).
Coevolution and Functional Interdependence of Embecovirus S and HE Proteins.
Our findings demonstrate that in the prototypic β1CoV BCoV the envelope proteins S and HE are functionally entwined and coevolve. We posit that the same holds for other members of the species Betacoronavirus-1, including its zoonotic descendant human CoV OC43 and related viruses of swine, rabbits, dogs, and horses, as well as for other Embecovirus species, most prominently among which human CoV HKU1. The data lead us to conclude that the respective activities of S and HE in receptor-binding and catalysis-driven virion elution are balanced to ensure dynamic reversible virion attachment and, thereby, efficient virus propagation. In consequence, for the viruses listed above, the roles of S and HE during natural infection cannot be understood in isolation but must be considered in unison.
Using a reverse genetics-based forced evolution approach with BCoV as a model system, we showed that loss of HE lectin function causes an offset in S/HE balance, practically incompatible with virus propagation and spread. With the HE lectin domain as modulator of esterase activity, mutations that decrease or abolish HE RBS affinity reduce virion-associated sialate-O-acetylesterase activity toward clustered glycotopes on hypervalent glycoconjugates (11), such as are present in the mucus and glycocalyx in natural tissues and on the surface of cultured cells. The extent of the resultant defect is such that compensatory second-site mutations in S are selected for that dramatically reduce S RBS affinity, apparently to restore reversibility of binding and virion motility as an escape ticket from inadvertent virion attachment to decoy receptors.
The single-amino acid mutations in receptor-binding domain S1A were limited to a finite number of positions. They were either within or proximal to the RBS to directly affect protein–ligand interactions, or more distal to reduce RBS affinity through long-range effects or by disrupting local folding through aberrant disulfide-bonding. Whereas the parental recombinant viruses, defective in HE lectin function but with wild-type S RBS affinity, require an external source of receptor-destroying enzyme for propagation, their progeny escape mutants regained propagation-independence by lowering S affinity.
In expanding clonal populations of HE-defective rBCoV-HE-F211A, propagated in the absence of exogenous receptor-destroying enzyme activity, viruses with reduced S affinity gained a selective advantage initially. Eventually, however, quasi-species developed in which loss of HE lectin function was compensated at the population level. Variants that combined the HE-Phe211Ala mutation with (near) wild-type affinity S proteins increased to dominate the swarm at least numerically. Still, these high-affinity S variants for their proliferation were strictly reliant on minority low-affinity S variants. This relationship extends beyond cooperativity and group selection described for other systems (51–57) and amounts to a state of dependency. We propose that the virions of the low-affinity minority variants provide aid by serving as a source of exogenous sialate-O-acetylesterase activity. They evade decoy receptors through enhanced reversibility of virion attachment, but this phenomenon increases their motility—whether by sliding diffusion or binding/rebinding—causing them to deplete cell surface 9-O-Ac-Sias, decoy receptors, and functional receptors alike. With increasing concentrations of low-affinity virions in the culture supernatant, high-affinity variants would profit progressively, whereas falling cell surface receptor densities would put the low-affinity viruses increasingly at a disadvantage.
The forced evolution trials performed with rBCoV-HE-F211A were restricted in course and outcome by design, because full reversion would require simultaneous mutation of two adjacent nucleotides. Moreover, the crucial role of the Phe211 in ligand binding (SI Appendix, Fig. S1) obviates conservative substitutions (17). Although rBCoV-HEA211V variants did emerge in two separate experiments, this mutation only marginally increases HE RBS affinity and sialate-O-acetylesterase activity.
In contrast to the HE-Phe211Ala mutation, the deleterious effect of N-glycosylation at HE-Asn114 can be reversed, completely or partially, through various single-nucleotide substitutions in codons 114 and 116 and would therefore more readily allow for compensatory mutations also in HE. Indeed, serial passage of the rBCoV-HE-Thr114Asn resulted in a succession of mutations alternatingly in HE and S. The order of appearance of these mutations and their effect on protein function indicated that they were not fixed to merely restore the balance between attachment and catalysis-driven virion elution. The HE-Thr114Asn substitution initially selected for second-site mutations that reduced S affinity (Thr83Ile, Thr83Asn, and Leu89Pro), but with propagation thus recovered, derivatives rapidly emerged with increased HE lectin and esterase activity through a Ser116Phe mutation. Apparently, this created an HE/S disbalance that in turn favored the selection of viruses with revertant mutations in S that raised S RBS affinity again to wild-type (Thr83 → Ile → Thr; Leu89 → Pro → Leu) or near wild-type levels (Thr83 → Ile → Ser; Leu89 → Pro→ Thr/Ser). Conjointly, our findings indicate that through an initial sharp reduction in overall avidity, compensatory to loss of HE function, virus particles regained the capacity of eluding nonproductive attachment to decoy receptors but at a fitness penalty. The decrease in S RBS affinity would predictably lower the specific infectivity of virus particles through a decrease in productive host cell attachment. The rapid selection of the HE-Ser116Phe mutation in a low-affinity S background can thus be understood to have increased virion avidity, albeit through HE and rather than through S. HE does have a dual function after all, and in influenza viruses C and D as well as in murine coronavirus-1, it is a receptor-binding protein first and foremost (22, 35, 58–61). Of note, the partial Ser116Phe reversion of HE consistently seen in multiple independent experiments suggests that a return to (near) wild-type lectin and esterase activity along with a low-affinity S would have tipped the scale too much toward catalytic virion release. We posit that in addition to an optimal balance between receptor binding and receptor destruction, the system strives toward optimal virion avidity (Fig. 4C).
Under natural circumstances, the set-point of the S/HE balance would be tailored to conditions met in the target tissues of the intact host. The spontaneous loss of HE lectin function in OC43 and HKU1 may thus be understood to have arisen through convergent evolution as an adaptation to the sialoglycan composition of the mucus in the human upper respiratory tract, and that of the glycocalyx of the respiratory epithelia (11). This change, which would predictably reduce virion-associated receptor destruction and hence decrease virion elution, might have been selected for by low density occurrence of 9-O-Ac-sialoglycans in the human upper airways. In accordance, limited tissue array analyses with HE-based virolectins suggested that these sugars are not particularly prevalent in the human respiratory tract and by far not as ubiquitous as in the gut (28). However, full understanding of how the S/HE balance was reset in OC43 and HKU1 upon their zoonotic introduction and why awaits further analysis of the binding properties and ligand fine-specificity of the S proteins of naturally occurring variants, as well as more quantitative and comprehensive interhost comparative analyses of airway sialoglycomes. As an added complication, virion particles encounter widely different circumstances while traversing the mucus layer, at the epithelial cell surface, during local cell-to-cell dissemination, and during transmission. It is an open question whether this selects for majority phenotypes that can cope individually and independently with each of these different conditions by striking an uneasy compromise with regard to HE/S balance and overall virion avidity, or whether there is loco-temporal selection for swarms of variants that collectively allow the virus population as a whole to overcome each hurdle.
Similarities between Embeco- and Influenza A Viruses Point to Common Principles of Virion-Sialoglycan Receptor-Usage.
The embecovirus HE gene originated from a horizontal gene transfer event, presumably with an influenza C/D-like virus as donor (17, 62). Like the orthomyxovirus hemagglutinin-esterase-fusion proteins, the newly acquired coronavirus HE protein provided the acceptor virus with an opportunity to reversibly bind to 9-O-Ac-sialoglycans (26). This in turn would seem to have prompted a shift in the receptor-specificity of S through adaptations in S1A that created a 9-O-Ac-Sia binding site de novo so that virions could now attach to these receptor determinants also via S. The embecoviruses thus adopted a strategy of receptor usage entailing a concerted and carefully fine-tuned activity of two envelope proteins that is unique among coronaviruses, but uncannily similar to that of influenza A viruses. In the latter, the hemagglutinin protein HA, as a pendant of S, mediates binding to either α2,3- or α2,6-linked sialosides, while the neuraminidase (NA), like HE, is a receptor-destroying enzyme but with a substrate fine-specificity that closely matches HA ligand preference (63). For influenza A virus, the existence and biological relevance of a functional balance between receptor binding and receptor destruction is well recognized (64–67). This balance is critical for receptor-associated virus motility through the mucus and at the cell surface (41, 43, 44, 68–70). Complete or partial loss of NA activity—whether invoked spontaneously, through reverse genetics or by viral propagation in the presence of NA inhibitors—selects for mutations around the HA receptor-binding pocket that reduce HA affinity (65, 71, 72).
Furthermore, as proposed here for HE, NA contributes to virion attachment and even compensates for loss of virion avidity in mutant viruses with reduced HA affinity (73). Different from HE, NA may do so via its catalytic pocket, which doubles as a Sia-binding site (74). However, NA also possesses a second Sia binding site (75, 76), which like the HE lectin domain, regulates NA activity and which, in further analogy, is conserved or lost in apparent correlation with host tropism (77–79). Finally, among many other similarities to embecoviruses, influenza A variants with different set points in their HA-NA functional balance may cooperate to support their propagation in cultured cells (53). Our observations establish that there are common principles of virion–sialoglycan interactions that prompted convergent evolution of β1CoVs and influenza A viruses. Although these two groups of viruses essentially differ in genome type and replication strategy, envelope proteins, and receptors, they seem to be subject to the same rules of engagement with respect to dynamic receptor binding, the differences between them constituting variations on a theme. This implies that observations made for the one system are informative for the other. Perhaps more importantly, insight into the overriding principles of virus–glycan interactions may open avenues to common strategies for antiviral intervention.
Materials and Methods
Cells and Viruses.
HRT18 (ATCC CCL244) and mouse LR7 (45) cells were maintained in DMEM containing 10% fetal calf serum (FCS), penicillin (100 IU/mL), and streptomycin (100 µg/mL). BCoV strain Mebus and OC43 strain USA/1967, purchased from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), were propagated in HRT18 cells.
Reverse Genetics through Targeted Recombination.
A reverse genetics system based on targeted RNA recombination was developed for BCoV strain Mebus essentially as described previously (15, 45, 80). Using conventional cloning methods, RT-PCR amplicons of the 5′-terminal 601 nt and 3′-terminal 9,292 nt of the BCoV strain Mebus genome (reference GenBank sequence U00735.2) were fused and cloned in plasmid pUC57, downstream of a T7 RNA polymerase promotor and upstream of a 25-nt poly(A) tract and a PacI site, yielding pD-BCoV1. From this construct, BCoV ORF 4a was deleted (nucleotides 27740 to 27853) and replaced by the Renilla luciferase (Rluc) gene, yielding pD-BCoV-Rluc. A second pD-BCoV1 derivative, pD-mBCoVΔHE, was created by replacing the coding sequence for the ectodomain of BCoV S (nucleotides 23641 to 27433) by the corresponding MHV-A59 sequence and by deleting the BCoV HE gene (nucleotides 22406 to 23623). The nucleotide sequences of pD-BCoV1, pD-BCoV-Rluc and pD-mBCoVΔHE, determined by bidirectional Sanger sequence analysis, were deposited in GenBank (accession codes: MT939521–MT939523).
To generate a recombinant chimeric acceptor virus, mBCoV∆HE, HRT18 cells were infected with BCoV-Mebus at MOI of 10 TCID50 per cell and trypsinized and resuspended in PBS. An aliquot of this suspension, containing 1.5 × 106 cells in 0.8 mL, was mixed with capped synthetic RNA that had been produced by in vitro transcription using the mMESSAGE mMACHINE T7 Transcription Kit (Thermo Fisher) with PacI-linearized mBCoV∆HE vector as template. The mixture was subjected to two consecutive electrical pulses of 850 V at 20 μF with a Gene Pulser II electroporator (Bio-Rad) and the cells were then seeded on a confluent monolayer of LR7 feeder cells in a 35-mm dish. Incubation was continued at 37 °C, 5% CO2 for 18 h posttransfection until wide-spread cytopathic effect was apparent. The cell culture supernatant was harvested and cleared by low-speed centrifugation at 1,200 rpm, and mBCoV∆HE was purified by end-point dilution and used to generate stocks for future usage in LR7 cells.
To generate luciferase-expressing rBCoVs with the BCoV HE and S genes reconstituted (i.e., rBCoVwt or rBCoV-HE-Phe211Ala) LR7 cells, infected with mBCoV∆HE at MOI of 5, were electroporated as described above with synthetic RNA transcribed from pD-BCoV-Rluc and derivatives thereof. The infected and transfected cells were then seeded on HRT18 cell monolayers in 35-mm plates for up to 160 h. For rescue and propagation of rBCoV-HE-Phe211Ala without second-site mutations in S, the cell culture supernatants were supplemented with 100 ng/mL of BCoV HE-Fc protein (17). After 5 to 7 d of incubation at 37 °C, samples of the cell culture supernatants were tested for infectivity by transferring them to HRT18 cell monolayers grown on 12-mm glass coverslips in 15.6-mm wells. Incubation was continued for 12 h, after which the cells were fixed with paraformaldehyde and immunofluorescence staining was performed with polyclonal antiserum from a BCoV-infected cow.
Virus Titration, Purification, and Characterization of Viral Populations.
mBCoV was titrated and cloned by endpoint dilution on LR7 cells with cytopathic effect as read-out. rBCoVs were titrated and cloned in HRT18 cells. To identify infected wells, cell supernatants were analyzed by HAA with rat erythrocytes (26) and by Renilla luciferase assay (Dual-Luciferase Reporter Assay System, Promega). Titers were calculated by the Spearman–Kaerber formula. Clonal virus populations were characterized by isolating viral RNA from 150-µL aliquots of the cell culture supernatant with the NucleoSpin RNA Virus kit (Macherey-Nagel) followed by conventional RT-PCR and bidirectional Sanger sequence analysis.
Controlled Forced Evolution Experiments.
Confluent HRT18 monolayers (5 × 106 cells) grown in 25-cm2 flasks, were inoculated with rBCoV-HE-F211A at MOI 0.005 in PBS for 1 h at 37 °C. The cells were washed three times with PBS to remove residual exogeneous HE-Fc and incubation was continued in DMEM + 10% FCS at 37 °C, 5% CO2 for 120 hpi with samples collected every 24 h (p1). Subsequent 120-h passages were performed by adding 10 µL of supernatant to new cultures of HRT18 cells in 25-cm2 flasks.
Expression and Purification of HE-Fc and S1A-Fc Proteins.
BCoV HE, either enzymatically-active (HE+) or rendered inactive through a Ser40Ala substitution (HE0), and OC43 S1A were expressed as Fc fusion proteins in HEK293T cells and purified from the cell supernatant by protein A affinity chromatography, as detailed previously (17, 32). Monomeric S1A was obtained by on-the bead thrombin cleavage (32). pCD5-BCoVHE-T-Fc vectors (17) encoding mutant BCoV HE derivatives were constructed with the Q5 Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit per the instructions of the manufacturer.
Pseudovirus Entry Assays.
The production of BCoV S-pseudotyped VSV-ΔG particles, their characterization by Western blot analysis, and infectivity assays in HRT18 cells were as described previously (32).
sp-LBA was performed as described previously (32) with BSM (Sigma-Aldrich), coated to 96-well Maxisorp microtitre ELISA plates (Nunc, 0.1 µg BSM per well), serving as a ligand. Binding assays were performed with twofold serial dilutions of HE0-Fc, S1A-Fc, or mutated derivatives thereof. Receptor-destroying esterase activities of soluble HEs were measured by on-the-plate 9-O-Ac-Sia depletion assays, as described previously (11, 28).
Hemagglutination Assay.
HAA was performed with rat erythrocytes (Rattus norvegicus strain Wistar; 50% suspension in PBS). Standard HAA was done with twofold serial dilutions of HE0-Fc proteins (starting at 25 ng per well) as described previously (17). High-sensitivity nanoparticle HAA (NP-HAA) was performed as in refs. 32 and 81. Briefly, self-assembling 60-meric nanoparticles, comprised of lumazine synthase (LS), N-terminally extended with the immunoglobulin Fc-binding domain of the Staphylococcus aureus protein A, were complexed with HE0-Fc proteins at a 1:0.6 molar ratio for 30 min on ice. The HE0-Fc-loaded nanoparticles were then twofold serially diluted and mixed 1:1 (vol/vol) with rat erythrocytes (0.5% in PBS). Incubation was for 2 h at 4 °C after which HAA titers were read.
NGS Analysis.
Viral RNA from culture supernatants was isolated as described above. HE and S1A coding regions from viral genome of different virus populations were obtained by RT-PCR with primer sets HEF 5′-TTAGATTATGGTCTAAGCATCATG-3′ and HER 5′-TTAGATTATGGTCTAAGCATCATG-3′, S1AF 5′-ACCATGTTTTTGATACTTTTA-3′ and S1AR 5′-AGATTGTGTTTTACACTTAATCTC-3′, respectively. Amplicons were processed in the NGSgo workflow for Illumina according to the Instructions for Use (Edition 4), except that the fragmentation was prolonged to 40 min at 25 °C (protocol 3A). Briefly, amplicons were subjected to fragmentation and adapter ligation using NGSgo-LibrX (GenDx). Size selection and clean-up of the samples was performed with SPRI beads (Machery-Nagel). Unique barcodes were ligated to each sample using NGSgo-IndX (GenDx), after which all samples were pooled and subsequently purified with SPRI beads, resulting in a library of fragments between ∼400 and 1,000 bp. The DNA fragments were denatured and paired-end sequenced on a MiSeq platform (Illumina) using a 300-cycle kit (V2). FASTQ files were analyzed in NGSengine (GenDx), which aligned the reads to the reference sequences of HE and S (reference GenBank sequence U00735.2 for BCoV strain Mebus, and NC_006213.1 for OC43 strain USA/1967). For the characterization of each virus sample, amplicons from five independent RT-PCR reactions were analyzed in parallel and mutation frequencies were determined by averaging the results from these five replicates.
Data Availability
We thank Dr. Jolanda de Groot-Mijnes (Medical Microbiology, University Medical Center Utrecht) for critical reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. This study was supported by China Scholarship Council Grant 2014-03250042 (to Y.L.) and by TOP-PUNT Grant 718.015.003 of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (to G.-J.B.).
Supporting Information
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© 2020. Published under the PNAS license.
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Submission history
Published online: September 29, 2020
Published in issue: October 13, 2020
We thank Dr. Jolanda de Groot-Mijnes (Medical Microbiology, University Medical Center Utrecht) for critical reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. This study was supported by China Scholarship Council Grant 2014-03250042 (to Y.L.) and by TOP-PUNT Grant 718.015.003 of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (to G.-J.B.).
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. S.P. is a guest editor invited by the Editorial Board.
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The authors declare no competing interest.
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